- The struggle to right oneself http://flic.kr/p/9u6Dj6 #
- OH: "there's a troupe of mimes…" #planedelay #dc #italianopera #random #
- At donors choose http://flic.kr/p/9uqoeu #
- Current status: http://youtu.be/VqyqHZEDbRI #
- Looking forward to this Friday's PDX11 Civic Unconference: http://bit.ly/fAiVxl #
- Awww. I <3 you portland: http://bit.ly/fyIrKj #
- jealous of @debbryant and others at #NASAoss #
- Have you registered for PDX11 Civic Hackathon yet? Do it now so we have enough beer and food! http://pdx11unconference.eventbrite.com/ #
- More about #pdx11 civic unconference: http://pdx11.org/node/2919 #
- Set up an IRC channel for #pdx11 on freenode #
- 5 Google engineering management mistakes: http://chesnok.com/u/19 #
- Registrations keep rolling in for the #pdx11 unconference: http://pdx11unconference.eventbrite.com/ #
- i totally giggled about noops. http://blogs.forrester.com/mike_gualtieri/11-02-07-i_dont_want_devops_i_want_noops #
- Where meritocracy fails http://chesnok.com/u/1a (me writing out what i meant last week about this) #
- wow! the meritocracy post got linked on HN: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2390757 #
- Not a joke! #PDX11 Civic Unconference kicks off tonight at 5pm: http://pdx11unconference.eventbrite.com/ #
- Setup for #pdx11 unconference http://t.co/nzg5MtZ #
- Tons of free food and beer at psu engineering bldg until 8pm. Stop by 🙂 #
- Pdx11 meetup http://flic.kr/p/9vbvK5 #
- Headed to #pdx11 afterparty at vendetta #
- Pdx tech community goes hard in the paint. #forreal #pdx11 #
- dangerously fun night with @po8, @WardCunningham, @mildwail and @kquetzl. looking forward to today's #pdx11 unconference and hackathon! #
- on my way to PSU #
- First #pdx11 unconf discussion: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/who-wants-fiber-pdx11-unconference #
- Starting up the #pdx11 conversation about data.gov #
- etherpad for convo: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/datagov-shutdown-pdx11-unconference #
- So, I registered a domain. Notes that lead to it here: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/datagov-shutdown-pdx11-unconference #pdx11 #
- #pdx11 lunch is served! #
- Here's video from this morning's #pdx11 civic unconference kickoff: http://blip.tv/file/4967795 #
- Reminder about happy hour "suds and spirits" reception with the PDC April 6: http://pdx11.org/node/4017 #
- Great photos from Sam Churchill from today's #pdx11 event http://www.flickr.com/photos/samchurchill/sets/72157626415775186/ #
Tag Archives: tweets
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-04-03
- The struggle to right oneself http://flic.kr/p/9u6Dj6 #
- OH: "there's a troupe of mimes…" #planedelay #dc #italianopera #random #
- At donors choose http://flic.kr/p/9uqoeu #
- Current status: http://youtu.be/VqyqHZEDbRI #
- Looking forward to this Friday's PDX11 Civic Unconference: http://bit.ly/fAiVxl #
- Awww. I <3 you portland: http://bit.ly/fyIrKj #
- jealous of @debbryant and others at #NASAoss #
- Have you registered for PDX11 Civic Hackathon yet? Do it now so we have enough beer and food! http://pdx11unconference.eventbrite.com/ #
- More about #pdx11 civic unconference: http://pdx11.org/node/2919 #
- Set up an IRC channel for #pdx11 on freenode #
- 5 Google engineering management mistakes: http://chesnok.com/u/19 #
- Registrations keep rolling in for the #pdx11 unconference: http://pdx11unconference.eventbrite.com/ #
- i totally giggled about noops. http://blogs.forrester.com/mike_gualtieri/11-02-07-i_dont_want_devops_i_want_noops #
- Where meritocracy fails http://chesnok.com/u/1a (me writing out what i meant last week about this) #
- wow! the meritocracy post got linked on HN: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2390757 #
- Not a joke! #PDX11 Civic Unconference kicks off tonight at 5pm: http://pdx11unconference.eventbrite.com/ #
- Setup for #pdx11 unconference http://t.co/nzg5MtZ #
- Tons of free food and beer at psu engineering bldg until 8pm. Stop by 🙂 #
- Pdx11 meetup http://flic.kr/p/9vbvK5 #
- Headed to #pdx11 afterparty at vendetta #
- Pdx tech community goes hard in the paint. #forreal #pdx11 #
- dangerously fun night with @po8, @WardCunningham, @mildwail and @kquetzl. looking forward to today's #pdx11 unconference and hackathon! #
- on my way to PSU #
