- “dinosaurs in monkey suits” #scale7x #
- PostgreSQL BoF at #scale7x http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3299454620 #
twittering on 2009-02-21
- dru gives shout out to user groups! #scale7x #
- @n0dos your presentation was awesome. thank you so much. hams are hot! #
- listening to @rikkikite talk about how to promote yourself better (for men and women) #scale7x #
- “state your point briefly and clearly.” #scale7x #
- “be confident and cool.” @rikkikite #scale7x hah! love it. #
- so, @rikkikite’s advice for getting over stage fright: audition for the vagina monologues. #scale7x #
- awesome daily affirmations for women in technology http://tr.im/gD5J from @rikkikite @scale7x #
- another theme from @rikkikite’s talk, overcoming imposter syndrome: http://tr.im/gD5N #
- @markgross give up! just use gzip 🙂 #
- Done with slide tweaks. Other people were in the gym at 6am with me #scale7x #
- Bradley kuhn says “stall-mend gived u free-domes, but Cloud ated them.” #scale7x #
- Email becomes gmail #scale7x #
- We should “decide what’s best for users based on what they deserve as human beings.” #scale7x #
- Feeling like more than just education and “giving” rights, we need to empower users to take their rights #scale7x #
- Not exactly sure how to do that. Feel like inclusive community is the start #scale7x #
twittering on 2009-02-20
- getting ready for #ip5 #
- On way to ignite #ip5 #
- Brady onstage for intro #ip5 #
- OH “I am aaron and I post content on the Internet” http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3293660247 #
- @brampitoyo you rocked!!! #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3294487978 #
- #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3293667611 #
- Suck or blow? #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3294494574 #
- “bunch of catchpraaew here” #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3293673427 #
- Galois represent! #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3293678477 #
- Epoch joke alert #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3293681493 #
- Open source is business friendly 🙂 #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3293685011 #
- DNA #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3293689585 #
- Un oh #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3294517626 #
- We are wasting our time with ignite #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3294522666 #
- OH “it is intuitively obvious that not making money is not making money” #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3294527114 #
- Why you should ride the bus #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3293706179 #
- “even pimps ride the bus” #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3293710675 #
- Ok not gonna livetweet the rest. See you at the afterparty! #ip5 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3294594496 #
- Wow. That was awesome. #ip5 #
- Wow. What a nice thing to wake up to! 🙂 #
- thank you @notbenh @verso @chrisharley @mercuryPDX @nfarina @dougcoleman @skinny @jasongallic @stechz @b3gl @ryanrfish #
- @brady nice to meet you. don’t get chickens. #
- thank you @agray @zacparker @ike6 @dieselboi @mattly @ike6 🙂 🙂 #
- @kimkaralekas let me know how that goes 🙂 #
- @mjollnir not until the 28th. i presented last at ignite. i should probably upload the slides now 🙂 #
- @phillips thanks so much 🙂 #
- @nipper thanks so much! #
- how to kill 4 chickens in 3 years slides, with some audio i recorded this morning http://tr.im/gC6I (while you wait for @linuxaid’s video) #
- oops, let me tag that. #
- how to kill 4 chickens in 3 years slides, with audio i recorded this morning http://tr.im/gC6I (while we wait for @linuxaid’s video) #ip5 #
- @ericeaglstun yeah, i hope you don’t take my advice! thank you 🙂 #
- @kfinsand hah! thank you. the map required a few rough drafts. glad you liked the final. #
- Getting on a jet plane #scAle7x #
- Waiting for a shuttle at LAX #scale7x #
- @radiogretchen thank you so much!!! 🙂 #
- @jasonmauer awww. shucks. #
- RT @linuxaid Selena Deckelmann – How to kill three chickens in three years – http://blip.tv/file/1795942 #ip5 #
- #scale7x stormy says “be grateful” in how to get things done in open source 🙂 #
- @crunchysue well, techinically *5* #
- @verso yeah, five 😀 #
- @AE3nn haha wow. your mom is rad. #
- @emmajanedotnet tee hee. i shoulda waited so that i could have fully enjoyed your response. #
- @merlyn where are you? #
- @AE3nn see @piawaugh’s presentations on this topic. #
- dru lavigne emphasizes mentorship in her presentation to open source newbs #scale7x #
- @AE3nn here’s one version of it:http://conf.au.linuxchix.org/heroes-presented-pia-waugh #
How to kill 4 chickens in 3 years
I had a great time at Ignite Portland 5 last night. There were seventeen other fantastic presenters, amazing volunteers and the always great Legion of Tech crew there to cheer us all on. Oh, and like 700 people in the crowd!
Thanks to everyone who helped me out on this presentation. Especially my husband, Scott, who really did volunteer for that slide.
Enjoy the slidecast below, with some audio commentary I recorded this morning (drop.io FTW!) below. @linuxaid‘s video should be up soon!
