- Had an awesome time last night playing with 8×8 LED squares with @WardCunningham. @pdxhackathon ftw! #
twittering on 2011-02-04
- morning plying async monitoring framework. plenty of fodder for @pdxhackathon this evening. #
- Also, plan is for @emmaemail to buy a couple rounds at @pdxhackathon this evening. #
- Just put an @osbridge talk in with @kveton: http://opensourcebridge.org/proposals/530 #
- Checklist for new event organizers: http://bit.ly/hFQD3M #
Checklist for new event organizers: how to schedule and get people there
I was talking with @schmichael today and he brought up that it was insane how many different organizing tools are out there, and there’s no handy list of tools for new event organizers to use!
So, here’s my list of helpful tools if you’re trying to run an ongoing tech event:
- Put your event on a calendar like Calagator.org: This may be pretty Portland specific, but if there’s an event calendar in your area, be sure to put your event on it! Calagator is great also because it shows you a list of venues – possible places for you to hold events. When you need space, its likely best to ask other event organizers. In Portland, we have a special list for event organizers. Get in touch if you are an event organizer, and not already on it!
- Create a meeting event on something like Meetup.org: So many groups still use this. Several PostgreSQL groups do, and PDX Lean Startup Circle swears by it. There’s also Upcoming.org, but we don’t seem to use that as much
- Create a google group! Mailing lists are still the best way to keep in touch with people. All the research on electronic communication says this. Tweeting is not enough!
- Don’t put tons of interested people on CC or personally-managed Outlook lists. This is spam, and the people on the CC list can never unsubscribe! It’s not just annoying, it is rude.
- Make a twitter account for your group! Twitter is a great way for the always-connected crowd to stay on top of what you’re up to. Easy to search, and quick to post. Try out Cotweet if you have more than one organizer!
- Tell other event organizers about your event. They likely know other individuals and groups that would be interested and can use their best judgement in passing an email or tweet along. Don’t spam a bunch of unrelated groups!
- Make an event announcement 2 weeks, 1 week the day-before and day-of your event.
- Include the following in your announcement: event name, date, time, speaker name(s), talk title and location including zip code of your event (so people can use maps to find you easily!)
What else do you think an event organizer should have in their checklist?
twittering on 2011-02-03
- Like a g6 pandora radio station is epic. #
twittering on 2011-02-02
twittering on 2011-02-01
- Also, I have acquired zombie socks with brains. #achievementunlocked #
- just had awesome @uber ride to SFO. totally rules. app is sweet too. #
twittering on 2011-02-01
- Also, I have acquired zombie socks with brains. #achievementunlocked #
- just had awesome @uber ride to SFO. totally rules. app is sweet too. #
twittering on 2011-01-31
- Dinner table from #shesgeeky http://flic.kr/p/9eicPd #
- Just discovered the Level Playing Field Institute. Conducting a survey about bias in IT workplace: http://www.lpfi.org/workplace/index.html #
- have a new stickur idea. waiting for the requested photograph. #ideas /cc @maxogden #
- zomg stuffed from delish dinner at chez @fuzzychef. now for some sleeeep #
twittering on 2011-01-31
- Dinner table from #shesgeeky http://flic.kr/p/9eicPd #
- Just discovered the Level Playing Field Institute. Conducting a survey about bias in IT workplace: http://www.lpfi.org/workplace/index.html #
- have a new stickur idea. waiting for the requested photograph. #ideas /cc @maxogden #
- zomg stuffed from delish dinner at chez @fuzzychef. now for some sleeeep #
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-01-30
- Lovely saturday: brunch with friends, wildwood trail walk, japanese garden, dinner watching the sunset from on high. #
- Now jealous of #lca2011 🙂 #
- Updates to #pdx11 site, progress so far from groups: http://www.chesnok.com/daily/?p=2397 #
- tee hee. emergency and i on the radio this morning. *swoon* #
- I think i'm gonna make a tshirt. #
- all signed up for #owl and @shesgeeky. will be in SFO friday thru monday! #
- The Second Location. Always a bad plan on a Monday. #
- Just posted http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/So,_you_want_to_be_a_developer%3F thanks @pgsnake for editing! #
- "Become a teacher. Your country needs you." -Barak Obama http://teach.gov/ #sotu <3s to @mildwail, who teaches. #
- Headed over to @puppetlabs open house with folks from @emmaemail! #
- Nice rack @puppetlabs! http://t.co/SaN4Sz1 #
- Mentally preparing for @pdxhackathon and the fourth consecutive ill-advised late night. #
- "I heard the siren call of git cherry-pick, but should have lashed myself to the mast." -postgresql gitlog /cc @rebastiality #
- Finally settled in SFO. Gonna make my way over to @shesgeeky now while hungry. /cc @lizhenry @sarahnovotny #
- talking about personal data stores, and regulation. i think we need to regulate the UX though – can we make laws about API? #shesgeeky #
- folks don't consider ISP data retention related to identity/PDS. owning your own logs is an extreme position still :/ #shesgeeky #
- listening to the round table at the end of day one of #shesgeeky there's going to be a data scaling talk tomorrow! yay! #
- Had a cool conversation about startups and getting your act together for business. #shesgeeky #
- best session today was about the difference between leadership and mgmt, and how to adapt to different mgmt styles thx @noisegirl #shesgeeky #
- Sad i missed the chicken tending and beekeeping sessions. and the agile session. #shesgeeky #
- bringing up the difference between sponsorship and mentorship http://bit.ly/aLjKmb #shesgeeky #
- RT @theory: Anna's take on Emma. http://t.co/cb1fnff /cc @selenamarie /cc @emmaemail #
- Since 2009, went from 2% women in SF ruby user group to 20% through coding workshops #owl #shesgeeky #
- fyi to #shesgeeky portland is hiring! find me tomorrow and JOIN US! http://www.myemma.com/blog/2011/01/28/geek-love-portland/ #
- up early for breakfast with @tilgovi and @maxogden. then more #shesgeeky thinking about having a session about fun + open source. #
- Day 1 report from #shesgeeky http://www.chesnok.com/daily/2011/01/29/shes-geeky-day-1-report/ #
- brain exploding with awesome ideas from breakfast. #yay #
- how do we connect the awesome federated organizations around women in tech? #shesgeeky #
- In the recruiting session at #shesgeeky p.s. http://t.co/KZB9gWf hiring!! #