- Are you going to Side Project to Startup next fri/sat? Let the organizers know! http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/898641 #
- we’re here at PSU in room 86-04 (BASEMENT) in the engineering building (college and 4th) (in portland) to talk about USER GROUPS! woo! #
- @markwkm PLUG was great. had ~40 people, great questions, lots of good energy, inspired at least one person to be a PLUG speaker. #
- whoa – inventor of mysql quit Sun: http://tinyurl.com/5w9t5e #
- @Theory 🙂 he seems like a cool guy. I appreciated the black vodka he shared with the postgresql bof at OSCON. #
- more discussion of monty’s departure from @sheeri: http://is.gd/2gqO #
- thinking of heading out to @beerandblog #
twittering on 2008-09-04
- @timoreilly preach it! seriously! OMG! YES! can we stop talking about the mom factor now and focus on how freaking scary her beliefs are? #
- seriously disappointed in the twittersphere this evening. #
- lets talk about real stuff like: taxes http://snurl.com/3mszt, health care http://is.gd/2clj, SCIENCE http://is.gd/create.php #
- @verso @johnmark YES! can we please make teaching SCIENCE, MUSIC, MATH and CIVICS priorities in our schools? #
- @thesethings 😀 >squinting< nope. doesn’t believe in darwinism, thinks gays don’t deserve same rights and pro death penalty (but p … #
- @brianaker hell yes! please bring back shop class. #
- @verso they just need more 🙂 i’ve never talked to a public school teacher or administrator who complained they had too much money. #
- @verso they tell me about who had to be let go, and wonder how they’re going to buy supplies for all the kids who can’t afford them 🙁 #
- @xolotl your genius is underappreciated. #
- @ahockley different funding sources, but well played, sir! #
- issue I’m very interested in: service – http://www.barackobama.com/issues/service/; looking forward to reading about mccain’s views #
- @ahockley next levy, i’ll help you go door to door. i’m not kidding. #
- @johnabbe thanks – here’s the URL i meant to pass on: candidates on SCIENCE http://is.gd/2cln #
- feeling much better today. #
- listening to reggaeton from panama. #
User Groups redux
actually, i love this cup. thanks, eric! 🙂
It’s a bit late for an “announcement”, but Gabrielle and I are re-presenting the User Groups talk to the Portland Linux Users Group tonight. We’re all about audience participation, and so we’re going to focus on helping PLUG pick a few topics and presenters for upcoming meetings. And whatever else they want to talk about 🙂
Meeting starts at 7pm and here’s where:
Fariborz Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science Building
Room FAB 86-01 (This is in the basement.)
The building is on SW 4th across from SW College Street.
See location H-10 on map at http://pdxLinux.org/campus_map.jpg
Beer afterward at Jax!
Jax Bar And Restaurant
826 SW 2nd Avenue
twittering on 2008-09-03
- @AaronThul welcome back 🙂 #
- take that, giant file of doom. #
- @rorowe same boat. 🙁 #
- OH: they’re trying to put maverick and moose into the whitehouse! #
- ugh. that wiring project is gonna have to wait until the morning. #
- @operatic i live in a very punny household. #
- what is up with the colds this year? did i really need to get another one? #
- @gchaix ugh. hitting the ibuprofen. #
- @zrusilla *shudder* #
twittering on 2008-09-02
- paint is drying! settling in with some tea to hack on ptop #
- @adamd congrats!!! looking good. #
- Chrome: emacs for the internet? “we’re applying the same kind of process isolation you find in modern operating systems” 😀 #
- the chrome comic book is really cute. #
- @kcomandich suddenly, i’m remembering _Maximum Overdrive_. when operating systems attack! #
- @ramereth bike commute challenge FTW! #
twittering on 2008-09-01
- considering the best way to drill a hole into the house for the new phone line. #
- @garethgreenaway good advice – just in time for fall! #
- wisdom from father-in-law: drill from the INSIDE. good thing i hadn’t started yet. #
- SO EXCITED that i just drilled a hole to the OUTSIDE! and i didn’t break any siding! #
twittering on 2008-08-31
twittering on 2008-08-30
twittering on 2008-08-29
- http://twitpic.com/9e18 – “Thank you… Thank you…” 😀 #
- @grigs me too. seems odd for a guy who’s running on his experience. and she’s prepared to take over? #
- @gchaix thanks for the suggestion! I’ll check it out. #
- @petdance you are brave! be strong! #
- @grigs unfortunate that she was chosen now. glad mccain did it, but sad it seems based on a bid for PUMAs, instead of her qualifications #
twittering on 2008-08-28
- hopping on bike for wherecamp meetup. considering whether to bring rain gear. #
- Decided to just drive 🙁 I’m here and on the back deck fellow wherecamp planners #
- still giggling about twitter-assisted mail delivery ideas from wherecamp planning #
- sweet! coworker is presenting at UTOSC on our development environment: http://2008.utosc.com/presentation/81/ #
- @thesethings aww shucks. 🙂 #