- Watching the sunrise, working on quizzes. #
- Help @emmaemail get the right amount of food for Lunch 2.0 this Wednesday — RSVP 🙂 http://chesnok.com/u/j #
- Screencasts: where I get to stress over whether or not I should edit out hand motions that might be construed as me picking my nose. #
- Looking for PostgreSQL mentors! #gsoc2011 http://chesnok.com/u/l #
- Ran this morning. Have a stack of index cards for stuff todo that's 25 deep. Feeling less overwhelmed, barely. #
- Current status: http://flic.kr/p/9oTezs #
- Had awesome lunch 2.0. Discussed creating a PDX bat signal. Literally. #
- so awesome to meet the @thepostpost crew today. 🙂 #
- reading about Chernobyl this morning: http://chesnok.com/u/m #
- Got the event registration for #pdx11 April 1-2 event up: http://pdx11uconference.eventbrite.com/ (more shiny website stuff tomorrow) #
- Thirteen people already offered to mentor for #gsoc2011 for #postgres And listed tons of cool projects: http://chesnok.com/u/l #
- Walked across the burnside bridge twice today! http://t.co/T7CYJTl #
Next two weeks
Heads up that I’ll be travelling to Nashville and NYC over the next two weeks (March 15-28). I probably won’t be online as frequently as normal, and I’m in the middle of teaching a class.
If you need to get in touch, please email, or if it is urgent, call. 🙂
twittering on 2011-03-12
- Walked across the burnside bridge twice today! http://t.co/T7CYJTl #
twittering on 2011-03-11
- reading about Chernobyl this morning: http://chesnok.com/u/m #
- Got the event registration for #pdx11 April 1-2 event up: http://pdx11uconference.eventbrite.com/ (more shiny website stuff tomorrow) #
- Thirteen people already offered to mentor for #gsoc2011 for #postgres And listed tons of cool projects: http://chesnok.com/u/l #
twittering on 2011-03-10
- Had awesome lunch 2.0. Discussed creating a PDX bat signal. Literally. #
- so awesome to meet the @thepostpost crew today. 🙂 #
twittering on 2011-03-10
- Had awesome lunch 2.0. Discussed creating a PDX bat signal. Literally. #
- so awesome to meet the @thepostpost crew today. 🙂 #
twittering on 2011-03-09
- Ran this morning. Have a stack of index cards for stuff todo that's 25 deep. Feeling less overwhelmed, barely. #
- Current status: http://flic.kr/p/9oTezs #
twittering on 2011-03-08
- Help @emmaemail get the right amount of food for Lunch 2.0 this Wednesday — RSVP 🙂 http://chesnok.com/u/j #
- Screencasts: where I get to stress over whether or not I should edit out hand motions that might be construed as me picking my nose. #
- Looking for PostgreSQL mentors! #gsoc2011 http://chesnok.com/u/l #
Google Summer of Code 2011 application started! Looking for mentors.
PostgreSQL is applying for GSoC again this year. We’re looking for:
* Mentors
* Project ideas
Are you a PostgreSQL community member, and would you like to mentor? Please let me know! Our application deadline is Friday, March 11, 2011 so please contact me *before* Friday.
I’ve started a wiki page: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/GSoC_2011
It’s seeded with last year’s todo lists and information. We need to add project ideas for students to it.
The wiki pages for 2008 and 2010 are available, including links to the original student proposals:
twittering on 2011-03-07
- Watching the sunrise, working on quizzes. #