twittering on 2010-01-19

  • yeah. guess what rules? flying foxes. #
  • @nigelmcnie awwww. πŸ™‚ i did enjoy the weather today. in reply to nigelmcnie #
  • getting ready for my talk (11:30 NZ time). but breakfast first! #lca2010 #
  • @dukeleto FTW πŸ™‚ in reply to dukeleto #
  • OH: "are you insane?" "yes! he works in government" #lca2010 #
  • benjamin mako hill on the stage for keynote livestream: #lca2010 #
  • think about empowerment + autonomy, who controls the technology mediating our experiences? via @mako #lca2010 #
  • "open source" created to distance from the principles of "free software", focus on the practical benefits of the dev methodology #lca2010 #
  • freedom itself (apart from dev methodology) has inherent practical benefits sez @mako #lca2010 #
  • median # of contrib to sourceforge projects is ONE, median # of commits: ZERO. can't really have mass collaboration with yourself #lca2010 #
  • antifeatures: a world where user rights & desires come after developers'. result: software with features users hate. #lca2010 #
  • antifeatures are an inextricable part of proprietary software development. key advantage of open source software. via @mako #lca2010 #
  • Market Segmentation – NT Workstation vs. Server: only difference: one bit in the registry (tcp connection limit switch) #lca2010 #
  • "that was 1996, things are much better now, right?" (shows list of Vista products. arbitrary limits on memory/disk this time.) #lca2010 #
  • @dukeleto pics will be in the livestream πŸ˜‰ in reply to dukeleto #
  • "there are no dongle facebook fanclubs." #lca2010 #
  • "I have yet to meet a free software DVD player that respects the unskippable DVD track." #lca2010 #
  • freedom to modify software is the freedom to remove features we don't want. #lca2010 #
  • @sabik heh.OF COURSE! in reply to sabik #
  • Q: "if we live in a utopia, is there any room for antifeatures?" A: there's room (and people like perverse things). #lca2010 #
  • "if a company murders a baby & the worst thing they did was violate trademark law, we have a bigger problem." sez @mako #lca2010 #
  • Q: "How do we test manufacturing promises?" A: already have lots of laws that cover this, don't need new ones #lca2010 #
  • last minute cramming for #lca2010 talk (t-minus 27 minutes) #
  • most of ext4 work has been cleanup and bugfix πŸ˜€ -ted ts'o #lca2010 #
  • my preferred term for dbench is "random number generator" #lca2010 #tedtso-troll #
  • handling running out of disk space is hard. -ted ts'o (2.6.28-29 era had panic-if-out-of-disk issues) #lca2010 #
  • on-line defrag had a security issue (could as a regular user write root-owned files). but fixed now! #lca2010 #ext4 #
  • had great lunch with Oracle DBAs about how we can use PostgreSQL as a front end, other ways to link OS DBs together #licensecost #lca2010 #
  • samba writes in parallel, so found a parallelization bug when early adopter ran backups. testers, FTW! #lca2010 #ext4 #
  • @lin_nah thanks so much! I picked it up after lunch. <3 efficient lost and found πŸ™‚ in reply to lin_nah #
  • @gnat hah. "advanced banter" looks interesting. in reply to gnat #
  • hard to justify business expense for creating a new production-ready general purpose file system #lca2010 #ext4 #
  • estimate 100 engineer years have been put into ZFS. did they get a return on that investment for shareholders? -ted ts'o #lca2010 #
  • posted slides for #lca2010 talk: a survey of open source databases -> #
  • Q: where is linux going irt solid-state drive? A: using flash translation layer? probably just have to turn off optimizations. #lca2010 #
  • in matthew garrett's "social success" talk #lca2010 #
  • linux communities: "it's like the Koreas." -matthew garrett #lca2010 #
  • linux community is those who care, and bother to turn up. -matthew garrett #lca2010 #
  • "In summary: ***** on my ****" #lca2010 #
  • @HybridDBA ideas included stored procs or middleware to have Postgres pass queries it doesn't understand to Oracle (or others…) in reply to HybridDBA #
  • slippery slope of eliminating all behavior that might alienate any community members. no consensus on this yet. #lca2010 #
  • #protip: search for orson wells outtakes for entertainment -ted ts'o #
  • AMEN: "A code of conduct is nothing without enforcement." -matthew garrett #lca2010 #
  • fun & code of conducts are not mutually exclusive. the goal is to point out opportunities for positive change (my interpretation) #lca2010 #
  • Q: what practical things can we do? A: Point out behavior that's antisocial. Leaders need to do this. #lca2010 #
  • OH: 'We /could/ get into an argument about cultural relativism…' #lca2010 #
  • @FallenPegasus omg, pls take good notes πŸ™‚ in reply to FallenPegasus #
  • inspired by @pjf's talk, sharing the jibba jabber toy with @mjollnir #
  • In search of food #lca2010 #

twittering on 2010-01-18

twittering on 2010-01-17

Weekly tweet digest for 2010-01-17

twittering on 2010-01-14

twittering on 2010-01-12

twittering on 2010-01-11