- definitely going to eat a snickers before riding home in the drizzle. #
- @gorthx thanks for sharing the career advice slideshow. http://is.gd/gsT #
- @ntenhross – free: hallway track + exhibits, get on a panel (presenter pass gets you into all sessions), get pass from talk slction cmte #
- @gorthx not going to pdx.pm tonight. doing some gardening, cleaning, etc. #
- i <3 dreamhost 🙂 🙂 🙂 #
- igniteportland.com had insane load ave, #dreamhost sysadmin fixed it, got callback in 20 min, sysadmin even gave a wordpress tip #service #
- @mattking this is first time in a month that i got off the phone with a hosting provider and i had a smile on my face. #dreamhost #service #
- reading about part numbering systems. #
- @rebekahgolden i could have sushi lunch with you. umenoki? #
- @coatesp don’t tease! i know you hate sushi 🙂 #
- @jkurumot @oregoniansteve hapa unite! (i’m half chinese, but still!) #
- @oregoniansteve looking forward to the twitter article. still haven’t thought of a good way to describe, but i’ll let you know if i do. #
- @ahockley yeah, the host is working on it. i’ve got a ticket in to be moved to a VPS sometime soon. #
- @eggyknap good answers!! 🙂 #
- comparison of sql server, mysql, and postgresql: http://is.gd/gDF (by way of mark schoonover, mysql dba 😉 #
- resisting urge to offer postgres online journal a makeover! #
- i’m just tickled that we’re doing this — chris king is offering wheelsets in all colors (through our dealers): http://is.gd/gEF #
- finally! http://www.igniteportland.com back up #
- @mobilehippie pdx for bikes rocks! my goal: get everyone i know out riding at least once this year. i may have convinced @TiEsQue to try it. #
- @Theory happy birthday to anna!!! 🙂 #
- @debbryant sounds interesting. links? or only in print edition? #
- @storming thx for the pointer. don’t tell @debbryant, this is my excuse to get to have coffee with her! 🙂 #
- @bikeportland woo! good to see you around here. at least tell us what you’re up to from time to time 🙂 #
- @sarahgilbert substitute ‘any’ for ‘overuse’ :o) #
- ugh. its raining. getting on the bike. #
- meh. no phone today. #
- @kcomandich whoa! my mom-in-law was rindy ross’ roommate in college! she has her old guitar! #
- @verso very jealous of your KITH experience. #
- @reidab w00t! nice job. #
- @aurynn welcome back! 🙂 #
- @verso oooh, i saw that article, but haven’t read it yet. i got lost in the Nau article that was right above it. #
- @thisKat what are speed dating intros? how does it work? do tell. #
- @rebekahgolden awesome! #
- @garethgreenaway ooh, for fun? for a project? #
- @xolotl @mattking went to high school with my husband 🙂 #
- following @thisKat’s example and heading to bed with a nightcap. #
- @ahockley sometimes people don’t realize it is stealing. friendly reminders to attribute help. #
- missed out on breakfast burritos. ate two donuts instead. #
- @karolcooks harsh! i bet there’s a cart out there that could satisfy you: http://foodcartsportland.com/ #
- Coder’s Summer Social on Sunday Aug 3 – @samkeen just got paperwork for park reservation. we’re official! mark calendars! #
- @RobotAdam awww. family? #
- @geekygirldawn my first ode to GoDaddy, courtesy of skitch: http://is.gd/emM DNS is propagating… #
- @geekygirldawn and thank you 🙂 #
- @SharonG that does not surprise me about GoDaddy cuz i talked to NINE csrs and none of them understood how updating a DNS A record works. #
- @xolotl @thesethings switching to dreamhost at the moment. just waiting for DNS to propagate. shell access, FTW! #
- @xolotl i really like dreamhost’s activism and transparency. uptime? meh. but i only pay for cheap seats. will upgrade for LoT use. #
- @staceyanderson the day is coming!! we should talk soon. #
- @spinnerin you can. repeat after me: HULK ANGRY. #
- @xolotl they seem neat! might try on a trial basis with another site, and switch if service is good. #
- @peat do it! i have an incomplete muxtape for you – struggling with DRM, will give better tape next week – http://selenamarie.muxtape.com/ #
- ok figuring out DRM and getting the rest of the muxtape populated #
- last DIAF skitch for GoDaddy – dreamhost manages DNS for me, not against me: http://is.gd/epj #
