- @jnyp32 china town rocks. also the aquarium. rent bikes! #
- @xolotl plurk? I haven’t been back there since Mexico. But I like roots #
- @brianaker have a good flight 🙂 #
- slides from last night’s git discussion at code-n-splode http://www.baconandtech.com, can’t wait for @sarahsharp’s advanced talk next month #
- @notbenh THANK YOU SO MUCH. my new, spillproof mug is perfect. also petra loves hers 🙂 #
- @turnstep are you working on that drupal module? #
- @jkuramot why are you going to so many jack in the boxes? #
- @ahockley there are three 🙂 cubespace has some. they cost about $25 @macforce or computer store if #wordcamppdx presenters wanna stock up #
- @marsee thanks for the heads up! User Group Radio: http://ping.fm/s6Nlv #
- my basement is very, very cold. #
- @gorthx i wish heating through switching equipment wasn’t so inefficient. #
- @spinnerin yup. gonna find some wool socks now! #
- pg_top’ing #
- heroes? #
- xo mad men. on fresh air right now. dan draper’s voice is dreamy. #
- trying putting extra coffee in an insulated mug today. #
- nice work @staceyanderson 🙂 #
- @notbenh maybe 😉 #
- @storming but isn’t there research that says that homeownership (even in the mortgage sense) leads to better communities? more involvement? #
- NYC PostgreSQL users group (NYPUG) meeting next week: http://postgresql.meetup.com/3/ #
- best photos from my vacation to mexico: http://www.flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/sets/72157607416534794/ #
- watching the 4400 pilot #
- #lazyweb: strategies for keeping coffee in a coffee press hot or warm for more than 20 minutes? press cozy? #
- @notbenh ur so efficient! #
- @verso NEW PROJECT! #
- @TiEsQue ooooh. thx for the link. #
- @peat will try fluffy towel method tomorrow. #
- @notbenh: hrm. good point. as you know, i don’t have a leakproof insulated coffee mug. the glass press is more stable 🙁 #
- headed out to the tugboat for a beer. in the neighborhood? #
- working on ptop #
- someone is playing oregon trail on his phone. #
- @reidab b. g. unite! #
- headed out for wherecamppdx meetup… #
- if you’re into geo-tech, think about sponsoring wherecamppdx — http://www.wherecamppdx.org/sponsorships #
- how you know we have too many conferences in portland: OH: what we need is an internet stalker camp. #
- @markgross please find me re: a WhereCamp inquiry today!!! will be over there starting around 1pm #
- BACON! #
- broiling is the new bake. for bacon. #
- almost ready to leave for linux plumbers conference. our talk is in room Room 3 (rm #298/296 in SMITH) at PSU – http://moourl.com/bjme4 #
- that’s me and @gorthx #
- @KathySierra user group is a great way to describe it – connecting directly with the people who really need to know your software. #
- excited to have a linux kernel question to ask the brain trust at Linux Plumber’s Conference tomorrow. now about finishing these slides… #
- darn it. missing lunch 2.0 again. #
- @sbecker jealous. inbox: 1709 #
- how is it that i forgot to eat? #
- making pineapple rice. reading performance stuff. stalling on making slides. #
- tired of lip service about women in tech. latest eg: http://rebootingcomputing.com -want more women involved? take a look at your org first. #
- huzzah! slides were started! calling it a night. #
- just tried to add LIMIT 1 to a series of shell commands to only get one result back. #