- @PDXyogini thanks! it's a winter blossom from the royal garden in tokyo. in reply to PDXyogini #
- Enjoying a book, gorgeous sun and a beer in my breakfast nook #
- woo! RT @sourcegirl: Open source news: Etherpad getting open sourced, heck yeah http://etherpad.com/ep/blog/ #
Tag Archives: tweets
twittering on 2009-12-04
- studying how environment/perception affects belonging for women in CS, w/sidebar on pair programming http://tr.im/GD8H #
- RT @mjasay: NY Post reporting that Oracle willing to house MySQL in separate entity to get EU buyoff http://bit.ly/7weyTu #
- RT @planetpostgres: Dave Page (@pgsnake): PostgreSQL Release Support Policy http://tr.im/GDlQ #
- @snaga yeah, it is! i don't think that necessarily represents ICT careers, but the trend is likely the same. and bad for research. in reply to snaga #
- @lawduck that location update *might* constitute live-tweeting 😉 in reply to lawduck #
- @snaga wow! that's interesting. are there theories as to why the % is so low? in reply to snaga #
- @snaga heh. i get it, but wish it was different. i do what i can to keep women i know involved. takes a lot of effort, but totally worth it. in reply to snaga #
- @snaga LOL aww. thanks 🙂 :blush: in reply to snaga #
- new release of #postgresql (8.4.2) slated for 12/14/09, plus back branch updates. #
- etherpad, RIP 🙁 RT @newsycombinator: Google acquires AppJet/Etherpad http://bit.ly/6C1VVF #
- .@thesethings maybe. adding them to the wave team seems like a move against what made etherpad so cool before – spontaneity. in reply to thesethings #
- @estherschindler @merlyn better to say "the guy next to you can help you jailbreak your phone" #geekpickuplines in reply to estherschindler #
- omg, re: etherpad @obra yes, please. really a terrible pity to lose access to such an amazing collaboration tool (cc: @cdibona) in reply to obra #
- drinking eggnog and eating rosemary bread from @gorthx #
- PT @andyparsons: Foursquare + Scala. http://bit.ly/7nDHvx Outside.in has some mean Scala code quietly scaling behind the scenes #
- @Mettadore @znmeb /me does postgres consulting too! -> @endpoint #
- @Mettadore win! heh. in reply to Mettadore #
- Nearly at the @holidayalefest #
- Eww. Crazy line. #
- Haha I left my ID at home. Too much travel. Forgot bow fucked I am without it at home. #
- @jasonmauer right s/bow/how/ smartass 🙂 in reply to jasonmauer #
- Eating a cookie. #
twittering on 2009-12-03
- @al3x or move to portland 😉 in reply to al3x #
- .@thesethings you take the faulty node out of the critical path, so you can solve problems async. no more 3am sysadmin heroics in reply to thesethings #
- ok, i can get used to it being this sunny. #
- ~@dietrich pics or it didn't happen! http://www.mr-lee-catcam.de/ in reply to dietrich #
- @hal_pomeranz heh. should i make 'otherwise-unclassifiable'? 🙂 in reply to hal_pomeranz #
- @kscaldef would love to meet up there in the afternoon. can just walk over from nedspace! in reply to kscaldef #
- @hal_pomeranz oh good! many hugs to your found kitty. in reply to hal_pomeranz #
- .@brigleb agreed, but The Wet Spot is the best store in the area. take really good care of their fish & lots of great staff. in reply to brigleb #
- @br3nda ARE YOU HAVING A BABY?!?! in reply to br3nda #
- RT @reidab: New favorite bumper sticker: Think big, act silly. #
twittering on 2009-12-02
- @umitanuki committer is appropriate- not in all dictionaries though. i see it here: http://tr.im/Grir (citation from Websters, 1913) in reply to umitanuki #
- sudo really never gets old. #
- @thesethings seems more like 'no more in-house IT that blows in 10 years' in reply to thesethings #
- @thesethings seems more like a trip in the wayback machine 2 systems people who develop/strategize, rather than coerce/enforce stability in reply to thesethings #