- First #pdx11 unconf discussion: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/who-wants-fiber-pdx11-unconference #
- Starting up the #pdx11 conversation about data.gov #
- etherpad for convo: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/datagov-shutdown-pdx11-unconference #
- So, I registered a domain. Notes that lead to it here: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/datagov-shutdown-pdx11-unconference #pdx11 #
- #pdx11 lunch is served! #
- Here's video from this morning's #pdx11 civic unconference kickoff: http://blip.tv/file/4967795 #
- Reminder about happy hour "suds and spirits" reception with the PDC April 6: http://pdx11.org/node/4017 #
- Great photos from Sam Churchill from today's #pdx11 event http://www.flickr.com/photos/samchurchill/sets/72157626415775186/ #
twittering on 2011-04-02
- Not a joke! #PDX11 Civic Unconference kicks off tonight at 5pm: http://pdx11unconference.eventbrite.com/ #
- Setup for #pdx11 unconference http://t.co/nzg5MtZ #
- Tons of free food and beer at psu engineering bldg until 8pm. Stop by 🙂 #
- Pdx11 meetup http://flic.kr/p/9vbvK5 #
- Headed to #pdx11 afterparty at vendetta #
- Pdx tech community goes hard in the paint. #forreal #pdx11 #
twittering on 2011-04-01
- wow! the meritocracy post got linked on HN: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2390757 #
twittering on 2011-03-31
- Have you registered for PDX11 Civic Hackathon yet? Do it now so we have enough beer and food! http://pdx11unconference.eventbrite.com/ #
- More about #pdx11 civic unconference: http://pdx11.org/node/2919 #
- Set up an IRC channel for #pdx11 on freenode #
- 5 Google engineering management mistakes: http://chesnok.com/u/19 #
- Registrations keep rolling in for the #pdx11 unconference: http://pdx11unconference.eventbrite.com/ #
- i totally giggled about noops. http://blogs.forrester.com/mike_gualtieri/11-02-07-i_dont_want_devops_i_want_noops #
- Where meritocracy fails http://chesnok.com/u/1a (me writing out what i meant last week about this) #
twittering on 2011-03-30
- At donors choose http://flic.kr/p/9uqoeu #
- Current status: http://youtu.be/VqyqHZEDbRI #
- Looking forward to this Friday's PDX11 Civic Unconference: http://bit.ly/fAiVxl #
- Awww. I <3 you portland: http://bit.ly/fyIrKj #
- jealous of @debbryant and others at #NASAoss #
twittering on 2011-03-30
- At donors choose http://flic.kr/p/9uqoeu #
- Current status: http://youtu.be/VqyqHZEDbRI #
- Looking forward to this Friday's PDX11 Civic Unconference: http://bit.ly/fAiVxl #
- Awww. I <3 you portland: http://bit.ly/fyIrKj #
- jealous of @debbryant and others at #NASAoss #
twittering on 2011-03-29
- The struggle to right oneself http://flic.kr/p/9u6Dj6 #
- OH: "there's a troupe of mimes…" #planedelay #dc #italianopera #random #
twittering on 2011-03-27
- Highline http://flic.kr/p/9tttgz #
- After the rain, gallery in chelsea http://flic.kr/p/9txKyj #
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-03-27
- Most entertaining squirrel proof feeder http://flic.kr/p/9rPWGD #
- Radioactivity measurements culled from PDFs #smalldata #ftw #fukushima http://chesnok.com/u/M #
- Did you know you can still attend the JSConf Party on May 1? http://jsconfus2011.eventbrite.com/ (details: http://2011.jsconf.us/) #
- #protip opening a filehandle to /dev/null with psycopg2 and copy_expert makes it so you can get the # of rows inserted by COPY #
- #protip you can grab the result from .statusmessage #psycopg2 #
- In nyc! For #pgeast #
- Headed to birdland for the evening. Yay! #
- Mirror mirrormirror http://t.co/v2u7MdL #
- Made it to Kevin Grittner's talk on true serializability at #pgeast /cc @emmaemailtech #
- We now recognize "dangerous structures" in postgres #pgeast #awesome #
- It would totally be ok for the air conditioning to turn off now that it is 65F in this room on a snowy day. #pgeast #
- The implementation of SSI is based on a SIGMOD paper published in 2008. This is the first known production implementation of it! #pgeast #
- relevant papers for SSI: http://chesnok.com/u/V http://chesnok.com/u/U #
- some folks at MIT are using a modified version of Postgres 8.2 to create a transaction aware version of memcached #pgeast #
- and so they're interested in SSI because it is non-blocking, could register a transaction to hold predicate locks #pgeast #
- Having good chats at #pgeast about upcoming PL summit May 21 with core devs. Sign up at: http://chesnok.com/u/a #
