twittering on 2008-10-08

  • Drink every time McCain says "my friends" #
  • Obbama looks strong, McCain asks for permission to speak. #
  • Just saw on fox audience asked if they agree McCain won on economy-less than 10ppl raise hands. Fast cut. Oops Fox! #current #
  • congrats @turoczy, sorry i missed the announcement earlier πŸ™‚ #
  • OH: "people whose heads get stuck in pickle jars" #
  • @betsywhim Happy Birthday! πŸ™‚ #
  • metro ethernet downtime pool starting now! #
  • @ahockley how about an even dozen? #
  • darn it. forgot to actually make a bet. #
  • @peggyolson you should have gone! #
  • grrrr. fedex submission screen ate my order. re-entering. #
  • RT @gorthx: Don’t miss “Hands on Perl 6” at tonight: #
  • thanks, @dietrich for arranging the Mozilla sponsorship of WhereCampPDX! #
  • @ramereth DRUPAL! #
  • @kscaldef I typed it! #

twittering on 2008-10-07

  • thank you awesome wherecamppdx sponsors! Check ’em out at #
  • thanks again @reidab for awesome graphics work on #wherecamppdx #
  • Popcicle, one of my chickens, ate a neighbor’s prized tomatoes. She is confined to the tractor today. Making lemon bars for neighbor. #
  • @mcauliflower do it! i took a walk at lunch yesterday. trying to soak up all the rays I can before the 4pm Darkness begins. #
  • @garethgreenaway lol different kind of tractor: #
  • @jnyp32 i gave her some stern looks. #
  • @karolcooks of course! my calendar is a disaster, i’ll email. #
  • @cfisk oh good idea! I did that with my cat when she was a baby. she still runs to me when i make the clicking noise πŸ™‚ #
  • Thinking about going to #WhereCampPDX? Let us know on Upcoming: so we can plan for enough food! #
  • RT @cshirky: Twitter proposed as tool against voter supression: And wiki: #
  • Are you a member of PgUS? Take a look at who’s running for the board, and their platform statements:
  • Are you a member of PgUS? Take a look at who’s running for the board, and their platform statements: #
  • @SharonG Oregon == Openness! FTW! #

twittering on 2008-10-04

  • looks like i’m going to miss campfire camp. spending time with my sweetie before he takes off tomorrow for the day. #
  • what’s a good breakfast place near Cubespace? need some good food before coding. #
  • @brianaker sounds like a good day πŸ™‚ #
  • @emmajanedotnet i love painting. as soon as i can clear more space in the basement, i have two more walls to paint. #
  • headed out! #
  • at the codesprint, installing lots of python goodies. made wiki page to describe our progress:
  • fixed a couple bugs, now starting the test-driven development πŸ™‚ #
  • @whurley yes we should revolt! omg. #
  • i love igal’s PS prompt that changes on whether a function call returns true or false. #
  • no one wants to work on displaying avatars with me πŸ™ #

twittering on 2008-10-02

  • @grigs that is just painful. #
  • OMGWTFBBQ! WhereCampPDX website just went turbo! @reidab is the evil genius. #
  • @aldos do you have any code to share for the data obfuscator? #
  • alright web innovators, do you have free beer? #
  • @ahockley where’s the beer?! lemme know #
  • @schwern are you killing those chickens yourself? #
  • Ok web innovators, we are going to green dragon! #
  • – @markwkm for you #
  • @stewartsmith yes πŸ™‚ #
  • makin’ chili. #