And here’s @linuxaid’s video:
twittering on 2009-02-19
- sad i’m missing the advanced topics meeting. but need to practice! #
- @ramereth meeting will be at paddy’s (http://paddys.com/), back room at 6pm friday feb 27 #
- @ramereth formal announcement coming shortly! #
- sad i won’t be in town for #RCC. #
- @eggyknap +1 for the new clone! #
- #Puppet users, configuration mgmt geeks – join us Friday 2/27 @ Paddy’s http://calagator.org/events/1250456728 #
- @irabinovitch that is true 🙂 #
- RT @planetpostgres: Robert Treat (…) http://tr.im/gyrk [bottom-line: inspired by @osbridge] #
- @atreat get a G1!!! #
- @emmajanedotnet CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU. #
- sunrise was gorgeous. making coffee. #
- In case you missed it – #Puppet users, configuration mgmt geeks – join us Friday 2/27 @ Paddy’s, pls RSVP http://tr.im/gzS8 #
- um, where did my coffee go? #
- @stewartsmith that was very sweet of you to travel so far just to steal my coffee. #
- @stewartsmith the answer is YES! 🙂 #
- @igalko thanks! checking into it… #
- trying to come up with a good way to illustrate a ‘pull’ in a diagram (as opposed to a ‘push’) #
- @igalko RSVP robot is now fixed! Thanks for alerting us. #
- @spinnerin hah, nice idea. i’m thinking of something more like an icon, though. #
- @markwkm good idea, but i’m pulling something all the way over to the other side, which isn’t exactly what you use a pulley for. #
- @grigs your sports-related post momentarily confused me as I jumped directly to the ‘PG’. #
- @sarahsharp genius! 😀 #
- @markwkm hmmm. #
- @verso just saw. sorry, buddy. in reply to verso #
- @phillips cool! that’s near where @gorthx and I run 🙂 #
- @aplyley wow awesome! video is great, other resources look awesome. #
- For those who haven’t heard, @aplyley is presenting code-n-splode about her work, and will give a quick primer on financial stuff w/ Q&A #
- Code-n-sploders: check out @aplyley’s collection of material for her talk — http://snipurl.com/cns_stuff #
- RT @endpoint: Bare git repositories and newspapers http://tr.im/gAR5 #
New user group: Puppet PDX
Zombie puppet teaser…
Just a quick note that I’m helping start Puppet PDX and I posted some details over here. Configuration management is awesome stuff, and if you live in the Portland area, you should come check out the new group. We’re meeting at Paddy’s, 6pm on 2/27/09.
twittering on 2009-02-18
- @jkuramot you rock 🙂 #
- chuckling inside about tour de coops solictation email i just got. still practicing presentation. #
- @migueldeicaza can’t take credit, but: ‘the man is going down, my friend’ via @thesethings #
- biking over to @gorthx’s this morning. and then, a run! #
- @murwiz you can always move to the west coast! 😀 #
- beautiful day! #pdxst #
- gratitude, freedom and open source http://tr.im/guxo #
- so i just added a sentence about institutions, and now i’m *really* getting on my bike. #
- @ramereth just don’t run out of disk space 🙁 #
- @ramereth there’s a linking bug that a postgres person found as well. worth trying, but not production-ready IMO #
- @ichae that rules 🙂 #
- @turnstep JEALOUS. although i had hot chocolate brought to me by @gorthx #
- @spinnerin my list is: gift for parents (joke clothing, babysitting time), simple but sparkly/jangly toys, something you made (hat/booties) #
- RT @IgnitePortland: New post: How To Enjoy Ignite Portland 5 http://tinyurl.com/bulgs2 #
- whatever @gorthx is making for lunch smells delicious #
- @markwkm you are welcome anytime! (she says without checking with the hostess) #
- RT @turoczy: Just caught a great post by @rogoway from yesterday http://twurl.cc/he1 #
- this is a special shout out to @jkuramot: http://www.kickbrix.com/ #
- @jkuramot LOL #
Gratitude, freedom and open source
Audrey just wrote a fantastic blog entry about Open Source Bridge, her thoughts about citizenship, and what it means to be a responsible open source citizen.
Yesterday, Forbes published a piece talking about the “open source collaboration gap” and waxed poetic about why it is that corporate IT doesn’t contribute back to open source projects the way that individuals do.
One possible explanation from the article is that there is really a gratitude gap – institutions just can’t feel gratitude or express gratitude the way that individuals can. I kinda like that idea. But paradoxically, Dan Woods then suggests that if we were to just measure the tangible benefits of open source, we’d have our argument for IT contributing back. Well, if the problem is gratitude.. I can’t say that I agree that more metrics are going to fix the collaboration gap.
