- reading about Chernobyl this morning: http://chesnok.com/u/m #
- Got the event registration for #pdx11 April 1-2 event up: http://pdx11uconference.eventbrite.com/ (more shiny website stuff tomorrow) #
- Thirteen people already offered to mentor for #gsoc2011 for #postgres And listed tons of cool projects: http://chesnok.com/u/l #
Tag Archives: tweets
twittering on 2011-03-10
- Had awesome lunch 2.0. Discussed creating a PDX bat signal. Literally. #
- so awesome to meet the @thepostpost crew today. 🙂 #
twittering on 2011-03-10
- Had awesome lunch 2.0. Discussed creating a PDX bat signal. Literally. #
- so awesome to meet the @thepostpost crew today. 🙂 #
twittering on 2011-03-09
- Ran this morning. Have a stack of index cards for stuff todo that's 25 deep. Feeling less overwhelmed, barely. #
- Current status: http://flic.kr/p/9oTezs #
twittering on 2011-03-08
- Help @emmaemail get the right amount of food for Lunch 2.0 this Wednesday — RSVP 🙂 http://chesnok.com/u/j #
- Screencasts: where I get to stress over whether or not I should edit out hand motions that might be construed as me picking my nose. #
- Looking for PostgreSQL mentors! #gsoc2011 http://chesnok.com/u/l #
twittering on 2011-03-07
- Watching the sunrise, working on quizzes. #
twittering on 2011-03-06
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-03-06
- Thanks for all the birthday wishes! 🙂 #
- Awww. You are all so sweet! Thanks. #
- Watching Al Jazeera English and making cookies. #
- PgCon2011: Procedural Languages summit announced! May 21 http://chesnok.com/u/b #
- Enough people have registered! My #postgresql class starts March 7th! http://codelesson.com/courses/view/introduction-to-postgresql #
- lol! another conference in portland: http://krtconf.com/ #putaconferenceonit #
- Added yet another to the 2011 Portland Conference List: http://chesnok.com/u/c #putaconferenceonit #
- Planning on attending #PgCon Join us for the Procedural Language Summit! http://chesnok.com/u/a #
- Psst: http://calagator.org/events/1250459866 #
- Intro to PostgreSQL class starts March 7! http://chesnok.com/u/d btw: http://www.chesnok.com/daily/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/selzpuddi.png #
- Broken windows, broken code, broken systems http://chesnok.com/u/f /cc @tlockney @f3ew @jmelesky @stevelle #
- "I now see the importance of constraints on tables." music to my ears. #
- /cc @sogrady: @brianleroux Also fascinating, JavaScript performance getting mentioned in Apple keynotes now. NodeJS on Nitro would be cool. #
- Current status: more birthday flowers 🙂 http://t.co/MOypDTr #
- ePDX.org rules. #
- Listening to Rise Up, thinking about NYC, tapping toes. #
- Thinking about how we treat people when we disagree, or are disagreeable & how much respect I have for people who handle discord with grace. #
- Out walking, hearing chickens, inspired. #
- OH: "fuck the text box. for real" #
- At redhat hackathon. Idea: foodchan – 4chan for free food. #
- TONS of people at the redhat #maphack #pdx #ftw #
twittering on 2011-03-05
- Thinking about how we treat people when we disagree, or are disagreeable & how much respect I have for people who handle discord with grace. #
twittering on 2011-03-04
- Listening to Rise Up, thinking about NYC, tapping toes. #