- @dukeleto s/vertical/horizontal/ #seo in reply to dukeleto #
- @brampitoyo 'but like Helvetica you've been played' lolz! in reply to brampitoyo #
- @br3nda i would totally be up for creating affordable baby clothing that did not suck. in reply to br3nda #
- sweet! @webchick lots of fun can be had with table expressions (http://tr.im/GtFg) and recursive queries http://tr.im/GtEG enjoy! in reply to webchick #
twittering on 2009-12-01
- needing coffee after marathon farscape-watching last night. #
- @puppetmasterd i just spent five minutes trying to come up with a related definition for 'faceplant' but failed. in reply to puppetmasterd #
- RT @pdxpug: Get your proposals in for #pgcon! http://www.pgcon.org/2010/papers.php ROAD TRIP! #
- enjoying discussion about pastries, beer for the winter coders social on #pdxpython #
- @direvus heh. halfway through season two. in reply to direvus #
- RT @sheeri: #opensqlcamp videos are all online! http://www.pythian.com/news/6043/opensqlcamp-videos-online/ #pythian #
- RT @anselm: study suggests that time spent in the wild changes our values http://tr.im/GkSz #
- great example of teachers and dynamics of privilege in public network space from @zephoria at #sn09 #
- RT @elonjames: Obama:"We will remove all of our troops from Iraq by 2011" #Obamastan #
twittering on 2009-12-01
- needing coffee after marathon farscape-watching last night. #
- @puppetmasterd i just spent five minutes trying to come up with a related definition for 'faceplant' but failed. in reply to puppetmasterd #
- RT @pdxpug: Get your proposals in for #pgcon! http://www.pgcon.org/2010/papers.php ROAD TRIP! #
- enjoying discussion about pastries, beer for the winter coders social on #pdxpython #
- @direvus heh. halfway through season two. in reply to direvus #
- RT @sheeri: #opensqlcamp videos are all online! http://www.pythian.com/news/6043/opensqlcamp-videos-online/ #pythian #
- RT @anselm: study suggests that time spent in the wild changes our values http://tr.im/GkSz #
- great example of teachers and dynamics of privilege in public network space from @zephoria at #sn09 #
- RT @elonjames: Obama:"We will remove all of our troops from Iraq by 2011" #Obamastan #
twittering on 2009-11-30
- @markwkm thanks 🙂 in reply to markwkm #
- @terrycojones re: forgetting – heh. i made that comment on a whim, but i think about it every time i use archive.org. in reply to terrycojones #
- was there some sort of "all crazy squirrels come out today" memo? #
- RT @garethgreenaway: Deadline for the SCALE 8x Call for Presentations is fast approaching! Submit today! http://srnk.net/wrjZO #scale8x #
- Don't forget! Winter Coders' Social – Tuesday, 12/8/09, 6pm-11pm at @nedspace – http://calagator.org/events/1250457765 #
- @jarichaust 🙂 fun conference, weather's usually nice. but rent a car if you want to see the sights around LA. in reply to jarichaust #
- anyone tried switching their voicemail to google voice? considering it. #
- i <3 translation party: http://translationparty.com/#5479835 #
- @dukeleto oh dude. sounds like a topic for hackathon. in reply to dukeleto #
- Reading about BASE. #
- @infixum basically available, soft state, eventually consistent in reply to infixum #
Weekly tweet digest for 2009-11-29
- @shin1x1 nice sticker 🙂 in reply to shin1x1 #
- Headed to Tokyo station to catch the NEX back to NRT
http://bit.ly/8K6sqA # - On our way home! http://bit.ly/5odUTT #
- Home 🙂 http://yfrog.com/3n6lrj #
twittering on 2009-11-26
- Home 🙂 http://yfrog.com/3n6lrj #
twittering on 2009-11-25
- Headed to Tokyo station to catch the NEX back to NRT
http://bit.ly/8K6sqA # - On our way home! http://bit.ly/5odUTT #