Weekly tweet digest for 2011-03-27

twittering on 2011-03-26

twittering on 2011-03-25

  • in to #pgeast early. breakfast sandwich. water. in Jeff Davis' talk on range types #pgeast #
  • had hilarious conversation with John Scoles (http://chesnok.com/u/Z) about his work studying narwals. #pgeast #
  • (apparently, the 'r' is rolled when you say narwal) #
  • Omg coffee #pgeast #
  • in "large customers want postgresql too" http://bit.ly/eFcgEU #pgeast #
  • requirement: the cobol post-processer generating a C module to run SQL has to run faster than it does on the mainframe #lulz #pgeast #
  • "when we can save $250k, that's enough for me. an extra couple million is nothing to these guys for licenses." #
  • "when we can save $250k, that's enough for me. an extra couple million is nothing to these guys for licenses." #pgeast #enterprisey #
  • "COBOL program never knows what happened to it." #pgeast #
  • experience contributing ECPG code for caching queries to #postgres "was fairly painless and was in the next release" #pgeast #
  • Magnus' first slide #pgeast #jdcon http://t.co/1AiX5Xi #
  • Reminder: COPY API is newly exposed in PostgreSQL 9.1 #pgeast #fdw #
  • postgres_fdw will be in 9.2, so keep using dblink for now #pgeast #fdw #
  • Second COBOL reference in a talk at #pgeast #drinkinggame #
  • Andrew's ongoing work on Foreign Data Wrappers for #postgres https://github.com/adunstan #fdw #
  • "must rescan return the same tuples as the first scan?" "only if you want it to return correct results." #pgeast #
  • "Private cloud is a dead end." "You lose out on all the economies of scale that are the benefits of the cloud." -Heroku #pgeast #
  • OH: "there's a target for beer here." regarding VMWare guy who can't talk about whether they'll ever offer a public cloud #
  • "i don't expect marketing fluff" -audience member #pgeast #ftw #cloudpanel #
  • Oh cool, yet another thing implemented as a PL in Postgres: http://bit.ly/fhh9hr #
  • in jon erdman's pgq and monitoring talk #pgeast #
  • Pretty much everyone is hiring at #PgEast #
  • OH: "we pay about 30k per terabyte." #
  • Just met dba at Donors Choose. Such a great organization and they use postgres! http://t.co/hJNoqlP #pgeast #
  • The guy in the sweatshirt just punched someone in the street http://t.co/kaRfgNA #
  • Made it! http://t.co/EmpCC21 #

Report from first day at PgEast and hoping for another tool to be opened up

I wrote up some quick notes from talks and conversations over at the Emma Tech blog.

The most exciting talk I sat in today so far was about an Oracle PL/SQL to Postgres PL/PgSQL translation tool that I’m hoping the company who created it will open source. We’ll see. Fortunately, a fellow conference-goer had an inspirational story to share about open sourcing another tool for Postgres, which meant incredible adoption in just a few months in our community.

Not every project will see that kind of immediate benefit and growth from open sourcing, but there is a certain class of project – where most people can complete 80% of a useful tool, but don’t bother to put in the additional effort to get the remaining 20% of the features that they’d really like to have.

But, when someone does finally release a tool that provides that extra 20% of features, adopting the new tool is a no-brainer.. particularly if it is open source. I think this PL/SQL conversion tool falls into this sweet spot.

Now I’m sitting in the Foreign Data Wrappers talk and very excited to see what Andrew is announcing. Great to see people creating things that make the crowd here clap, smile and celebrate.

twittering on 2011-03-24