- just registered for lca2010 🙂 #
- @schwern not sure about speed.. will dissect and try to figure it out by serial num. in reply to schwern #
- Don't forget about keith's server sky presentation tomorrow, at Roots, 6:30PM PDX http://tr.im/DeLn #
- RT @magnushagander: More than 150 people registered for European pgday!! It's not too late – join us in Paris! http://2009.pgday.eu/ #
- RT @rgserena: Oregon! Where you switch between windshield wipers to sunglasses 3 times on a ten minute drive. #
- @notbenh do still need. if you find it, please ping me. in reply to notbenh #
- RT @whateverson: Masculine Costumes For Your Feminine Son: http://bit.ly/4ayk8e (onion vid) #
- forgot to eat. again. #
- i like imagining @ahockley giggling to this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/4049680967/ #
- ~@janl get your own cup! #nosql in reply to janl #
- #cns-ers (@gorthx :D): please save a cookie for me! gonna be late, but hopping on bike shortly. #
- Sploding at the Lucky Lab #
- @stewartsmith I know, right? For me: Justin Timberlake. in reply to stewartsmith #
- @stewartsmith feeling is mutual, emo-boy! in reply to stewartsmith #
Category Archives: twitter
twittering on 2009-10-26
- ok, rain. i raise you a carafe of coffee. #
- the @neighborgoods party invite made me giggle this morning. made me want to live in LA, almost. #
- impressed by @warty9's photojournalism wrt advanced trolling. #
- well, that's one way to start a monday. #
- um. why have I not been here before? http://branchwhiskeybar.com/ #
- @groveronline i sense an East Side Mentor Summit on the horizon… in reply to groveronline #
- heard about this today, and very much 🙁 http://bit.ly/1Ut2JH #
- automating SSH user key gen? add: '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' to your first SSH attempt to get rid of interactive host key prompt #
- @hal_pomeranz maybe I can invent a reason for you to owe me a drink… in reply to hal_pomeranz #
- anybody have a 10.4 install disc I could borrow? neighborhood kid's G4 ibook crashed. #
- @thelarssan can i borrow it? 🙂 in reply to thelarssan #
twittering on 2009-10-25
- Epic advanced trolling session today. Now @ SJC, heading back to PDX soon. #gsoc #mentorsummit #
Weekly tweet digest for 2009-10-25
- @turoczy happy birthday 🙂 #
- until this morning, i actually did not know what 'natch' meant. thanks urban dictionary! #
- @snaga hah! Thanks! 🙂 it's definitely fun working with colleagues living in Philly, Louisiana, Utah and NYC every day. in reply to snaga #
- @petdance heh. #8 got me. in reply to petdance #
- @caseorganic consider flying to a border town and driving over. in reply to caseorganic #
- sad i won't be in town! RT @lawduck: Veganocracy rules this week for #pdxbreakfast – Tin Shed, Thursday, 8:30 am: http://tr.im/CjWY #
- @snaga will I see you at the PostgreSQL Conference in Tokyo next month? I can share what I've learned working w/ very distributed team. in reply to snaga #
- @darkixion no, was for a long time, but now i'm vegetarianish. #
- RT @lhawthorn: report from the #NCWIT on Women in IT. DATA. If you think there's no problem, you might be surprised. http://bit.ly/1Y7SQt #
- from http://bit.ly/1Y7SQt : Nearly half of women say mentoring would help retain technical employees #
- from http://bit.ly/1Y7SQt: "women & men say they would hire ppl w/résumés w/male names rather than female even tho identical" #
- from http://bit.ly/1Y7SQt: men report finding more informal prof.dev. opportunities than women (82% vs 62%) formalize to help fix. #
- @stewartsmith study was US-specific, so hard to say. anecdotally – i hear similar things from UK/AU; less so India/Phillipines/EU #
- re: hack girls – yahoo! developer network has been incredibly supportive of diversity initiatives. good people, doing good things. #
- heh. RT @stewartsmith: wants to magically be transported to Portland for @OpenSQLCamp #
- trying to avoid tech event collisions is hard work. #
- @leandrod huh. i found the salary info to be interesting – nearly equal at high levels, but big disparity at entry points, mid-level. in reply to leandrod #
- i <3 http://packages.endpoint.com #
- @turoczy 2? #