- @peat loved the video, updated playlist available: http://selenamarie.muxtape.com/ #
- headed to lunch. #
- tweeting from a kindle 🙂 #
- @jasonglaspey @ryanwi or just have the gin, straight up. #
- @SharonG do you get a badge? #
- @gorthx worth drinking 😉 #
- enjoying random comments on the #barcampportland post-its photos: http://is.gd/etI #
- @SharonG I’m imagining you in a fedora and trench a la Carmen SanDiego. where in the world is @SharonG? #
- headed out to the beach! sorry to be missing @beerandblog and #drupalcamppdx. have a good weekend! #
- @dberkholz: start on time, have an agenda, write down "actions required" with dates due, publish meeting minutes, follow up on actions #
- @dberkholz: i have a workshop manual i could PDF-up for you next week if you’re desperate #
- http://www.igniteportland.com back up just in time for #beerandblog!! #
- @xolotl @mattking went to high school with my husband 🙂 #
- following @thisKat’s example and heading to bed with a nightcap. #
- @ahockley sometimes people don’t realize it is stealing. friendly reminders to attribute help. #
- missed out on breakfast burritos. ate two donuts instead. #
- @karolcooks harsh! i bet there’s a cart out there that could satisfy you: http://foodcartsportland.com/ #
- Coder’s Summer Social on Sunday Aug 3 – @samkeen just got paperwork for park reservation. we’re official! mark calendars! #
- @RobotAdam awww. family? #
- @geekygirldawn my first ode to GoDaddy, courtesy of skitch: http://is.gd/emM DNS is propagating… #
- @geekygirldawn and thank you 🙂 #
- @SharonG that does not surprise me about GoDaddy cuz i talked to NINE csrs and none of them understood how updating a DNS A record works. #
- @xolotl @thesethings switching to dreamhost at the moment. just waiting for DNS to propagate. shell access, FTW! #
- @xolotl i really like dreamhost’s activism and transparency. uptime? meh. but i only pay for cheap seats. will upgrade for LoT use. #
- @staceyanderson the day is coming!! we should talk soon. #
- @spinnerin you can. repeat after me: HULK ANGRY. #
- @xolotl they seem neat! might try on a trial basis with another site, and switch if service is good. #
- @peat do it! i have an incomplete muxtape for you – struggling with DRM, will give better tape next week – http://selenamarie.muxtape.com/ #
- ok figuring out DRM and getting the rest of the muxtape populated #
- last DIAF skitch for GoDaddy – dreamhost manages DNS for me, not against me: http://is.gd/epj #
- @peat loved the video, updated playlist available: http://selenamarie.muxtape.com/ #
- headed to lunch. #
- tweeting from a kindle 🙂 #
- @jasonglaspey @ryanwi or just have the gin, straight up. #
- @SharonG do you get a badge? #
- @gorthx worth drinking 😉 #
- enjoying random comments on the #barcampportland post-its photos: http://is.gd/etI #
- @SharonG I’m imagining you in a fedora and trench a la Carmen SanDiego. where in the world is @SharonG? #
- headed out to the beach! sorry to be missing @beerandblog and #drupalcamppdx. have a good weekend! #
- @dberkholz: start on time, have an agenda, write down "actions required" with dates due, publish meeting minutes, follow up on actions #
- @dberkholz: i have a workshop manual i could PDF-up for you next week if you’re desperate #
- http://www.igniteportland.com back up just in time for #beerandblog!! #
- going to bed. g’nite. #
- just finished interview with postgresql peru #
- @peat DJ Sushi #
- just received dark chocolate. saving for after lunch. #
- Retweeting @jasonglaspey: Going to present a project idea at the #PDXCritique… want details? http://is.gd/dOX #
- @peat i feel a muxtape coming on.. but they’ve got too many database connections atm 🙁 #
- @jasonglaspey is very mysterious. #
- @TiEsQue you are right! I still think we need the business/tech speed dating. #PDXCritique is a good intersection point, though. #
- @kcomandich i’m jealous! #
- @markwkm will post when it is available! and you can only listen, not see 😉 #
- @pagecrusher that’s hankin’s! i love that hardware store. #
- @karolcooks glad to hear it. #
- @aurynn awwww. it’ll pass. #
- @xolotl will also help w/ GD’s site for beer! (but i’m sure you’ve got it covered) #
- cleaning up my rss feed organization, inspired by @spinnerin’s XFN post http://tinyurl.com/6xur7a #
