- Headed over to @puppetlabs open house with folks from @emmaemail! #
- Nice rack @puppetlabs! http://t.co/SaN4Sz1 #
Category Archives: twitter
twittering on 2011-01-26
- The Second Location. Always a bad plan on a Monday. #
- Just posted http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/So,_you_want_to_be_a_developer%3F thanks @pgsnake for editing! #
- "Become a teacher. Your country needs you." -Barak Obama http://teach.gov/ #sotu <3s to @mildwail, who teaches. #
twittering on 2011-01-25
twittering on 2011-01-24
- Lovely saturday: brunch with friends, wildwood trail walk, japanese garden, dinner watching the sunset from on high. #
- Now jealous of #lca2011 🙂 #
- Updates to #pdx11 site, progress so far from groups: http://www.chesnok.com/daily/?p=2397 #
- tee hee. emergency and i on the radio this morning. *swoon* #
- I think i'm gonna make a tshirt. #
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-01-23
- While looking at a picture of a lynx in the newspaper, "I want one of those. For the house." #
- very humane vs. very effective: http://steelotter.com/2011/01/managing-impulsivity-one-cattle-prod-at-a-time.html #
- ‘good faith’, ‘best intentions’, ‘sincere belief’ are hardly excuses for perpetrating mass misery. http://chinamieville.net/post/2433006855 #
- Present in my inbox this morning (fun with hi voltage) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWR-Foehqew #
- First usergroup meeting of the new year! @pdxpug http://twitpic.com/3rw9up #
twittering on 2011-01-21
- Present in my inbox this morning (fun with hi voltage) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWR-Foehqew #
- First usergroup meeting of the new year! @pdxpug http://twitpic.com/3rw9up #
twittering on 2011-01-20
- very humane vs. very effective: http://steelotter.com/2011/01/managing-impulsivity-one-cattle-prod-at-a-time.html #
- ‘good faith’, ‘best intentions’, ‘sincere belief’ are hardly excuses for perpetrating mass misery. http://chinamieville.net/post/2433006855 #
twittering on 2011-01-19
- While looking at a picture of a lynx in the newspaper, "I want one of those. For the house." #
Weekly tweet digest for 2011-01-16
- Waffles. Mmmm. #
- Heads up on Unidentified Database Meetup this Thursday: http://calagator.org/events/1250459527 #nosql #databases #pdx #
- Not like my dad at all, but hilarious: http://highexpectationsasianfather.tumblr.com/ #
- heads up FOWA Las Vegas moved to June, and I'm still speaking: http://futureofwebapps.com/las-vegas-2011/ #
- Are you coming to UpdatePDX tomorrow? I'm going for the sync() jokes and MongoDB http://calagator.org/events/1250459527 #
- It's the last commitfest for 9.1 Postgres. Can you review a patch? https://commitfest.postgresql.org/action/commitfest_view?id=9 #
- Order of things to fix: disk IO saturation, memory util, CPU util, stupid/long queries (see: ORM issues also), size of db, connection pool #
- Never is the first answer "tweak the planner." #