twittering on 2011-02-17

  • The Open-By-Rule Benchmark via @maslett #
  • Put a Conference On It is the new Put a Bird on It. 20 conferences so far in PDX in 2011 (phrase ht @thesethings) #
  • In case you're wondering, pricing posted & March 7 is the target start date for Intro to PostgreSQL #codelesson #
  • Listening to lightning talks w @mrthackston at AgilePDX #
  • OH: profitable, sustainable and joyful. (World class software development in portland) #fuckyeah #
  • I am in love with AgilePDX's mission and visioning process. The work agreement is art. #

twittering on 2011-02-16

This year is so nuts for having conferences in Portland, OR

UPDATED! Just added Open Gov West! Rearranged, and just listing these all in order now. And added #140Conf in Vancouver, WA. It’s close enough. ๐Ÿ™‚ And just added Digital Journalism Portland.

For real.

This summer belongs to the nerds, geeks and hackers. I can’t believe that Portland’s tech scene got no love from Portlandia this year. Thank heavens they got a second season!

I did some research, and found TWENTY distinct conferences happening from now through November in the Portland area.

Anyway, there’s a sweet new service that you might not have heard of called Lanyrd, and a quick search over there revealed 20 conferences.

And over the next few days, several people suggested a few more:

  1. Agile Open Northwest 2011, 8-9 February 2011
  2. SearchFest 2011, 23rd February 2011
  3. Python Software Foundation Sprint, Feb 26th
  4. PDX11 Civic Hacking Unconference, April 1-2, 2011 (Plans are coming together now.. so pencil it in!)
  5. Innotech, April 21, 2011
  6. TEDxPortland, April 30, 2011
  7. JSConf US 2011, 2ndโ€“3rd May 2011 (Rumors of crazy fun abound for this, also a party open to the public. Epic!)
  8. NodeConf 2011, 5th May 2011
  9. Open Gov West, 13-14 May 2011
  10. Digital Journalism Portland, 14th May 2011
  11. #140Conf Northwest, 19th May 2011
  12. WebVisions 2011, 25thโ€“27th May 2011
  13. World Domination Summit, 4thโ€“5th June 2011
  14. HotStorage ’11, 14th June 2011 (Third workshop on hot topics in storage!)
  15. USENIX ATC ’11, 15thโ€“17th June 2011 (USENIX’s annual technical conference)
  16. WebApps ’11, 15thโ€“16th June 2011 (Second annual conference from USENIX on webapps!)
  17. Open Source Bridge 2011, 21stโ€“24th June 2011 (Third year! CFP still open!)
  18. IndieWebCamp, 25thโ€“26th June 2011
  19. OSCON 2011, 25thโ€“29th July 2011 (Back in Portland, Again! And @gorthx is on the committee!)
  20. Community Leadership Summit 2011, 23rdโ€“24th July 2011
  21. Vida Vegan Blog Conference, 26thโ€“28th August 2011 (Blogger conference for vegans! Crazy!)
  22. DjangoCon US 2011, 6thโ€“8th September 2011 (Organizer recently relocated to Portland!)
  23. Pacific NW Drupal Summit, October 14-16, 2011
  24. SPLASH 2011, 22ndโ€“27th October 2011
  25. Onward! 2011, 22ndโ€“27th October 2011 (@al3x is on the committee for this!)
  26. Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2011, 9thโ€“12th November 2011

Sources: Lanyrd, Plancast, Calagator and the comments.

What other geekery did I miss? Let me know in the comments.


Here are the conferences without dates:

PostgreSQL at MySQL Users Conference: the sessions!

You’ve probably seen a few posts about this – from the CFP, to Baron’s recent pointer to the release of the schedule. And now Josh Berkus just posted a Meetup for the event, so that spurred me on for this post…

So, just to make things even easier for you, I thought I’d summarize the awesome talks we’re having at the O’Reilly MySQL Users Conference this year related to PostgreSQL.

We’re also having a Birds of a Feather session, and staffing a booth on the exhibit floor!

If you’re planning to attend, you can use my code & save 25% in addition to early registration savings: mys11fsd:

Hope to see you there!

Weekly tweet digest for 2011-02-13

Hot Standby features for 9.1, just committed: Pause and Resume

On February 8th, Simon Riggs committed a couple new functions that will allow Hot Standby to be paused and resumed. You can already *read* from the Hot Standby without pausing, but you could never pause the application of changes in the past. You might want to do this if you have a very high-write-volume server, and some very expensive queries that you want to run on a slave.

Basic Recovery Control functions for use in Hot Standby. Pause, Resume,
Status check functions only. Also, new recovery.conf parameter to
pause_at_recovery_target, default on.

The basic idea is that if you have a read-only standby system, you can give it the command: pg_xlog_replay_pause() and the standby will stop applying changes. Then you can use the database in read-only mode without new changes being applied. When you’re done you can issue the command: pg_xlog_replay_resume() and proceed with applying logs.

There are some related features that I can’t wait to test out around named restore points for replay. But the ability to pause replay and run queries is just awesome.

This is a feature that Simon talked about back in 2009 at FOSDEM, and I am very excited to see it implemented.