twittering on 2008-05-23

  • Still at enterprisedb party. Tons of fun and good convo #pgcon #
  • @sarahsharp yeah – but i cut & paste all the important info 😉 #
  • @sarahsharp into the calagator #
  • stoked that @ian_b is going to head up the new toronto PUG #pgcon #
  • welcome to twitter, @davidfetter! be sure to follow @hashtags! #
  • in the PostGIS talk by frank warmerdam #pgcon #
  • ArcGIS 9.3 may support PostGIS as a backend soon. frank says we’ll find out soon! #pgcon #
  • postGIS packages for debian, fedora are available, solaris will be available in 2-3 months, Mac OSX packages are linked at #
  • the other PostGIS package maintainers should get their packages listed on the main site! (stephen, are you listening? 🙂 #realtalk #pgcon #
  • frank is working with the US gov’t on coordinate projections that will work with other planets. doesn’t require C-code to do these. #pgcon #
  • free open source bootcamp on june 2nd in ottawa at carleton #pgcon #
  • the osgeo group in ottawa also meets every month at a pub. #pgcon #
  • @Theory heh. I pointed out in the presentation that you were not casual 🙂 #
  • postgresql has 16 committers currently #pgcon #
  • @Crad throwing down the gauntlet, eh? i was here bright and early at 10:03am 😉 #
  • nice! peter gave a shout out to #pgcon #
  • watching a Dracones demo #pgcon #
  • loving the postgresql geek talk that is now happening on twitter #pgcon #
  • lol #pgcon #
  • in HTSQL talk: “we have many semi-technical users.” awesome! #pgcon #
  • loving HTSQL guy’s ascii art schema drawings #
  • @Crad i wanna know who did her hair? And why did she talk so much about Solaris? I want more OS X content at PgCon. #pgcon #madonna #
  • @Crad definitely! way more than at pgcon east. i wonder if that’s a developer vs. user thing. #pgcon #
  • @fuzzychef #
  • @crad try something new! 😉 #
  • +1 for putting business logic into the database itself, from HTSQL #pgcon #
  • project site: #pgcon #
  • HTSQL: “we want to be as restful as possible” #pgcon #
  • bucardo is very cool! want to try it out when i get home. multi-master replication, oh my! #pgcon #
  • closing session for #pgcon! #
  • there’s a hockey game on – detroit v. pittsburgh #pgcon #
  • dispensing advil for those who have a mysterious illness after last night’s party #pgcon #
  • meet at 9am tomorrow morning in front of the residence halls to tour the city in a group! #pgcon #
  • singing happy birthday to josh berkus. happy b-day, @fuzzychef! 🙂 #
  • postgresql is like a world heritage site, a fine piece of software but many ppl don’t know about it. it’s your job to spread the word #pgcon #

