- At donors choose http://flic.kr/p/9uqoeu #
- Current status: http://youtu.be/VqyqHZEDbRI #
- Looking forward to this Friday's PDX11 Civic Unconference: http://bit.ly/fAiVxl #
- Awww. I <3 you portland: http://bit.ly/fyIrKj #
- jealous of @debbryant and others at #NASAoss #
twittering on 2011-03-30
- At donors choose http://flic.kr/p/9uqoeu #
- Current status: http://youtu.be/VqyqHZEDbRI #
- Looking forward to this Friday's PDX11 Civic Unconference: http://bit.ly/fAiVxl #
- Awww. I <3 you portland: http://bit.ly/fyIrKj #
- jealous of @debbryant and others at #NASAoss #
twittering on 2011-03-29
- The struggle to right oneself http://flic.kr/p/9u6Dj6 #
- OH: "there's a troupe of mimes…" #planedelay #dc #italianopera #random #
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-03-27
- Most entertaining squirrel proof feeder http://flic.kr/p/9rPWGD #
- Radioactivity measurements culled from PDFs #smalldata #ftw #fukushima http://chesnok.com/u/M #
- Did you know you can still attend the JSConf Party on May 1? http://jsconfus2011.eventbrite.com/ (details: http://2011.jsconf.us/) #
- #protip opening a filehandle to /dev/null with psycopg2 and copy_expert makes it so you can get the # of rows inserted by COPY #
- #protip you can grab the result from .statusmessage #psycopg2 #
- In nyc! For #pgeast #
- Headed to birdland for the evening. Yay! #
- Mirror mirrormirror http://t.co/v2u7MdL #
- Made it to Kevin Grittner's talk on true serializability at #pgeast /cc @emmaemailtech #
- We now recognize "dangerous structures" in postgres #pgeast #awesome #
- It would totally be ok for the air conditioning to turn off now that it is 65F in this room on a snowy day. #pgeast #
- The implementation of SSI is based on a SIGMOD paper published in 2008. This is the first known production implementation of it! #pgeast #
- relevant papers for SSI: http://chesnok.com/u/V http://chesnok.com/u/U #
- some folks at MIT are using a modified version of Postgres 8.2 to create a transaction aware version of memcached #pgeast #
- and so they're interested in SSI because it is non-blocking, could register a transaction to hold predicate locks #pgeast #
- Having good chats at #pgeast about upcoming PL summit May 21 with core devs. Sign up at: http://chesnok.com/u/a #
- Thinking about a #smalldata lightning talk for #mysqlconf Submit yours at: http://bit.ly/fdMhF5 #
- Just saw a demo of our new URL shortner for planet.postgresql.org: postgr.es 🙂 #pgeast thx @magnushagander #
- Who uses postgresql in Chicago? #
- My rough list of talks and people (and the wifi keys) at #pgeast http://chesnok.com/u/W #
- "People confuse mysql adoption with commercial success." -Ed Boyajian #pgeast #
- Why is postgres disruptive right now? Because of the need for a budget strategy for #bigdata BI, DW (need to overcome licensing) #pgeast #
- hard to not be annoyed by the meritocracy myth. #
- awesome lunch with @dbness, rob, @davidfetter, @devrimgunduz, @rusty_conover and others at #pgeast dbs, facebook identity, teaching devs #
- in the SSL talk #pgeast #
- discussing Dutch government's adoption of 2-factor SMS text authentication in relation to ssl/certs/phone-based auth http://chesnok.com/u/X #
- At @dbness's talk on ORMs at #pgeast http://t.co/jfOOpqz #
- tl;dr: no designers and no women because open source isn't feminist: http://vi.to/designers-and-women-in-open-source.html #
- "Trust is for people with poor surveillance." -Col. James R. Trahan, USMC (@dbness's dad) #pgeast #
- Oh: "there is so much low hanging nonfree fruit" #
- Beards and Sean http://flic.kr/p/9sNDwv #
- The real beards and Sean http://t.co/XSccXbh #
- in to #pgeast early. breakfast sandwich. water. in Jeff Davis' talk on range types #pgeast #
- had hilarious conversation with John Scoles (http://chesnok.com/u/Z) about his work studying narwals. #pgeast #
- (apparently, the 'r' is rolled when you say narwal) #
- Omg coffee #pgeast #
- in "large customers want postgresql too" http://bit.ly/eFcgEU #pgeast #
- requirement: the cobol post-processer generating a C module to run SQL has to run faster than it does on the mainframe #lulz #pgeast #
- "when we can save $250k, that's enough for me. an extra couple million is nothing to these guys for licenses." #
- "when we can save $250k, that's enough for me. an extra couple million is nothing to these guys for licenses." #pgeast #enterprisey #
- "COBOL program never knows what happened to it." #pgeast #
- experience contributing ECPG code for caching queries to #postgres "was fairly painless and was in the next release" #pgeast #
- Magnus' first slide #pgeast #jdcon http://t.co/1AiX5Xi #
- Reminder: COPY API is newly exposed in PostgreSQL 9.1 #pgeast #fdw #
- postgres_fdw will be in 9.2, so keep using dblink for now #pgeast #fdw #
- Second COBOL reference in a talk at #pgeast #drinkinggame #
- Andrew's ongoing work on Foreign Data Wrappers for #postgres https://github.com/adunstan #fdw #
