twittering on 2009-04-08

  • RT @postgres_totd: Have psql act like mysql’s \G. Add to your .psqlrc file: \set G ‘\\x\\g\\x’. Then type your query and and :G #
  • @ubergeeke you should definitely go to #barcampportland! #
  • @postwait two of my favorite things: potatoes and fried. #
  • @kindrawoo hope you feel better! #
  • Pie! #
  • @timoreilly disappointed, but not surprised, that there’s no PostgreSQL in your DBA cert course.What can our community/project do 2 join? #
  • @allisonrandal thanks for the @osbridge submission! 🙂 #
  • @thesethings on the topic of team/sharing — underutilized training tool: UNIX utility ‘screen’ #
  • @depesz_com diners. look around for a case with home-made pies. this isn’t apple season, but probably, you’ll find something good anyway 🙂 #
  • @mherrick66 that /almost/ sounds like a western. but I know that it’s not 😉 #
  • @mherrick66 ooh, i’ll have to check that out. i just watched “sukiyaki western django”. i was amused, but not sure I recommend it. #
  • @kindrawoo aww. thanks! 🙂 it tastes pretty good too. #
  • One more piece before bed! #
  • @shanselman I hope you’re at least staying for the mid-summer parties! #
  • @magnushagander @osbridge is losing speakers to Norway. Don’t think that I’m going to send *pie* to Scandinavia any time soon! #
  • A sneak peek at @osbridge accepted talks: #
  • @ahockley maybe we should all have laconica installation parties 😉 #
  • thanks! 🙂 RT @funkatron: Impressed at the number of women speaking at @osbridge: #
  • will be making it to lunch 2.0 at the green dragon today afterall! #
  • packing up for @pdxgreendragon #
  • @bkuhn i didn’t know you used jfs! awesome. performance tests show it is great. looking forward to seeing it compared to ext4 #
  • Under the bus again for @osbridge #
  • RT [2 of 2] @littleidea: I pay, you do this VS come together and find something mutually beneficial #lfcs #
  • RT [1 of 2] @littleidea: ‘Industrial’ process is different from ‘Community’ process: #lfcs #
  • @br3nda is the linux foundation collaboration summit. invite-only :/ #
  • @andyparsons i think “more local” could save newspapers. 🙂 speak to/engage audience, and you keep them around. #
  • getting ready for a run. #

twittering on 2009-04-07

  • @xdeadcodex i would save some for you, but you’re a bit far away. #
  • @spinnerin hook a sister up! 🙂 #
  • @robtreat2 i think that qualifies as addiction 😉 #
  • RT @Crad: @robtreat2 winning a netbook at the PostgreSQL East Conference: #pgEast #
  • RT @endpoint: Subverting Subversion for Fun and Profit #
  • @turoczy you can rip my fax machine from my cold dead hands! #
  • @magnushagander whatever! you europeans and your fancy technology! #
  • RT @littleidea: MapReduce MacGyver Style #bash #awk #sysadminoverloards #
  • RT @OReillyMedia: RT @osbridge: Curious about the keynote presenters at Open Source Bridge? Here are the first three: #
  • @missrogue the @osbridge team would love to have you present at our conference. Have you checked us out? #
  • @missrogue I know the feeling. if it helps: one idea we were interested in was introducing/encouraging open culture in corps. have others. #
  • @webchick its always the reverse of what I expect 😀 #
  • annoyed at thunderbird’s default folder collation. #
  • uh oh, @osbridge may have to step up our providing for OCW hackers or @linuxplumbers might lure them away! #
  • to this end, pie is currently being baked. #
  • @portlandpieoff lemon meringue #mmmpie lemon bars may be next. #
  • @markgross don’t make me raise you fresh berry tarts! #
  • @reidab that seems like a very @osbridgebot way to approach the situation. #
  • I guess i’m going to have to eat this entire lasagna myself! #

twittering on 2009-04-07

  • @xdeadcodex i would save some for you, but you’re a bit far away. #
  • @spinnerin hook a sister up! 🙂 #
  • @robtreat2 i think that qualifies as addiction 😉 #
  • RT @Crad: @robtreat2 winning a netbook at the PostgreSQL East Conference: #pgEast #
  • RT @endpoint: Subverting Subversion for Fun and Profit #
  • @turoczy you can rip my fax machine from my cold dead hands! #
  • @magnushagander whatever! you europeans and your fancy technology! #
  • RT @littleidea: MapReduce MacGyver Style #bash #awk #sysadminoverloards #
  • RT @OReillyMedia: RT @osbridge: Curious about the keynote presenters at Open Source Bridge? Here are the first three: #
  • @missrogue the @osbridge team would love to have you present at our conference. Have you checked us out? #
  • @missrogue I know the feeling. if it helps: one idea we were interested in was introducing/encouraging open culture in corps. have others. #
  • @webchick its always the reverse of what I expect 😀 #
  • annoyed at thunderbird’s default folder collation. #
  • uh oh, @osbridge may have to step up our providing for OCW hackers or @linuxplumbers might lure them away! #
  • to this end, pie is currently being baked. #
  • @portlandpieoff lemon meringue #mmmpie lemon bars may be next. #
  • @markgross don’t make me raise you fresh berry tarts! #
  • @reidab that seems like a very @osbridgebot way to approach the situation. #
  • I guess i’m going to have to eat this entire lasagna myself! #

