twittering on 2008-04-09

  • @Silona are you working with zak or sam? we’ve been chatting about an hackathon running parallel to OSCON – lots of OSS projects involved. #
  • @silona ahh ok. sounds fun. i wonder if we can do this in the convention center? or if they’ll kick us out? worth finding out. #
  • @silona regarding women who advise: i think you need to broaden the titles you’re searching for. sm business don’t always match "enterprise" #
  • awww, i like my cloud: #
  • @spinnerin there’s just something so awesome about clouds. i made a cloud generator for polls scooter does for class. kids really like ’em. #
  • @Silona OSCON is still a good place to start, but in case logistics don’t work out, I think freegeek would love to host. #
  • generating @linuxpoet’s tweet cloud… oh wait. tweetclouds crashed 🙁 #
  • <3’ing postgresql #

twittering on 2008-04-08

  • @zrusilla that video is amazing! #
  • @zrusilla that’s the final dr. ruthless test: fix the 2TB database crash! #
  • @muckp that shop looks amazing. i want that trench for scoots. #
  • writing an article about the sweet new lights we installed #
  • @radiogretchen welcome back! #
  • @abacab rayman raving rabbids is my fav game – well, other than bowling, which i like only because i win! #
  • instead of waxing poetic about the lights, i am going to remove bad ram from a server. i feel a sysadmin haiku coming on. #
  • @stevelle isn’t it crazy? that’s what extra beta carotene gets you. my hens eat a lot of grass. #
  • @br3nda lemme know which one you use. i need to run screaming as fast as possible from Miva Merchant. #
  • @br3nda anger! do you think it is fixable? i have some inventorymgmt-fu that i could contribute to making it not suck. my need is great. #
  • @br3nda downloading… don’t have time this afternoon, but will check it out tomorrow morn. #
  • @jkwatson congrats on the new gig! more trips to NYC in your future? #
  • haiku: red light blinks on screen.
    bad ram? i’ll fix you. oh wait.
    that’s the wrong server. #

twittering on 2008-04-07

  • oh sweet. lolcode developer just made basic SQL queries work. #
  • @johnmark i think it’s shaping up pretty well. a lot about community. #
  • @theory – YES, i meant pl/lolcode. #
  • @spinnerin i saw her earlier post — will have a look this afternoon and comment. #
  • @spinnerin btw – geekspeakr is the brainchild of @br3nda! #
  • @spinnerin me either :/ but it is on my hiveminder todo list 🙂 #
  • um.. kind of annoyed that dori said two talks i’m involved with "don’t count" #
  • @karolcooks i’m just gonna go to la isla bonita. with the rest of the ladies who give token talks at tech conferences 😀 #
  • @gorthx agreed. #
  • @niczak <3 postgres! #

twittering on 2008-04-06

  • @linuxpoet i don’t use basecamp! #
  • workin’ on drupal v. wordpress preso #
  • @joshmccormack for lug radio live. working on it with @thesethings. #
  • @sharong no, not including expression engine 🙂 we’re going it in San Fran – admission is cheap, at the metreon.
  • @radiogretchen when i first read your tweet, i thought you were talking about a bike part. #
  • happy bday, @geekygirldawn 🙂 #
  • listening to sufian stevens and writting silly commentary for this screencast. oh man, i crack myself up. #
  • also, the pear tree in my back yard is beautiful. #

twittering on 2008-04-04

  • about to go do some #drunkgeeking over at the pyramid brewery in industrial nw. #
  • /me looks around for a #drunkgeeking bat-sign in the sky. #
  • why is having more women in tech so controversial? seriously, i’m asking. #
  • @metafluence upgrade twirl – latest version is 0.7.5 #
  • @garethgreenaway which comments? 🙂 #
  • @br3nda they have special scholarships for male nurses in oregon 🙂 our bike tech guy is currently in school to become one. #
  • hey @skud — we’ll be meeting at OSCON if all goes as planned 🙂 #
  • @gorthx oh yes. it totally rocks. #
  • just cancelled one of five speaking engagements this month. breathing a sigh of relief. #
  • @theory: /etc/httpd, /var/log/httpd, /Library/WebServer/domainname.tldn #
  • @muckp ooh.. sounds good. more info #
  • @coatesp: way to burn your bridges, sassypants! 😉 #

twittering on 2008-04-03

  • headed home. #
  • @linuxpoet AWESOME! thank you 🙂 #
  • did gretchen layman get married? #
  • @theory xo #
  • @theory bummer!! you can’t bring anna? 🙂 #
  • @theory oh. bummer. #
  • @petdance i am not seeing any. seems rather odd, if you ask me! #
  • @petdance there’s tons of PHP – i know a few drupal people will be there. i’m hoping for a drupal hackathon in the oscamp-replacement (free) #
  • hrm. probably gonna stay home and not going to pdxwi. i’m sure drupal will not go undefended. #
  • @xolotl sorry, man! i blame the postgresql conference. #
  • @turoczy thanks for the link love 🙂 #
  • @karolcooks i think he’s going to just freestyle it this time. but he may use elements of "eas on" in the final production 🙂 #
  • @turoczy you’ve got a great idea. don’t let the haters get you down. #
  • did everyone else know about PDFLab except for me? #
  • whew. i’ve been wanting a nice pdf-mangler/-merger for a while. PDFLab rules. #
  • @mtrichardson what was @codingparadox’s suggestion for EVDO? #
  • it’s like twirl just became blind and deaf. #
  • giggling that @TiEsQue said that he is not a feminist. #

twittering on 2008-04-02

  • liking this comment from andrew dunstan about "view from the other side of the fence" – – re: pgsql/mysql blowhards #
  • @br3nda oh, i’m sure that i have. i tend to assume that most people are not techie though, and i ask questions about tech to find out. #
  • @peat chicken tractors rule! my hubbie built me one for xmas a couple years ago 🙂 #
  • @garethgreenaway i have been laughing all day at the response emails 🙂 #
  • @garethgreenaway and i have to confess, i read it *three* times before I thought – "oh right. april fools." good one! #
  • feeling good about a connection about to happen between some folks working on a project related to @mattking’s #startupalooza presentation #
  • @zrusilla 🙁 sorry to hear that. #
  • hi @joshmcadams! you haven’t moved to pdx yet 🙂 #
  • @lelonopo my score was 92 🙁 #
  • no meetings today. awesome. #
  • @stevelle i’ll be at pdxwi tonight if you wanna talk about agile as DoS 🙂 #
  • @johnmark um, that’s a big "me too" #
  • @linuxpoet welcome back! #
  • @linuxpoet what, no hello? here’s the group picture from the postgresql conference: #
  • gonna have lunch with @samkeen. eSan NW! #
  • @zrusilla YES. i need a nap #
  • @stevelle w00t! put ’em in touch. next meeting is all about project mgmt and coworker communication. #
  • @garethgreenaway it was so awesome! great speakers, great people, tons of interest in new PUGs. the postgresql community is amazing. #