twittering on 2009-04-28

  • @StevenWalling any particular suggestions? some restrictions enable freer/more creative thought,. interested in what you’re going after. #
  • What works? Getting more women involved in open source: #
  • RT @sarahsharp: The USB 3.0 and xHCI host controller code is now public on! #
  • @stewart glad you made it home safe and i hope that the genetic opera helped pass the time. #
  • RT @perbu: Slashdot is running Varnish. Yeah. #
  • @elein totally agree 🙂 #
  • @br3nda who doesn’t love fast, scalable and Scandinavian? 😉 #
  • @StevenWalling i think that you meant “Internet Celebrity” 😉 #

twittering on 2009-04-27

  • @stacybird yes you may! it is apparently hardy since it survived my garden 🙂 #
  • @kindrawoo adorable! 🙂 #
  • @brampitoyo i think its a little too late today.. have some work to do. will sync up tomorrow! #
  • ok, starting to feel pretty tired. #
  • RT @paulvallee: @selenamarie blogs about a conversation we had re assurance challenges facing Postgres adoption: #
  • @paulvallee was a great conversation that got me thinking. will be contacting @bkuhn today #
  • looking forward to code-n-splode this evening. codeigniter with @christiekoehler, 7pm @cubespacepdx #
  • @rabbidavid i am confused! retweeting 😀 #
  • looking forward to code-n-splode TOMORROW evening. codeigniter with @christiekoehler, 7pm @cubespacepdx #
  • @ubergeeke never fear! i was wrong 🙂 #
  • @demew yes! tomorrow! today was the day i discovered people pay attention to my tweets 😀 #
  • @e_monty be sure to visit @lulasweet 🙂 #
  • lol (via @ljbanks) #
  • @manimal code-n-splode is a portland software engineering group dedicated to getting women together to talk about code. [1 of 2] #
  • @manimal men are welcome to attend code-n-splodes. these meetings are just not about them 🙂 [2 of 2] #
  • also, @gorthx is giving a talk about creating, running and maintaining Code-N-Splode: #
  • @manimal yeah, i think it will be a good talk! you should attend. 🙂 #
  • @Theory i talk about you all the time anyway. i don’t need a code-n-splode 😉 #
  • RT @igalko: I, for one, welcome our new @osbridgebot overlord’s desktop wallpaper! @osbridge #
  • RT @postgres_totd: Postgres TOTD: Setting log_statement = ‘ddl’ may save your bacon someday. Better than the default! #
  • RT @akfarrell: I <3 the Portland tech community. #

twittering on 2009-04-26

  • yay! the tarragon came back in my garden. #
  • just finished reading @spinnerin’s blog posts. funny, had similar conversations friday at #mysqlcon about women/tech. #
  • RT @sarahsharp: Portland State Aerospace Society now on Twitter!Follow @pdxaerospace to learn about #opensource amateur #rockets.#pdx #linux #
  • @gorthx it was actually troll-frree 🙂 but i realized, most people still have no idea *how* to start making things different. #
  • @kindrawoo i think you’re doing the right thing. #

twittering on 2009-04-24

  • Had a lovely evening with old friends an dinner in palo alto. Ready to sleep. #
  • @igalko you rule! Thank you for all your hard work. Sad I wasn’t in Portland with you all for the announcement . in reply to igalko #
  • @cwensel hah! We probably walked right by you 🙂 headed to Sun campus for a hackathon tomorrow. in reply to cwensel #
  • @Turoczy I think we can have them Wednesday 🙂 #
  • @magnushagander thanks for the heads up 😀 #
  • Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: New Features in Postgres 8.4 ( — i wrote it! #
  • at drizzle developer day! #
  • glad to hear that craigslist doesn’t think an event scheduler belongs in the database either 🙂 #
  • thinking that drizzle should look at the logging mechanism in postgres #
  • @magnushagader the one we have, but what do you want? have you started a wiki page for wishes? 🙂 #
  • @magnushagander that is a really good idea. WIKIFY PLS. #
  • @br3nda !!! really? /me looks forward to little @br3nda clone(s) #
  • @robtreat2 meh. why reimplement cron? #
  • @eggyknap +1 🙂 #