- RT @gchaix: PDX food cards gone horribly horribly wrong: http://twurl.nl/gfwo0h #
- headed to PDX -> SJC #
- reviewing backup routines, waiting for replication sets to finish syncing. free wireless @PDX rocks. #
- RT @neil_conway: O'Reilly Radar article on our recent MapReduce Online work: http://tr.im/CtlE #
- uneventful travel, followed by good conversation. now time to call it a day. #
- headed off to second meeting of the day. hoping for bacon. (kicking off the mentoring book sprint!) #
- getting a tour of flossmanuals.net from Adam Hyde #gsoc #
- waiting for @dukeleto to share his git repo for our notes. #gsoc #
- looking forward to the next iteration of flossmanuals: booki! #gsoc #
- So, what do you think are the features of FLOSS culture that distinguish it from other cultures? (i'm writing a book chapter!) #
- @edaypdx yeah, like those keywords – transparency, directness, peer review in reply to edaypdx #
- @edavis10 yes — although not sure i agree with 'everyone as equals'.. i typically see hierarchy, although not always explicit in reply to edavis10 #
- so full of indian food. #
- OH: Typewriter manufacturers all over the world are going to gang up on me now! #
- @robertmhaas LOL! in reply to robertmhaas #
- @dlangille yes, indeed! in reply to dlangille #
- .@skud also see @gorthx & my's 'running a successful user group' talk from OSCON 2008 – http://tr.im/CADC #
- what we're working on: http://tr.im/CB0A, my contribution so far: http://tr.im/CB0z #gsoc #
- OH: "It's like drinking a salad!" #
- @thesethings no, bloody marys. in reply to thesethings #
- discussing barriers to student participation, and setting expectations for success #gsoc #docsprint #
- whew, done for now. more editing after dinner! #gsoc #
- @samv are you coming for the mentor summit? #
- @dukeleto HEY! What am I? Chopped liver? in reply to dukeleto #
- protip: circular references – always good for trolling! #
- doing our last pass at reviewing and updating before we send the book to the presses #gsoc #flossmanuals #
- still editing… #gsoc #flossmanuals #
- RT @dukeleto: We need #parrot and #postgres hackers to join us in hacking on PL/Parrot http://bit.ly/2C04TY , #plparrot on freenode #
- The #GSoC mentors manual looks awesome. Thanks so much @lhawthorn and Adam Hyde @flossmanuals for facilitating #
- OH: I'm getting a git tramp stamp. advanced-#gsoc #
- @silentlennie i don't use it regularly, but word on the street is that runtime is faster. in reply to silentlennie #
- @samv LOL! will do. will also send owner of that comment to you. in reply to samv #
- at the googleplex for #gsoc mentor summit #
- "there is nothing as productive" as open source code @cdibona #gsoc #
- #gsoc mentor manual available at: http://icanhaz.com/gsocbook #
- session on advanced trolling explicitly called out in introductions #gsoc #mentorsummit #
- Pick people over projects #mentorsummit #gsoc #
- Structures are a way to 'set a clock' for participants. And encourage communication. #mentorsummit #gsoc #
- Just had most awesome session on non text documentation. Can't wait to see notes #gsoc #mentorsummit #
- Epic advanced trolling session today. Now @ SJC, heading back to PDX soon. #gsoc #mentorsummit #
twittering on 2009-10-24
- @silentlennie i don't use it regularly, but word on the street is that runtime is faster. in reply to silentlennie #
- @samv LOL! will do. will also send owner of that comment to you. in reply to samv #
- at the googleplex for #gsoc mentor summit #
- "there is nothing as productive" as open source code @cdibona #gsoc #
- #gsoc mentor manual available at: http://icanhaz.com/gsocbook #
- session on advanced trolling explicitly called out in introductions #gsoc #mentorsummit #
- Pick people over projects #mentorsummit #gsoc #
- Structures are a way to 'set a clock' for participants. And encourage communication. #mentorsummit #gsoc #
- Just had most awesome session on non text documentation. Can't wait to see notes #gsoc #mentorsummit #
twittering on 2009-10-23
- RT @dukeleto: We need #parrot and #postgres hackers to join us in hacking on PL/Parrot http://bit.ly/2C04TY , #plparrot on freenode #
- The #GSoC mentors manual looks awesome. Thanks so much @lhawthorn and Adam Hyde @flossmanuals for facilitating #
