- making spinach and salami pizzas #
- @amcdey and the Free Berlin Tours guy said they have the best nightlife. lots of young people, not many of them employed. #
- @petdance sounds like it’s time for a new avatar: http://snurl.com/20va8 #
- @aurynn let me know if you find a good pair. i’ve whittled "crap i carry" down to keys, wallet and phone, but pockets are always a problem. #
- liking #calagator new look! #
- @karolcooks i can’t wait to wear my tekken outfit running tomorrow. #
- feeling extremely organized. now, time to attack this system call problem. the kernel WILL tell me what i want to know. #
- @schwern bon voyage! #
- www.portlandonfire.com needs more profiles! #
- heading over to the coffee shop to work on a presentation. #
- LA postgresql users group having second meeting on March 28, watch for an update to their blog! http://pugs.postgresql.org/lapug #
- driven out of coffee shop by a loud german talking on his cel phone. #
- helping set up a postgresql user group in morocco. i feel a postgresql user group world tour coming on. #
- @johnmark the loud german? or the moroccan? i didn’t stop to ask the german for his name. 🙂 #
- going through my bikesnobnyc backlog. #
- finally, mysql people admitting what we already know: http://tinyurl.com/2wbqh3 #
- twitter-withdrawal shakes subsiding. #
- @snitter please drop the filtering #
- formatting strings in C is a PITA #
- @garethgreenaway postgresql will be there! #
- watching ptop stats roll by #
- first commitfest for postgresql 8.4 begins tomorrow – http://snurl.com/20oxp #
- @br3nda: lol we’re always a day behind in US #
- @br3nda *sigh* yes. there’s some talk of moving things over to git — see http://git.postgresql.org #
- we’re probably going to move ptop over to git for the next release #
- giving up on writing the PROCARGS code today. off to dinner, then karaoke! #
- @verso please make it so that i can send bacon updates via twitter. #
- hi @aurynn. yay! more postgresql goodness. see @br3nda, @mjollnir, @cbbrowne. others? #
- headed home.. #
- @theory i’m "following"… ok, maybe the joke’s not … "funny" anymore. #
- 😀 thanks, @theory. milkshake now up nose. #
- @linuxpoet pong. #
- in case you’ll be in the UK April 2 for another postgresql conference: http://www.postgresql.org.uk/ #
- trying to remember how to program the phone system. grr. #
- @garethgreenaway i WISH. typing commands into a phone keypad is so 1980s. #
- @notbenh you never called for coffee! 🙂 #
- @muckp thanks for the link. my husband interviewed some aspies on a private email list a while back. really interesting community. #
- @clonezone, @petdance feed it to the chickens! #
- @garethgreenway lol we’re a small company and telco people are $50/hr. its done now anyway. the electricians are installing the patch panel! #
- ok, i figured out drupal views. updating the pugs site. #
- take that, integrated headset framemakers. http://snurl.com/20lsq #
- hooray for calagator! http://tinyurl.com/2qg3f9 #
- @andeezy safeway on NE broadway has wifi, burgerville next to convention ctr does. #
- jealous of @br3nda’s geekgirl dinners 🙂 #
- excited about new mission statement. #
- @schwern no synergizing. just fun 🙂 #
- @karolcooks LOL #
- cool php/postgresql presentations from a very humble programmer (see sidebar) http://snurl.com/20mm5 #
- @grigs box "wine"? #
- if i’m gonna booze it up at work, it’s going to be glenlivet. #
- @theory heh. #
- looking forward to extreme database makeover with @theory, @gorthx http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/154 #
- at cubespace for barcamp planning #
- @theory are you going to post those schema suggestions? i’d like to link to them… or post them on the PUGS site #
- @spinnerin @ljbanks yup, high temp is the key! i use a pizza stone, parchment paper and a lot of steam to get a good crust #
- btw @spinnerin’s bread and marmalade is the bomb. #
- i started using my pizza stone before i had discovered parchment paper, so mine isn’t so pretty now. but it works great! #
- my new absolutely most favorite blog: http://quotation-marks.blogspot.com/ #
- thanks to @theory, mark wong and jeff davis for their work on extreme database makeover! http://snurl.com/20jhc #
- @petdance so "true". my plan is to "catch up" on the last "three years" in the next "two hours". #
- @petdance oh "right" #
- @rael, @theory: "literally" is another favorite of mine – of course, there is a blog dedicated to its abuse: http://literally.barelyfitz.com #
- @theory you tell me because my airport sux too. #
- woo! spring is here. chickens laid an egg. #
- welcome to twitter @cbbrowne 🙂 #
- summer of code for postgresql is ramping up! http://www.postgresql.org/developer/summerofcode #
- @notbenh there, there. #
- @andeezy i love that song. is that wrong? #
- hah! phase Awful Hack to ptop To Make It Compile On Mac OS X complete! #
- @muckp the chickens were not bold. we did that. that’s right. we snow-tortured our chickens. #
- upgrading snitter! woo! #
- welcome back, @samkeen! #
- @ahockley is not making pair programming sound very good. #
- @andeezy amen. #
- postgresql + FOSDEM a huge success, EU non-profit elected a board: http://tinyurl.com/3d44a5 #
- @karolcooks thanks 🙂 i gots more where that came from. #
- @notbenh gardening has not really started yet. need to get started soon 🙂 #
- uploading photos from garden walk yesterday #
- bummed that st john’s pub isn’t showing the oscars this year #
- gardening. #
- totally fixed a bug in Net::MAC #
- @metafluence what happens in vegas, stays in vegas. #
- dammit, @gorthx found another bug. #
- totally going to see jumper #
- going to the japanese garden today #
- chickens are clucking about something or the other. #