twittering on 2009-04-22

twittering on 2009-04-21

  • @sumwan congrats! #
  • jealously observing @reidab working design magic on slides. #
  • getting grossed out by oracle MVCC implementation details with @katufte #
  • packing. #
  • held neighbor’s adorable chicken yesterday. want. #
  • Wow. Everyone is flying to Disneyland this morning. #
  • @grigs it’s a free country! And I still am chicken-free. At least for now. #
  • RT @Etsy: Join at 3pm EDT for an online discussion: the future of Etsy search. Participants will be given testing access #
  • Buy @missrogue’s Whuffie Factor through this link, + kickback goes tonon-profit Open Source Bridge Conference. #
  • @ke4qqq we have people nearby! please send email to #
  • attending a mysql performance talk 🙂 #
  • @stewartsmith i’m in mysqlcamp over in the hotel. #
  • quote: “Because it’s almost always an IO issue ( most of the time anyway )” #mysqlcamp #
  • slides from this performance talk: #mysqlcamp #
  • now learning about xtradb, an innodb drop-in replacement #mysqlcon #
  • it appears that innodb implements MVCC the same way that oracle does, with external rollback segments #mysqlcamp #
  • At @brianaker’s drizzle talk #
  • Filter your streaming replication 🙂 #drizzle #mysqlcon #
  • @gorthx is a patch making machine today! 🙂 #
  • @bytebot i will! thank you so much 🙂 robert made sure I was coming to the BoF already. and we recruited a few locals too! #
  • feeling a little sad about missing the @osbridge town hall, tonight, 7pm, @cubespacepdx #

twittering on 2009-04-20

  • RT @Mark_Antony: Environment is finally right for PostgreSQL ascendancy! #
  • @leandrod I think people will seriously consider Postgres. #
  • @leandrod yes, and to have a say in the community and development process. #
  • @stewartsmith i’ll buy you a drink 🙂 #
  • RT @brianaker: No porting to AIX! #
  • @poopmcpooperson there’s a bit of consciousness raising happening today 🙂 happy to help with migrations! #
  • great link @Mark_Antony great analysis of what it all means for Free Software #
  • @jdub i’d say partnership 🙂 #
  • @ahockley sort of already are if you’re using innodb 😉 #
  • @mherrick66 fantastic news! shows that you’re doing things right to encourage contribution/community. #
  • best wishes to @jnyp32 and @adamd! 🙂 #
  • RT @ryansnyder: @donpdonp Ice Condor featured as a Best New Mashup today at ProgrammableWeb – #
  • RT @snaga:Back to 2005,Josh’s article gave me insights why we use community-based opensource. #postgresql #mysql #
  • happy b-day @schwern 🙂 #
  • RT @znmeb: Researchers: Databases still beat Google’s MapReduce (stonebreaker: original dev of Postgres) #postgres #sql #
  • @kscaldef heh. you should join our !mvcc happy hour next thurs. we’re going to discuss papers. #
  • @jkuramot yes, there’s some discussion happening 😉 #
  • At #MySQLCon this week? We’re having a #Postgres BoF on Wednesday, 7:30pm #
  • @gobansaor just echoing others: #Sun doesn’t contribute much to #postgres. last prominent Pg contributor left last month (peter). #
  • @gobansaor jignesh shah is still there, but few others are vocal, active. #
  • @grigs *blush* lol bring on the migrations! #
  • @dkeskar want to have a BarCamp session? also, PDXPUG. will start a wiki page of resources and post later. #
  • RT @Crad: <3 default config options in 8.4. No more –enable-integer-datetimes, customizable block and segment sizes are neat too! #postgres #
  • any pdx tweeps want to meet for lunch in NE for database gossiping? probably 12:30pm #
  • @Theory 5th quadrant lompoc? #
  • pdx peeps: database gossip tweetup @ 5th quadrant lompoc, 12:30pm (have 4 ppl so far, lemme know if you’re coming) #
  • heading out to database gossip tweetup #
  • At Lompoc! #
  • great lunch with @donpdonp, @igalko, @gorthx, @jmelesky, @Theory, @manimal. database gossip FTW! #
  • @verso now i have the magnetic fields stuck in my head. which, isn’t so bad 🙂 #