- OH: I'm getting a git tramp stamp. advanced-#gsoc #
twittering on 2009-10-22
- @samv are you coming for the mentor summit? #
- @dukeleto HEY! What am I? Chopped liver? in reply to dukeleto #
- protip: circular references – always good for trolling! #
- doing our last pass at reviewing and updating before we send the book to the presses #gsoc #flossmanuals #
- still editing… #gsoc #flossmanuals #
twittering on 2009-10-21
- uneventful travel, followed by good conversation. now time to call it a day. #
- headed off to second meeting of the day. hoping for bacon. (kicking off the mentoring book sprint!) #
- getting a tour of flossmanuals.net from Adam Hyde #gsoc #
- waiting for @dukeleto to share his git repo for our notes. #gsoc #
- looking forward to the next iteration of flossmanuals: booki! #gsoc #
- So, what do you think are the features of FLOSS culture that distinguish it from other cultures? (i'm writing a book chapter!) #
- @edaypdx yeah, like those keywords – transparency, directness, peer review in reply to edaypdx #
- @edavis10 yes — although not sure i agree with 'everyone as equals'.. i typically see hierarchy, although not always explicit in reply to edavis10 #
- so full of indian food. #
- OH: Typewriter manufacturers all over the world are going to gang up on me now! #
- @robertmhaas LOL! in reply to robertmhaas #
- @dlangille yes, indeed! in reply to dlangille #
- .@skud also see @gorthx & my's 'running a successful user group' talk from OSCON 2008 – http://tr.im/CADC #
- what we're working on: http://tr.im/CB0A, my contribution so far: http://tr.im/CB0z #gsoc #
- OH: "It's like drinking a salad!" #
- @thesethings no, bloody marys. in reply to thesethings #
- discussing barriers to student participation, and setting expectations for success #gsoc #docsprint #
- whew, done for now. more editing after dinner! #gsoc #
twittering on 2009-10-20
- trying to avoid tech event collisions is hard work. #
- @leandrod huh. i found the salary info to be interesting – nearly equal at high levels, but big disparity at entry points, mid-level. in reply to leandrod #
- i <3 http://packages.endpoint.com #
- @turoczy 2? #
- RT @gchaix: PDX food cards gone horribly horribly wrong: http://twurl.nl/gfwo0h #
- headed to PDX -> SJC #
- reviewing backup routines, waiting for replication sets to finish syncing. free wireless @PDX rocks. #
- RT @neil_conway: O'Reilly Radar article on our recent MapReduce Online work: http://tr.im/CtlE #
twittering on 2009-10-19
- @turoczy happy birthday 🙂 #
- until this morning, i actually did not know what 'natch' meant. thanks urban dictionary! #
- @snaga hah! Thanks! 🙂 it's definitely fun working with colleagues living in Philly, Louisiana, Utah and NYC every day. in reply to snaga #
- @petdance heh. #8 got me. in reply to petdance #
- @caseorganic consider flying to a border town and driving over. in reply to caseorganic #
- sad i won't be in town! RT @lawduck: Veganocracy rules this week for #pdxbreakfast – Tin Shed, Thursday, 8:30 am: http://tr.im/CjWY #
- @snaga will I see you at the PostgreSQL Conference in Tokyo next month? I can share what I've learned working w/ very distributed team. in reply to snaga #
- @darkixion no, was for a long time, but now i'm vegetarianish. #
- RT @lhawthorn: report from the #NCWIT on Women in IT. DATA. If you think there's no problem, you might be surprised. http://bit.ly/1Y7SQt #
- from http://bit.ly/1Y7SQt : Nearly half of women say mentoring would help retain technical employees #
- from http://bit.ly/1Y7SQt: "women & men say they would hire ppl w/résumés w/male names rather than female even tho identical" #
- from http://bit.ly/1Y7SQt: men report finding more informal prof.dev. opportunities than women (82% vs 62%) formalize to help fix. #
- @stewartsmith study was US-specific, so hard to say. anecdotally – i hear similar things from UK/AU; less so India/Phillipines/EU #
- re: hack girls – yahoo! developer network has been incredibly supportive of diversity initiatives. good people, doing good things. #
- heh. RT @stewartsmith: wants to magically be transported to Portland for @OpenSQLCamp #