- @gorthx probably both — but I know that PDX.pm is in need of speakers.. #
- @muckp love it! will incorporate some of those and post when i’m done. #
- sad and in tears. my dad’s letter to the editor about a snare that killed his dog http://snurl.com/27hb9 #
- @mjollnir where are you going?! #
- @muckp my tags: http://tinyurl.com/597krc still needs some refinement, but much better. #
- @radiogretchen thx. #
- @muckp tv picks: http://tinyurl.com/58n87t not much 🙂 #
- @turoczy here’s pdx critique: http://pdxcritique.tingeydesign.com/ #
- @betsywhim def – haven’t met janet yet, but stacey and ben are BFF #
- riding to work… #
- @brampitoyo pdx critique is looking for creatives to participate! idea came from PNCA experience, wanting more formal feedback from peers #
- @mattking awesome! i was supposed to go, but got sick. been talking to stacey a lot about it. #
- @jabancroft thanks so much. sorry your proxy is sucking! #
- @notbenh i’m at work now. but can someone get me twitter integration with my bike? #
- @eddieawad maybe you should show her 🙂 #
- hi @staceyanderson! #
- #PDXCritique has 4 slots available for 20 minute critique sessions. check out http://pdxcritique.tingeydesign.com/ and contact if interested #
- Retweeting @notbenh: @selenamarie Theres also the google group for #PDXCritique http://is.gd/dgt #
- @garethgreenaway what did you get? i’m in the market.. #
- @notbenh heh. sorry – it was the tweed — twitter speed. #
- @Silona i don’t think that’s silly! I demand personal pickup from my SO 🙂 #
- @ctb i’m also drupal-hacking! #
- @brampitoyo how’s your rim looking? your tire? a tire with a rip, or a rim that’s out of true can contribute to flats. as can bad luck :/ #
- @brampitoyo love the fax! esp the brother 2820s we have. fast, async, hast lasted 2 yrs no probs. #
- @ebeckman: i like seeing @ replies from people i don’t follow – lets me reduce the overall # of people that i *do* follow. #
- @radiogretchen i don’t even try 🙂 but, wicking fabrics (read: not cotton) help a lot. #
- @radiogretchen also, you can get padded shorts that are fabric – wearable under normal pants, so that you don’t have to spandex-out #
- @expatrick eiw! #
- @expatrick true dat! no face, or user-interface is safe with skitch around. #
- @ahockley xo sidedoor, although service lately has been less than stellar. lemme know if it ihas improved! #
- @radiogretchen have same problem. no real good solution. #
- @verso i have a janome – don’t know the specific # but can send later. rec: get a good machine, otherwise you’ll be miserable. craigslist! #
- trying to supress my sysadmin instinct to never to the same task twice – everything should be replaced with a tiny shell script! #
- oops – couldn’t even supress it over the course of a single tweet. #
- @linuxpoet good to see you today! #
- any personal telco people following me? #
- @xolotl not /quite/ what i was looking for, but thanks so much. wishing i was drupal-hacking with you fellas! #
- @brampitoyo and @turoczy has the "my other thing" post it 😉 not sure where LOST or zombies went to.. couldn’t find it in the pile. #
- just checked out my flickr stats for today. wow. http://snurl.com/27c0b #
- oh and top 10 most popular photos of #barcampportland post-its today: http://is.gd/cxv #
- @notbenh i know! i was surprised too. #
- trying tweetwheel at @turoczy’s suggestion. #
- oh wow. tweetwheel is pretty. http://tinyurl.com/56d5ns #
- @twirl would like to be able to capture twitter streams a la Firefox ScreenGrab #
- pdxpug sighting via @gorthx http://tinyurl.com/5qy7ds #
- getting coffee before interview with Peru PostgreSQL podcast #
- oops interview is on thursday! free hour! what to do? #
- @kveton acadia (NE – my fav), bernie’s (NE), lucy’s table (NW), seratto (NW) #
- Retweeting @thesethings: Notes in Google Reader. Finally! Yay. Screenshots: http://tinyurl.com/5mgmc3 – hoping @xolotl and @turoczy use goog #
- @danblaker i also have a standing-height desk. it is awesome. although i do get snarkydonald rumsfeld comments. #
- @danblaker thanks for that tip! totally going to say that next time someone gives me crap. #
- @jkuramot blog badges! http://snurl.com/27f7l #