- "must rescan return the same tuples as the first scan?" "only if you want it to return correct results." #pgeast #
- "Private cloud is a dead end." "You lose out on all the economies of scale that are the benefits of the cloud." -Heroku #pgeast #
- OH: "there's a target for beer here." regarding VMWare guy who can't talk about whether they'll ever offer a public cloud #
- "i don't expect marketing fluff" -audience member #pgeast #ftw #cloudpanel #
- Oh cool, yet another thing implemented as a PL in Postgres: http://bit.ly/fhh9hr #
- in jon erdman's pgq and monitoring talk #pgeast #
- Pretty much everyone is hiring at #PgEast #
- OH: "we pay about 30k per terabyte." #
- Just met dba at Donors Choose. Such a great organization and they use postgres! http://t.co/hJNoqlP #pgeast #
- The guy in the sweatshirt just punched someone in the street http://t.co/kaRfgNA #
- Made it! http://t.co/EmpCC21 #
- Experiencing @robertmhaas disaster recovery interpretive dance. #pgeast http://t.co/V50pl99 #
- "Turning off fsync is webscale." -@robertmhaas #pgeast #
- just out of the @robertmhaas talk on WAL, now in @nzoschke's talk on cloud ops w/ postgres #pgeast #
- Wiki page for PostgreSQL + Cloud: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Cloud #pgeast #
- listening to @tjake talk about Cassandra as compared to PostgreSQL (he's a committer) #pgeast #
- Doesn't that postgres-R replication project use a gossip-based protocol? #pgeast #
- NoSQL -> MoSQL 😀 #pgeast #cassandra #
- Candy http://flic.kr/p/9tcLQr #
- More accuracy in signage http://flic.kr/p/9th9k7 #
- Highline http://flic.kr/p/9tttgz #
- After the rain, gallery in chelsea http://flic.kr/p/9txKyj #
twittering on 2011-03-27
- Highline http://flic.kr/p/9tttgz #
- After the rain, gallery in chelsea http://flic.kr/p/9txKyj #
twittering on 2011-03-26
- Experiencing @robertmhaas disaster recovery interpretive dance. #pgeast http://t.co/V50pl99 #
- "Turning off fsync is webscale." -@robertmhaas #pgeast #
- just out of the @robertmhaas talk on WAL, now in @nzoschke's talk on cloud ops w/ postgres #pgeast #
- Wiki page for PostgreSQL + Cloud: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Cloud #pgeast #
- listening to @tjake talk about Cassandra as compared to PostgreSQL (he's a committer) #pgeast #
- Doesn't that postgres-R replication project use a gossip-based protocol? #pgeast #
- NoSQL -> MoSQL 😀 #pgeast #cassandra #
- Candy http://flic.kr/p/9tcLQr #
- More accuracy in signage http://flic.kr/p/9th9k7 #
twittering on 2011-03-25
- in to #pgeast early. breakfast sandwich. water. in Jeff Davis' talk on range types #pgeast #
- had hilarious conversation with John Scoles (http://chesnok.com/u/Z) about his work studying narwals. #pgeast #
- (apparently, the 'r' is rolled when you say narwal) #
- Omg coffee #pgeast #
- in "large customers want postgresql too" http://bit.ly/eFcgEU #pgeast #
- requirement: the cobol post-processer generating a C module to run SQL has to run faster than it does on the mainframe #lulz #pgeast #
- "when we can save $250k, that's enough for me. an extra couple million is nothing to these guys for licenses." #
- "when we can save $250k, that's enough for me. an extra couple million is nothing to these guys for licenses." #pgeast #enterprisey #
- "COBOL program never knows what happened to it." #pgeast #
- experience contributing ECPG code for caching queries to #postgres "was fairly painless and was in the next release" #pgeast #
- Magnus' first slide #pgeast #jdcon http://t.co/1AiX5Xi #
- Reminder: COPY API is newly exposed in PostgreSQL 9.1 #pgeast #fdw #
- postgres_fdw will be in 9.2, so keep using dblink for now #pgeast #fdw #
- Second COBOL reference in a talk at #pgeast #drinkinggame #
- Andrew's ongoing work on Foreign Data Wrappers for #postgres https://github.com/adunstan #fdw #
- "must rescan return the same tuples as the first scan?" "only if you want it to return correct results." #pgeast #
- "Private cloud is a dead end." "You lose out on all the economies of scale that are the benefits of the cloud." -Heroku #pgeast #
- OH: "there's a target for beer here." regarding VMWare guy who can't talk about whether they'll ever offer a public cloud #
- "i don't expect marketing fluff" -audience member #pgeast #ftw #cloudpanel #
- Oh cool, yet another thing implemented as a PL in Postgres: http://bit.ly/fhh9hr #
- in jon erdman's pgq and monitoring talk #pgeast #
- Pretty much everyone is hiring at #PgEast #
- OH: "we pay about 30k per terabyte." #
- Just met dba at Donors Choose. Such a great organization and they use postgres! http://t.co/hJNoqlP #pgeast #
- The guy in the sweatshirt just punched someone in the street http://t.co/kaRfgNA #
- Made it! http://t.co/EmpCC21 #
Report from first day at PgEast and hoping for another tool to be opened up
I wrote up some quick notes from talks and conversations over at the Emma Tech blog.
