UPDATE: See below for pricing.
I’m working with Code Lesson to offer an Introduction to PostgreSQL class.
Code Lesson is pretty cool – it’s an online course system, and the idea is you get a couple assignments and lessons taught by me each week, and there’s a midterm and final evaluation. I love conferences, but the nice thing about an online course is you don’t have to spend an entire workday taking a tutorial at a conference, or travelling to a particular location, and you can finish assignments when it’s convenient for you.
My current working outline is:
Intro to Postgres
Hello, world!
* History of PostgreSQL project
* Features
* Basic SQLUsage
* psql
* Drivers: Perl and Python examples
* GUIs
* DocumentationSurvey of features
* Full text search
* Built-in functions
* Datatypes
* Indexes
* Transactional DDLCommunity
* Mailing lists & IRC
* Asking questions
* Modules, add-ons, toolsOperations
* System and hardware
* Installation and configuration
* Maintenance and operation
* Replication
Our plan is to provide students with login access to a shared database. During the course, I’ll be available to answer questions and I’m considering making short videos to go along with the course material.
We haven’t set the price for it just yet, but should be figuring that out in the next week or so.
Anyway, if you’re interested, sign up and you’ll get an email when we set the price. I’m happy to answer any questions you have about content.
Another thing that was requested in the Hacker News thread was more advanced material. I think the advanced material falls into two categories – PostgreSQL core functionality, and administration/tuning.
Update! Pricing is set at $325/student, with a 10% discount if you register 2 or more students at the same time.