I’m back from the developer meeting where we blasted through eight hours of presentations and discussions from key members of the PostgreSQL developer community.
One great outcome from the meeting is that WE ARE MOVING TO GIT.
There’s lots of other great stuff on that wiki notes – like a list of possible features for 9.1, plans for DDL triggers, and a continued discussion of snapshot cloning.
There was also much approval voiced for the alpha process that Peter Eisentraut championed last year.
I volunteered to steer our next “reviewfest” – kicking off June 15! And I’m trying to rope another developer into the next commitfest, which we anticipate starting on July 15. The plan is to stick with our development schedule from last year.
And I’m working with Josh Berkus to put together an open issues list for 9.0. I think I went a bit overboard, and many of the things I listed are probably resolved – hopefully committers will make quick work of the list, and we’ll be speeding along toward releasing 9.0 in June!
I missed out on the group picture, so I look forward to someone’s photo editing efforts in the near future.