twittering on 2009-02-25

  • Glad I came out for codensplode to hear @aplyley talk about investing #
  • Just saw @ike6 play sweet music at the ash street #
  • @chrismessina man, that’s just FUD 🙂 just use a brake. #
  • loving that @gaeyia is giving tech support to @the_real_shaq #
  • hello, morning. #
  • @turoczy latter, always the latter. #
  • @pjf sorry i haven’t replied to your email. it is in my queue 🙂 our conf is june 17-20, so may not work for you 🙁 #
  • RT @StevenWalling: So my prime options for learning to get up early are meth or babies? If I combine the two, does it work better? #
  • why is everyone being so funny this morning? i’ll bet its because the rain is back. #
  • @jonobacon re yr preso @ #scale7x wanted to point you to @hideshione re: creativity, design, changing attitudes #
  • @garethgreenaway 🙁 feel better soon! #scale7x was awesome. #
  • @garethgreenaway yeah, definitely. i’ll ping u next week re: hackfest. #
  • aurgh! sun! #pdxst #
  • @pjf yes, i had really pushed for that so that we could have the Party Bus to San Jose [tm], but June was better for most people. #
  • Tastes pretty good. #
  • RT @brianaker: The best method for making money on open source software? Make use of it 🙂 #
  • @bkuhn oh yeah, i’m still smarting from your explanation when i tried to patent “wet blanket statement”. #
  • @caseorganic that is a great, funny analogy. #
  • loving the friendly fires. thanks @whateverson. #
  • feeling much better now that chess with friends is working again. #
  • i <3 @endpoint #

twittering on 2009-02-23

  • pg_standby: i <3 u. no really. i like you a lot. seriously. #
  • @AE3nn tell your mom that she’s made me feel like a very bad person. #
  • @agray glad to hear you’re fencing your chickens in. #
  • @ryansnyder are you sure it isn’t @methneighbor? #
  • sleepy. #
  • RT @muckp: Holy moly, US Gov’t will be required to post RSS feeds! (via @radar) AWESOME #
  • listening to a mix from @whateverson #
  • @gchaix agreed 🙂 #
  • Wiki sticker on bike #
  • Three words: wet blanket statement [tm] #
  • @SteveWalling hah! i thought of you when i took that picture 🙂 #
  • @markwkm very well! i have some email for you 🙂 #
  • @depesz_com welcome to twitter 🙂 working on getting the slides up. added some things based on feedback from tim bunce & others… #
  • @turoczy what’s the opposite of the big bang? that’s when @SyntaxPolice get’s an iPhone. #
  • 4 everyone, @depesz_com is responsible for best single technical blog on postgres (@planetpostgres is best aggrgt) #
  • very curious what ringtones @turnstep has #
  • waiting for Bosco to pick me up at the hotel. #
  • RT @brampitoyo: @masonwest Event overload FAIL? More like #pdxeventsingularity! (the optimism is catching) #

twittering on 2009-02-21

  • dru gives shout out to user groups! #scale7x #
  • @n0dos your presentation was awesome. thank you so much. hams are hot! #
  • listening to @rikkikite talk about how to promote yourself better (for men and women) #scale7x #
  • “state your point briefly and clearly.” #scale7x #
  • “be confident and cool.” @rikkikite #scale7x hah! love it. #
  • so, @rikkikite’s advice for getting over stage fright: audition for the vagina monologues. #scale7x #
  • awesome daily affirmations for women in technology from @rikkikite @scale7x #
  • another theme from @rikkikite’s talk, overcoming imposter syndrome: #
  • @markgross give up! just use gzip 🙂 #
  • Done with slide tweaks. Other people were in the gym at 6am with me #scale7x #
  • Bradley kuhn says “stall-mend gived u free-domes, but Cloud ated them.” #scale7x #
  • Email becomes gmail #scale7x #
  • We should “decide what’s best for users based on what they deserve as human beings.” #scale7x #
  • Feeling like more than just education and “giving” rights, we need to empower users to take their rights #scale7x #
  • Not exactly sure how to do that. Feel like inclusive community is the start #scale7x #

twittering on 2009-02-20

twittering on 2009-02-19

  • sad i’m missing the advanced topics meeting. but need to practice! #
  • @ramereth meeting will be at paddy’s (, back room at 6pm friday feb 27 #
  • @ramereth formal announcement coming shortly! #
  • sad i won’t be in town for #RCC. #
  • @eggyknap +1 for the new clone! #
  • #Puppet users, configuration mgmt geeks – join us Friday 2/27 @ Paddy’s #
  • @irabinovitch that is true 🙂 #
  • RT @planetpostgres: Robert Treat (…) [bottom-line: inspired by @osbridge] #
  • @atreat get a G1!!! #
  • @emmajanedotnet CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU. #
  • sunrise was gorgeous. making coffee. #
  • In case you missed it – #Puppet users, configuration mgmt geeks – join us Friday 2/27 @ Paddy’s, pls RSVP #
  • um, where did my coffee go? #
  • @stewartsmith that was very sweet of you to travel so far just to steal my coffee. #
  • @stewartsmith the answer is YES! 🙂 #
  • @igalko thanks! checking into it… #
  • trying to come up with a good way to illustrate a ‘pull’ in a diagram (as opposed to a ‘push’) #
  • @igalko RSVP robot is now fixed! Thanks for alerting us. #
  • @spinnerin hah, nice idea. i’m thinking of something more like an icon, though. #
  • @markwkm good idea, but i’m pulling something all the way over to the other side, which isn’t exactly what you use a pulley for. #
  • @grigs your sports-related post momentarily confused me as I jumped directly to the ‘PG’. #
  • @sarahsharp genius! 😀 #
  • @markwkm hmmm. #
  • @verso just saw. sorry, buddy. in reply to verso #
  • @phillips cool! that’s near where @gorthx and I run 🙂 #
  • @aplyley wow awesome! video is great, other resources look awesome. #
  • For those who haven’t heard, @aplyley is presenting code-n-splode about her work, and will give a quick primer on financial stuff w/ Q&A #
  • Code-n-sploders: check out @aplyley’s collection of material for her talk — #
  • RT @endpoint: Bare git repositories and newspapers #

twittering on 2009-02-18

  • @jkuramot you rock 🙂 #
  • chuckling inside about tour de coops solictation email i just got. still practicing presentation. #
  • @migueldeicaza can’t take credit, but: ‘the man is going down, my friend’ via @thesethings #
  • biking over to @gorthx’s this morning. and then, a run! #
  • @murwiz you can always move to the west coast! 😀 #
  • beautiful day! #pdxst #
  • gratitude, freedom and open source #
  • so i just added a sentence about institutions, and now i’m *really* getting on my bike. #
  • @ramereth just don’t run out of disk space 🙁 #
  • @ramereth there’s a linking bug that a postgres person found as well. worth trying, but not production-ready IMO #
  • @ichae that rules 🙂 #
  • @turnstep JEALOUS. although i had hot chocolate brought to me by @gorthx #
  • @spinnerin my list is: gift for parents (joke clothing, babysitting time), simple but sparkly/jangly toys, something you made (hat/booties) #
  • RT @IgnitePortland: New post: How To Enjoy Ignite Portland 5 #
  • whatever @gorthx is making for lunch smells delicious #
  • @markwkm you are welcome anytime! (she says without checking with the hostess) #
  • RT @turoczy: Just caught a great post by @rogoway from yesterday #
  • this is a special shout out to @jkuramot: #
  • @jkuramot LOL #

twittering on 2009-02-17