- to the friend who worked on this project: http://www.newamerica.net/events/2011/measurement_lab — you are awesome. you know who you are 🙂 #
- Please. Just google goats in trees. #
- Leprechaun rock. Fuck yes. See: el rick haun #
twittering on 2011-03-17
- Corsair buillding in Nashville http://flic.kr/p/9qRkCG #
- Note from Nashville #arduino #fire #remotelawnmowers #distilling http://chesnok.com/u/v #
twittering on 2011-03-16
- 6am flights: never good. #
- At an arduino meetup in nashville and this dude is demoing a segway project http://t.co/9n89mrC #
- Beginnings of a segwayish machine http://flic.kr/p/9qHNqF #
- just submitted a @ghc talk with @pythonchelle about why user groups are awesome. #
- For those actually interested in the youtube vids: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnGkdEl9WP4 & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Tq5h2zkD8 #
Note from Nashville
I was lucky enough to catch a meeting of a new Arduino user group in Nashville last night. That picture above is a prototype of a segway-like machine that uses tilt sensors to turn. (Segways use a handle-twist mechanism to turn.) I spent an hour or so reading through code, and helping identify the various constants we need to pull values for off of the equipment Jay used for his project.
We met at in a building that houses a distillery in a building called the Corsair.
The person demo’ing was Jay Settle, a brewmaster who, along with his brother, is a tinkerer. Jay showed some videos of projects like this one:
He’s also automated the work of distilling by modifying some 1920s-era copper stills with Ardiunos and temperature probes. He put together a terrific site showing his work on it. Don’t miss all of the rest of the projects on the links at the top of the page, including my favorite, the remote mower.
Anyway, the group is awesome, and you should go! If you know any hackers in Nashville, send them to the mailing list.
Nashville is not really known for it’s hacker culture, but it’s alive and well and finding its center. I have to think that the BarCampNashville has something to do with that – giving locals a reason and a deadline for showcasing ideas. Now, more conferences like the PHP Community Conference are picking Nashville. Anyway, I looking forward to seeing what comes next from the Arduino hackers!
twittering on 2011-03-15
- finally, a reasonable and mainstream assessment of the Fukushima reactor situation (safe, no meltdown): http://chesnok.com/u/s #
- looking forward to #smalldata talks. you know who you are. #
twittering on 2011-03-14
- Two articles on Fukushima: http://chesnok.com/u/n (MIT professor) http://chesnok.com/u/o (Nature) /ht @Joi #
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-03-13
- Watching the sunrise, working on quizzes. #
- Help @emmaemail get the right amount of food for Lunch 2.0 this Wednesday — RSVP 🙂 http://chesnok.com/u/j #
- Screencasts: where I get to stress over whether or not I should edit out hand motions that might be construed as me picking my nose. #
- Looking for PostgreSQL mentors! #gsoc2011 http://chesnok.com/u/l #
- Ran this morning. Have a stack of index cards for stuff todo that's 25 deep. Feeling less overwhelmed, barely. #
- Current status: http://flic.kr/p/9oTezs #
- Had awesome lunch 2.0. Discussed creating a PDX bat signal. Literally. #
- so awesome to meet the @thepostpost crew today. 🙂 #
- reading about Chernobyl this morning: http://chesnok.com/u/m #
- Got the event registration for #pdx11 April 1-2 event up: http://pdx11uconference.eventbrite.com/ (more shiny website stuff tomorrow) #
- Thirteen people already offered to mentor for #gsoc2011 for #postgres And listed tons of cool projects: http://chesnok.com/u/l #
- Walked across the burnside bridge twice today! http://t.co/T7CYJTl #
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-03-13
- Watching the sunrise, working on quizzes. #
- Help @emmaemail get the right amount of food for Lunch 2.0 this Wednesday — RSVP 🙂 http://chesnok.com/u/j #
- Screencasts: where I get to stress over whether or not I should edit out hand motions that might be construed as me picking my nose. #
- Looking for PostgreSQL mentors! #gsoc2011 http://chesnok.com/u/l #
- Ran this morning. Have a stack of index cards for stuff todo that's 25 deep. Feeling less overwhelmed, barely. #
- Current status: http://flic.kr/p/9oTezs #
- Had awesome lunch 2.0. Discussed creating a PDX bat signal. Literally. #
- so awesome to meet the @thepostpost crew today. 🙂 #
- reading about Chernobyl this morning: http://chesnok.com/u/m #
- Got the event registration for #pdx11 April 1-2 event up: http://pdx11uconference.eventbrite.com/ (more shiny website stuff tomorrow) #
- Thirteen people already offered to mentor for #gsoc2011 for #postgres And listed tons of cool projects: http://chesnok.com/u/l #
- Walked across the burnside bridge twice today! http://t.co/T7CYJTl #
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-03-13
- Watching the sunrise, working on quizzes. #
- Help @emmaemail get the right amount of food for Lunch 2.0 this Wednesday — RSVP 🙂 http://chesnok.com/u/j #
- Screencasts: where I get to stress over whether or not I should edit out hand motions that might be construed as me picking my nose. #
- Looking for PostgreSQL mentors! #gsoc2011 http://chesnok.com/u/l #
- Ran this morning. Have a stack of index cards for stuff todo that's 25 deep. Feeling less overwhelmed, barely. #
- Current status: http://flic.kr/p/9oTezs #
- Had awesome lunch 2.0. Discussed creating a PDX bat signal. Literally. #
- so awesome to meet the @thepostpost crew today. 🙂 #
- reading about Chernobyl this morning: http://chesnok.com/u/m #
- Got the event registration for #pdx11 April 1-2 event up: http://pdx11uconference.eventbrite.com/ (more shiny website stuff tomorrow) #
- Thirteen people already offered to mentor for #gsoc2011 for #postgres And listed tons of cool projects: http://chesnok.com/u/l #
- Walked across the burnside bridge twice today! http://t.co/T7CYJTl #
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-03-13
- Watching the sunrise, working on quizzes. #
- Help @emmaemail get the right amount of food for Lunch 2.0 this Wednesday — RSVP 🙂 http://chesnok.com/u/j #
- Screencasts: where I get to stress over whether or not I should edit out hand motions that might be construed as me picking my nose. #
- Looking for PostgreSQL mentors! #gsoc2011 http://chesnok.com/u/l #
- Ran this morning. Have a stack of index cards for stuff todo that's 25 deep. Feeling less overwhelmed, barely. #
- Current status: http://flic.kr/p/9oTezs #
- Had awesome lunch 2.0. Discussed creating a PDX bat signal. Literally. #
- so awesome to meet the @thepostpost crew today. 🙂 #
- reading about Chernobyl this morning: http://chesnok.com/u/m #
- Got the event registration for #pdx11 April 1-2 event up: http://pdx11uconference.eventbrite.com/ (more shiny website stuff tomorrow) #
- Thirteen people already offered to mentor for #gsoc2011 for #postgres And listed tons of cool projects: http://chesnok.com/u/l #
- Walked across the burnside bridge twice today! http://t.co/T7CYJTl #