The most exciting talk I sat in today so far was about an Oracle PL/SQL to Postgres PL/PgSQL translation tool that I’m hoping the company who created it will open source. We’ll see. Fortunately, a fellow conference-goer had an inspirational story to share about open sourcing another tool for Postgres, which meant incredible adoption in just a few months in our community.
Not every project will see that kind of immediate benefit and growth from open sourcing, but there is a certain class of project – where most people can complete 80% of a useful tool, but don’t bother to put in the additional effort to get the remaining 20% of the features that they’d really like to have.
But, when someone does finally release a tool that provides that extra 20% of features, adopting the new tool is a no-brainer.. particularly if it is open source. I think this PL/SQL conversion tool falls into this sweet spot.
Now I’m sitting in the Foreign Data Wrappers talk and very excited to see what Andrew is announcing. Great to see people creating things that make the crowd here clap, smile and celebrate.
twittering on 2011-03-24
- Mirror mirrormirror http://t.co/v2u7MdL #
- Made it to Kevin Grittner's talk on true serializability at #pgeast /cc @emmaemailtech #
- We now recognize "dangerous structures" in postgres #pgeast #awesome #
- It would totally be ok for the air conditioning to turn off now that it is 65F in this room on a snowy day. #pgeast #
- The implementation of SSI is based on a SIGMOD paper published in 2008. This is the first known production implementation of it! #pgeast #
- relevant papers for SSI: http://chesnok.com/u/V http://chesnok.com/u/U #
- some folks at MIT are using a modified version of Postgres 8.2 to create a transaction aware version of memcached #pgeast #
- and so they're interested in SSI because it is non-blocking, could register a transaction to hold predicate locks #pgeast #
- Having good chats at #pgeast about upcoming PL summit May 21 with core devs. Sign up at: http://chesnok.com/u/a #
- Thinking about a #smalldata lightning talk for #mysqlconf Submit yours at: http://bit.ly/fdMhF5 #
- Just saw a demo of our new URL shortner for planet.postgresql.org: postgr.es 🙂 #pgeast thx @magnushagander #
- Who uses postgresql in Chicago? #
- My rough list of talks and people (and the wifi keys) at #pgeast http://chesnok.com/u/W #
- "People confuse mysql adoption with commercial success." -Ed Boyajian #pgeast #
- Why is postgres disruptive right now? Because of the need for a budget strategy for #bigdata BI, DW (need to overcome licensing) #pgeast #
- hard to not be annoyed by the meritocracy myth. #
- awesome lunch with @dbness, rob, @davidfetter, @devrimgunduz, @rusty_conover and others at #pgeast dbs, facebook identity, teaching devs #
- in the SSL talk #pgeast #
- discussing Dutch government's adoption of 2-factor SMS text authentication in relation to ssl/certs/phone-based auth http://chesnok.com/u/X #
- At @dbness's talk on ORMs at #pgeast http://t.co/jfOOpqz #
- tl;dr: no designers and no women because open source isn't feminist: http://vi.to/designers-and-women-in-open-source.html #
- "Trust is for people with poor surveillance." -Col. James R. Trahan, USMC (@dbness's dad) #pgeast #
- Oh: "there is so much low hanging nonfree fruit" #
- Beards and Sean http://flic.kr/p/9sNDwv #
- The real beards and Sean http://t.co/XSccXbh #
Raw notes from Kevin Grittner’s talk on SSI
This is just a quick dump of my notes from yesterday. Unfortunately, the talk wasn’t recorded, but Kevin (and Dan Ports) is giving a similar talk on this topic, more focused on core developers at PgCon.