- Thinking about a #smalldata lightning talk for #mysqlconf Submit yours at: http://bit.ly/fdMhF5 #
- Just saw a demo of our new URL shortner for planet.postgresql.org: postgr.es 🙂 #pgeast thx @magnushagander #
- Who uses postgresql in Chicago? #
- My rough list of talks and people (and the wifi keys) at #pgeast http://chesnok.com/u/W #
- "People confuse mysql adoption with commercial success." -Ed Boyajian #pgeast #
- Why is postgres disruptive right now? Because of the need for a budget strategy for #bigdata BI, DW (need to overcome licensing) #pgeast #
- hard to not be annoyed by the meritocracy myth. #
- awesome lunch with @dbness, rob, @davidfetter, @devrimgunduz, @rusty_conover and others at #pgeast dbs, facebook identity, teaching devs #
- in the SSL talk #pgeast #
- discussing Dutch government's adoption of 2-factor SMS text authentication in relation to ssl/certs/phone-based auth http://chesnok.com/u/X #
- At @dbness's talk on ORMs at #pgeast http://t.co/jfOOpqz #
- tl;dr: no designers and no women because open source isn't feminist: http://vi.to/designers-and-women-in-open-source.html #
- "Trust is for people with poor surveillance." -Col. James R. Trahan, USMC (@dbness's dad) #pgeast #
- Oh: "there is so much low hanging nonfree fruit" #
- Beards and Sean http://flic.kr/p/9sNDwv #
- The real beards and Sean http://t.co/XSccXbh #
- in to #pgeast early. breakfast sandwich. water. in Jeff Davis' talk on range types #pgeast #
- had hilarious conversation with John Scoles (http://chesnok.com/u/Z) about his work studying narwals. #pgeast #
- (apparently, the 'r' is rolled when you say narwal) #
- Omg coffee #pgeast #
- in "large customers want postgresql too" http://bit.ly/eFcgEU #pgeast #
- requirement: the cobol post-processer generating a C module to run SQL has to run faster than it does on the mainframe #lulz #pgeast #
- "when we can save $250k, that's enough for me. an extra couple million is nothing to these guys for licenses." #
- "when we can save $250k, that's enough for me. an extra couple million is nothing to these guys for licenses." #pgeast #enterprisey #
- "COBOL program never knows what happened to it." #pgeast #
- experience contributing ECPG code for caching queries to #postgres "was fairly painless and was in the next release" #pgeast #
- Magnus' first slide #pgeast #jdcon http://t.co/1AiX5Xi #
- Reminder: COPY API is newly exposed in PostgreSQL 9.1 #pgeast #fdw #
- postgres_fdw will be in 9.2, so keep using dblink for now #pgeast #fdw #
- Second COBOL reference in a talk at #pgeast #drinkinggame #
- Andrew's ongoing work on Foreign Data Wrappers for #postgres https://github.com/adunstan #fdw #
- "must rescan return the same tuples as the first scan?" "only if you want it to return correct results." #pgeast #
- "Private cloud is a dead end." "You lose out on all the economies of scale that are the benefits of the cloud." -Heroku #pgeast #
- OH: "there's a target for beer here." regarding VMWare guy who can't talk about whether they'll ever offer a public cloud #
- "i don't expect marketing fluff" -audience member #pgeast #ftw #cloudpanel #
- Oh cool, yet another thing implemented as a PL in Postgres: http://bit.ly/fhh9hr #
- in jon erdman's pgq and monitoring talk #pgeast #
- Pretty much everyone is hiring at #PgEast #
- OH: "we pay about 30k per terabyte." #
- Just met dba at Donors Choose. Such a great organization and they use postgres! http://t.co/hJNoqlP #pgeast #
- The guy in the sweatshirt just punched someone in the street http://t.co/kaRfgNA #
- Made it! http://t.co/EmpCC21 #
- Experiencing @robertmhaas disaster recovery interpretive dance. #pgeast http://t.co/V50pl99 #
- "Turning off fsync is webscale." -@robertmhaas #pgeast #
- just out of the @robertmhaas talk on WAL, now in @nzoschke's talk on cloud ops w/ postgres #pgeast #
- Wiki page for PostgreSQL + Cloud: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Cloud #pgeast #
- listening to @tjake talk about Cassandra as compared to PostgreSQL (he's a committer) #pgeast #
- Doesn't that postgres-R replication project use a gossip-based protocol? #pgeast #
- NoSQL -> MoSQL 😀 #pgeast #cassandra #
- Candy http://flic.kr/p/9tcLQr #
- More accuracy in signage http://flic.kr/p/9th9k7 #
- Highline http://flic.kr/p/9tttgz #
- After the rain, gallery in chelsea http://flic.kr/p/9txKyj #