So, I would try to solve this problem differently. I think that changing collaboration patterns happens one person at a time – with individuals deciding to pursue hobbies and work that interest them, hopefully doing work that matters. To make institutions better open source citizens, they have to change their policies and behaviors so that they encourage, rather than discourage individual contributions.
Encourage individuals to contribute to open source projects from inside large companies, and let individual interest and creativity guide those contributions. The Free Software Foundation was created by a guy who just wanted to solve a problem with a printer. If you run a company, let your employees solve their problems!
That freedom to think, be creative and do something that matters are the parts of my community and my work I most value.
So, if there’s something about free and open source software, your development community, your personal project that inspires you, please submit a proposal to our conference. We want to hear from you!
Photo courtesy of flickr user kalandrakas, under a Creative Commons license.
twittering on 2009-02-17
- RT @thesethings: Fellow word-nerds. There’s a thread on Hacker News about naming your site/product/company: http://tr.im/wurdnurd #
- @StephStricklen would like to chat with you about Open Source Bridge and a panel/keynote. #
- playing scrabble #
- @allisonrandal yay! i remember when you were looking at that openmoko last year.. #
- playing to win. and i did. #
- @merlyn i’ll see you at #scale7x! #
- http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3286452267 #
- @magnushagander nice guess, but no 🙂 #
- ok, going to bed. unfortunately, getting up early tomorrow too. have hair-bender coffee to look forward to. #
- RT @mjasay: *Awesome* article by Dan Woods in Forbes on enterprise IT(not) giving back to open-source projects: http://tinyurl.com/cw24l5 #
- of course there’s a new phone two days after getting a G1: http://tr.im/gnre #
- @mattg no announcement yet. will be watching! #
- @igalko re the myevents branch — love it. thank you for doing that. #
- RT @WardCunningham: Agile testing guru Elisabeth Hendrickson will visit Portland tomorrow night. Be there. http://calagator.org/events/1 … #
- @sumwan @pdxpug YES! at freegeek. #
- dear internet: why haven’t you shown me this before? http://tr.im/gooe #chickens #art #belgium #
- @atreat yay! 🙂 🙂 #
- @verso for reference: acme handbags http://www.acmemade.com/ #
- @kscaldef ugh. that sucks. i flew continental last time to NYC because jetblue was more expensive. just saw a low fare via delta yesterday. #
- @ryansnyder glad to hear it 🙂 🙂 #
- @verso yes, i saw that 🙂 nice find!! #
- just confused the heck out of poor @StephStricklen. sorry. FAIL. #
- @StephStricklen your reply was perfect! i clearly need a proofreader. #
- @merlyn sorry you have to have more surgery. 🙁 #
Learning to think, session II
I attended a free session on “how to think” given by Hideshi Hamaguchi (his twitter feed) last Friday night. Not only did I manage to turn what was essentially a design geek user group meeting into a “date night” with my husband, but I left the meeting with the delicious feeling you get when you’ve learned something really useful.
The session was focused on designers and design thinking. I found it applied even to my work – programming and database design, much of which I’ll claim is creative. I took many, many pages of notes – sketching out replicas of Hideshi’s carefully drawn diagrams. One lesson that stuck with me over the weekend is captured in the diagram that starts this blog post.
It’s a behavior-over-time graph, describing the transition from strategy to execution, with the line showing the growth in what you know about the problem you’re trying to solve. Briefly, strategy is defined as the combination of decisions that are needed to make a decision right now. Execution is what you do after you’ve made your decision. The vertical line shows the point at which you might decide to start thinking, or synthesizing information you’ve gathered. In the graph, that thinking line is pretty far along in the “what you know” curve. The length of time up until thinking begins is a missed opportunity — business-wise and creatively.
Consultants typically like to gather information – maybe asking lots of boiler-plate questions of the client before embarking on the “thinking” phase of consultation. Hideshi suggested that instead of allowing information gathering to delay thought, we should all just immediately start thinking.
He gave the example of FedEx, and what a person who was about to talk to FedEx would know without asking any questions of the company: guaranteed delivery times and hub-spoke architecture for their delivery system. Nothing is earth-shattering about those observations. They are simply things that you already know, and can use.
And here’s an observation I really thought about afterward: the length of time before you start to think is determined by your fears. The fear can be of the unknown, not having enough information, looking stupid or any number of other fears that we all have in a new situation. Taking a moment to reflect on what you already know might be the best strategy for eliminating that fear, and moving on to the useful, creative thought a client may be paying you for.
Much of the rest of the session was an exploration of a few ideas Hideshi had encountered in the last few weeks – creating a Museum of Design in Portland, and couple presentations he had made to help a famous blogger judge a Standford University “innovative ideas” competition. Both were fun thought exercises, with the added bonus of seeing Hideshi’s creative output.
I’m very much looking forward to the next session.