- i love that i can have imaginary friends in friendfeed #
- @ramereth thanks for the pointer! 🙂 #
- @ pied cow, decompressing from #barcampportland #
- @ninjasleepover didn’t get a chance to shake your hand but nice to "meet" you in the project mgmt session 🙂 #
- Just posted all the #barcampportland post-its: http://www.flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/sets/72157604886698562/ #
- @adamd thanks! 🙂 #
- @verso you are awesome! thanks for the fab descriptions! #
- @brampitoyo i think "vegetarian polyamory" was taken as a souvenir by someone. the question is, who? #
- interesting community commentary and "features to fix" from MySQL founding coder: http://snurl.com/277hg #
- @linuxpoet loving it! #
- @jasonglaspey get in touch this afternoon – want to trade ideas about @bikehelppdx! #
- @karolcooks i am SO glad you came! you definitely added great info to both the women in tech and the chickens/sustainability convo. #
- @sarahgilbert i think the taunting will continue until we plan another meetup – maybe we should tour each others gardens? with cocktails? #
- @Crad move your business to portland! 🙂 #
- @Crad sorry, just full of the @portvangelista spirit this morning. #
- @xolotl oooh, thanks for the zotero.org tip! #
- Retweeting @drupalpdx: 7 spots remaining for Drupal Dev Camp: http://drupalpdx.org — sign up now! #
- stoked that postgresql got mentioned on the front page of @communityone site #
- @vsync for postgresql, it may have been one of the best marketing moves ever 😉 #
- @petdance thanks for the links! can’t wait to hang out at oscon 🙂 #
- @brampitoyo no! do you have it? #
- @ pastini for lunch #
- @debbryant i love oceanside! my favorite place for an overnight trip to the coast. #
- @storming @geekygirldawn did that for the @barcampportland account. she requested it somehow from twitter directly. #
- @jasonglaspey monday would be good! somewhere in NW? eSan? Matador? i’m on bike. #
- brain still on overdrive from awesome conversations last night with @reidb @spinnerin @tiesque @geekygirldawn @brampitoyo @verso and lucas #
- @brampitoyo really? more details! hard to beat what jonathanmaus is already doing with bikeportland.org – would love to collab w/ him on it #
- also have you seen http://velog.com/group/bikeportland-org? awesome! #
- @twirl i would like velog to be integrated into twirl! #
- @charlesnw do you have a particular project in mind that you’d like Pg support for? lemme know, might know ppl interested in working on it #
- @brampitoyo would love to see this done – want more flexible tagging infra that twitter has to make it useful to me. #
- @twirl i’m having an issue with following (follow so-and-so) when i have >3 twitter accounts open – get black tweet of doom. suggestions? #
- @ljbanks if you want a local beekeeper to collect the swarm – try: http://www.orsba.org/ #
- @lelonopo chickens are my favorite weed control 😉 #
- @markwkm it went great! got two contacts who want to do a podcast with me about switching from mysql to postgresql! #
- @markwkm here are the notes from the "try Pg" talk: http://barcampportland.chesnok.com/drupal/node/30 #
- @xolotl i’ll check if your tshirt is still there today 🙂 #
- hopping on my bike for the BIKES session this morning at #BarCampPortland – 10am #
- @xolotl awesome! 🙂 #
- @sarahgilbert — missed you yesterday at chickens & food discussion – here’s some notes: http://barcampportland.chesnok.com/drupal/node/127 #
- the SUN is insane! hopping on my bike to get to #barcampportland #
- @muckp showing off poketo.com – you online right now? #
- created @bikehelppdx, stay tuned for crazy goodness! #
- @notbenh link to custom field resources on wordpress http://snurl.com/273ic #
- @jasonglaspey http://snurl.com/273ic #
- @sharong because every good #BarCampPortland session results in a new WEB SERVICE! #
- @JoannaK you have access to edit now! reload the schedule page and you should see Edit URLs that you can access #
- @xolotl i think you want a large or a medium, not an XL shirt! please choose smaller 🙂 #
- @xolotl i offered medium, but we were out. i hope you still owe me a drink, anyway. #
- @chrispitzer http://tinyurl.com/6lbaq6 #
- @chrispitzher oops – try this: http://tinyurl.com/6lbaq6 #