- So, NYC is having a dev hackathon: http://bit.ly/bHeO0p HEY PDX – let's show them how it's done: http://civicapps.eventbrite.com/ #
- conference call, response to panicked dba in Venezuela done. now? hacking. #
- OH: "You do not discuss the open source bridge party." #
- .@eekygeeky heh. need to get @lawduck in on the bridge convo, but this is about @osbridge 🙂 in reply to eekygeeky #
Tag Archives: tweets
twittering on 2010-04-21
- PgEU board nomination thread made me smile this morning: http://archives.postgresql.org/pgeu-general/2010-04/msg00003.php #
- OMG craine on roof of my garage! #
- RT @BiellaColeman: Internet Punditry and Engendering Change: http://bit.ly/bn1Kq6…" #
- Extracto http://flic.kr/p/7UYK52 #
- RT @BiellaColeman Internet Punditry and Engendering Change: http://bit.ly/drdjqN #
- RT @changelogshow: New Episode: 0.2.1 from #chirp w/ @sferik, @jm3, @hayesdavis plus @christiekoehler on @osbridge http://bit.ly/tcl-0-2-1 #
- sweet, wish I could go! http://roflcon.org/2010/04/20/biella-coleman-to-speak-at-roflcon/ #
- Taking a little break at freehouse on freemont watching the game. #
- my cat is KILLING that paper bag. #
- Whew. I think that was enough email for one night. #
twittering on 2010-04-19
- RT @dietrich: NoPo Coder's Night, every Monday at the new Lucky Lab. i'm so there. http://bit.ly/bXOOBC #
twittering on 2010-04-18
- just joined an IRC channel called #hotgator #osgeo #calagator #
- OH: "The proper name for this project could be chloroplethgator." #hotgator #
- OH: "I'm creating tests. Even though there is no implementation." #hotgator #
- HOTGATOR v1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/4529711370/ #osgis #hackathon #
- HotGator – day of the week view http://flic.kr/p/7Uh96V #
Weekly tweet digest for 2010-04-18
- thanks, jesse! RT @obra: Perl 5.12.0 is on its way to PAUSE in 90 minutes, with the public announcement in the morning. #
- At the mayors office to talk with Skip about #pdxtech #
- Made appointment for operation: fix neighbor's computer which was giving off smoke and has important tax data on it #
- Pacific pie co. Pies http://flic.kr/p/7TjFpZ #
- taking notes at the opengovwest meetup here at nedspace #ogw http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/ogw-meetup-nedspace-20100413 #
- RT @debbryant: calagator is being suggested as a gov transparency solution http://bit.ly/yCzQK #oss #gov20 #opengovwest #
- RT @debbryant: John Miller is sharing letter to Metro President encouraging open data, open source, open gov initiatives #pdxmetro #ogwpdx #
- "when the rubber hits the road, barriers fade away." CASE-N-POINT: H1N1 crisis == rules change #ogw #
- The city actually wants feedback from the community to DEMAND data sets be made available. #ogw #
- Did you know the city is hosting a day-long hackathon for CivicApps? http://bit.ly/clFtJo #
- Time to check on the neighbor's computer. #
- I could really use a pie right now. #
- RT @Mettadore: Reading a book, in Portland's livingroom 🙂 (@ Pioneer Courthouse Square) http://4sq.com/1A6n3T #
- RT @corruptmemory: Daily Show 's Stewart mocks Fox & Friends for seeing "Muslim image" in Nuclear Security Summit logo http://bit.ly/9eMM89 #
- Eyjafjallajoekull? Really? #ashtag #
- what we need here is a sense of inevitability. #
- RT @peat: Are you a developer in PDX? Check out the CivicApps event: http://bit.ly/dpiz5J … what's CivicApps? http://bit.ly/duKO4R #
- Raise your cartopia A MOVIE SCREEN http://flic.kr/p/7U5SwN #
- Headed out on a bike-gang ride with @jenred #
- just joined an IRC channel called #hotgator #osgeo #calagator #
- OH: "The proper name for this project could be chloroplethgator." #hotgator #
- OH: "I'm creating tests. Even though there is no implementation." #hotgator #
- HOTGATOR v1 http://www.flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/4529711370/ #osgis #hackathon #
- HotGator – day of the week view http://flic.kr/p/7Uh96V #
twittering on 2010-04-17
- Eyjafjallajoekull? Really? #ashtag #
- what we need here is a sense of inevitability. #
- RT @peat: Are you a developer in PDX? Check out the CivicApps event: http://bit.ly/dpiz5J … what's CivicApps? http://bit.ly/duKO4R #
- Raise your cartopia A MOVIE SCREEN http://flic.kr/p/7U5SwN #
- Headed out on a bike-gang ride with @jenred #
twittering on 2010-04-16
- I could really use a pie right now. #
- RT @Mettadore: Reading a book, in Portland's livingroom 🙂 (@ Pioneer Courthouse Square) http://4sq.com/1A6n3T #
- RT @corruptmemory: Daily Show 's Stewart mocks Fox & Friends for seeing "Muslim image" in Nuclear Security Summit logo http://bit.ly/9eMM89 #
twittering on 2010-04-15
- Did you know the city is hosting a day-long hackathon for CivicApps? http://bit.ly/clFtJo #
- Time to check on the neighbor's computer. #
twittering on 2010-04-14
- At the mayors office to talk with Skip about #pdxtech #
- Made appointment for operation: fix neighbor's computer which was giving off smoke and has important tax data on it #
- Pacific pie co. Pies http://flic.kr/p/7TjFpZ #
- taking notes at the opengovwest meetup here at nedspace #ogw http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/ogw-meetup-nedspace-20100413 #
- RT @debbryant: calagator is being suggested as a gov transparency solution http://bit.ly/yCzQK #oss #gov20 #opengovwest #
- RT @debbryant: John Miller is sharing letter to Metro President encouraging open data, open source, open gov initiatives #pdxmetro #ogwpdx #
- "when the rubber hits the road, barriers fade away." CASE-N-POINT: H1N1 crisis == rules change #ogw #
- The city actually wants feedback from the community to DEMAND data sets be made available. #ogw #
twittering on 2010-04-14
- At the mayors office to talk with Skip about #pdxtech #
- Made appointment for operation: fix neighbor's computer which was giving off smoke and has important tax data on it #
- Pacific pie co. Pies http://flic.kr/p/7TjFpZ #
- taking notes at the opengovwest meetup here at nedspace #ogw http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/ogw-meetup-nedspace-20100413 #
- RT @debbryant: calagator is being suggested as a gov transparency solution http://bit.ly/yCzQK #oss #gov20 #opengovwest #
- RT @debbryant: John Miller is sharing letter to Metro President encouraging open data, open source, open gov initiatives #pdxmetro #ogwpdx #
- "when the rubber hits the road, barriers fade away." CASE-N-POINT: H1N1 crisis == rules change #ogw #
- The city actually wants feedback from the community to DEMAND data sets be made available. #ogw #