twittering on 2009-04-06

  • completed secret project X secret item handoff. #
  • RT @postgres_totd: Set the env variable PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT (# seconds) to prevent psql from hanging from DNS lookups. 10 is a good value. #
  • it feels like summer. listening to elliot smith. #
  • thank you @reidab and @igalko for all your work today! #
  • listening to Chores. #
  • happy birthday @geekygirldawn 🙂 #
  • trying out pgSI #

twittering on 2009-04-03

  • @spinnerin we’re headed over to huber’s. its gonna be database nerd talk, but not totally. #
  • @turoczy every time i see that, i think “warm it up kriss”. #
  • sunshine! #
  • @brady I speak at conferences for high BW communication and showing people the awesome. like user groups! or keeping chickens! 😉 #
  • may not make it to beer and blog… we shall see. #

twittering on 2009-04-02

  • @kindrawoo haha @mildwail wasn’t fooled either. #
  • @WoodMike thanks so much for the great story. let me know if you’d be willing to let us share it with everyone 🙂 #
  • @stewart c’mon, jfs is kinda sweet. #
  • @stewart i saw that you were givin’ a FS talk during perconacon. WANT DATAS #
  • @stewart you can do audience call and response… #
  • listening to ‘jem’ remix. i’d totally forgotten that their arch-rivals were the misfits. #
  • @tinaconnolly thanks 🙂 they’re actually pink hyacinth — kinda like these: #
  • @cfisk i have the stats one. i can bring it to B&B Friday 🙂 #
  • @tinaconnolly they are from a garden i had about 4 years ago. i really should plant some here. 🙂 do you have a garden this year? #
  • Attempting to fix the printer. #
  • @KodinLanewave Nice. Fortunately, I’m pretty sure it’s just a wireless config issue. Self-inflicted problem. #
  • alright. printer – 1, me – 0. #
  • @nerdliness you are a genius! 🙂 #
  • looking forward to seeing @katufte for an MVCC fireside chat.i just made up the fireside part.but we are going to drink scotch and talk MVCC #
  • @jkuramot i read something the other day that actually made me feel bad for calling you a s*ci*l m*d*a *xp*rt. #
  • RT @jchris: Erlang doesn’t need JVM but it DOES need 2 change mindsets: code should be open by default, only proprietary if no other option. #
  • @woodmike thanks so much! I love the tshirt. #
  • @spinnerin :/ what, is it lavender that’s supposed to help with nightmares? #
  • RT @lhawthorn: How to leverage your #foss experience when job hunting & tips for your resume #opensource #
  • plotting a lemon meringue pie to lure @sarahsharp over to my house for C hacking. will test recipe first. #
  • @gorthx fine idea! good fuel for your training 😀 #
  • @caseorganic will you be at beer & blog tomorrow? would like to chat! #
  • @AE3nn please! #
  • RT @osbridge: According to @woodmike, Open Source Bridge may be a little SOG-gy (And we think that’s AWESOME!) #
  • RT @igalko: Open Source Bridge code and outreach sprint — Sunday, April 5, 2009 from 10am–4pm: #
  • @bkuhn are you submitting a talk to @osbridge?!? #

twittering on 2009-04-01

  • @spinnerin the incredibles? the rock? the new star trek? (oh wait, not out yet) um… die hard, catch me if you can, mars attacks! #
  • just made delicious vegan chili for dinner. now with tempeh! and some biscuits courtesy of @mildwail #
  • RT @eggyknap: Query was ~470s, is now 3s. OFFSET 0 planner trick FTW. #postgresql Now hoping the family won’t all be sick again tomorrow. #
  • want your fio tests to run despite reading/writing all the data? use time_based in your config! #
  • @igalko: “Awesome Awkers” #
  • @igalko oh wait! you already had it. hmmm. “sly schemers”? #
  • @bmw my burritos say “wrap in paper towel”. don’t know where your burritos came from! #seriously #
  • @caseorganic I got the same thing 😀 #
  • RT @spinnerin: Getting set up for FLOSS Weekly. Listen to @selenamarie & me talking about @osbridge starting ~ 2pm at #
  • @ericVM thanks! 🙂 #
  • @verso thanks a ton! i saw you were hanging out in the chatroom. awesome! #
  • @shadowsoup thanks so much! #
  • whew done with floss weekly podcast. now back to work. #
  • @BoscoWoo I’m glad you saw it! I hope i sounded ok 😀 #
  • hi @ericsbrain! happy to see you here 🙂 more #perl == more win #
  • making pizza for dinner. #