twittering on 2008-05-22

  • @gorthx happy birthday! #
  • @br3nda i don’t! but i will see if i can track one down here. #
  • i may have gotten one twitter convert this evening. pg folks keep asking me how it is different from IRC. i ask them where the RSS feed is. #
  • @SharonG you crazy! #
  • @PortlandPolice might be into this postgres talk – – if they were into that sort of thing. #
  • @markwkm i love cutting my own mats. #
  • @petdance whatevs! excuses! #
  • @Crad I’m going to use that one tomorrow! #
  • so sleepy. @Crad: you’re on! c u in the morning. #
  • Headed out 4 breakfast #pgcon #
  • watching bruce momjian give the keynote at #pgcon #
  • if you’re interested in more #pgcon coverage, follow @crad, @franciscojunior and @fuzzychef #
  • there were 26 people at the postgresql developer meeting yesterday, many of whom have been part of the project for 7 years or more #pgcon #
  • in andrew sullivan’s talk about postgresql development and project management #
  • lots of software development is about taste. so arguments happen about ‘ugly code’ #pgcon #
  • alan cox: by the time the code is written you already need the feature. OSS is always late! (OLS keynote from 1999) #pgcon #
  • just got info for a cool postgres community announcement, more this afternoon! #
  • a. sullivan sez postgresql core code is good, good ansi compliance and good code review (although we need more reviewers!) #pgcon #
  • “postgresql is code with a bald spot, it’s getting old!” a. sullivan #pgcon #
  • “postgres needs users…” some companies are willing to implement features that we may not want, but lots of users want them #pgcon #
  • wishing @eggyknap could be in ottawa! you could be giving me a lolcode tutorial on all the new features 😉 #
  • if we started the pgsql-roadmap mailing list, it would be a flamewar #pgcon #
  • part of what makes the project is good is that flamewars are avoided – maybe because we avoid big, vague feature discussions #pgcon #
  • @fuzzychef oh, it’s not so bad! better tools!! #
  • in horizontal scalability with postgresql by jack orenstein from Hitachi #pgcon #
  • talk is about a fixed content storage system, HCAP, originally created by Archivas #
  • @Crad great minds think alike 😉 #
  • jack’s architecture overview slide says “not drawn to scale” #pgcon #
  • @aurynn that is some serious twinsight! 😉 #
  • @aurynn wish you were here at pgcon. i’ve been chatting with others about how twitter has filled a void many of us have had re: peers #
  • @Crad @fuzzychef you should all follow @hashtags and mark your tweets with #pgcon #
  • @Crad @fuzzychef then your posts will show up here #
  • in susanne ebrecht’s “what postgresql could learn from mysql” talk #pgcon #
  • how did mysql get market share? early versions available on windows, great interoperability with PHP #pgcon #
  • loving the eierlegende wollmilchsau in susanne’s slides #pgcon #
  • @theory OMG. i never realized @petdance was trying to be a moose. *slapping forehead* #
  • i don’t agree that marketing is an attempt to sell bugs as features 😉 #pgcon #
  • in synchronous log shipping replication by ITAGAKI Takahiro #pgcon #
  • had a great convo with @decibel about tracking user questions and problems on pgsql-general and the irc channel #
  • oh cool! the NTT guys are talking about releasing their log shipping tools as open source modules for postgresql #pgcon #
  • @xolotl try #
  • in magnus hagander’s talk #pgcon #
  • Retweeting @amyrsward: WomenWhoTech Portland Potluck Picnic in the Park! 6/22, 11 – 2. Mark your calendars, ladies! #
  • used PHP for because you can totally ignore encodings #pgcon #
  • @verso you totally can! i wish they had an upcoming event instead of facebook, but maybe we can just put it in the Calagator 😉 #
  • doesn’t map email addresses, but you can search on full names from the email headers #pgcon #
  • @amyrsward is it cool if we put the event in the calagator? #
  • @theory yeah, they are broken. but i think that there are too many pages that are broken to bother fixing it. #
  • @theory but we’re volunteers! 😉 #
  • lightning talks were awesome!! #pgcon going to enterprisedb party shortly. #

twittering on 2008-05-20

  • voting… #
  • nearly ready to leave for work… #
  • happy birthday @linuxpoet! #
  • @thesethings what a bummer! (ubuntu live being cancelled) #
  • CSI via @mherrick66 just announced NEDSS, a public health information network project – uses PostgreSQL! #
  • here’s the press release: #
  • happy birthday @adamd! you and @linuxpoet have the same birthday 😀 #
  • @xolotl is so persuasive! #
  • @acquia should listen to him! #
  • loving that @PortlandPolice is an equestrian. #
  • @ahockley check out updates to proposal! #
  • @eddieawad is there no data type for a sequence in oracle? #
  • @acquia pls don’t tweet restricted posts! make ’em public! kthxbye. #
  • @muckp no kidding! #
  • @spinnerin i’m wracking my brain! i wonder about conway? in NW portland? also PSU? through a grad student union… #
  • meh. i miss twitter. #
  • getting ready for PgCon in Ottawa. going home to pack. #

twittering on 2008-05-19

  • testing out greg’s nagios plugin for postgresql – #
  • tried out new “only check email twice a day” strategy. got all email answered in 20 minutes. doing this from now on. #
  • @jasonglaspey it might 😉 i’m leaving it on while i’m doing stuff that doesn’t require much concentration – like nagios config. BO-RING. #
  • @garethgreenaway chocolate covered bacon is SO RIGHT! #
  • @womenwhotech thx! 🙂 #

twittering on 2008-05-16

  • getting ready for a nice bike ride downtown. #
  • @Theory good one. ;D #
  • @spinnerin GO SHOPPING! #
  • @jabancroft competition in and between healthy communities is welcomed and fun – positive friction that encourages creativity, innovation #
  • at pdx and downloading Pg 8.3.1 and pl/lolcode for on-plane entertainment. #
  • @Theory he doesn’t have a full-text feed? 🙁 #
  • frustrated by truncated feeds. another reason why having them truncated for planet postgresql is dumb. #

twittering on 2008-05-15

  • @markwkm will test your stored proc later today! #
  • thanks to @grigs for suggestions on making load faster 🙂 #
  • twitter makes me laugh, every day. #
  • off to meet @debbryant, then lunch with @igniteportland’ers. #

twittering on 2008-05-14

  • definitely going to eat a snickers before riding home in the drizzle. #
  • @gorthx thanks for sharing the career advice slideshow. #
  • @ntenhross – free: hallway track + exhibits, get on a panel (presenter pass gets you into all sessions), get pass from talk slction cmte #
  • @gorthx not going to tonight. doing some gardening, cleaning, etc. #
  • i <3 dreamhost 🙂 🙂 🙂 #
  • had insane load ave, #dreamhost sysadmin fixed it, got callback in 20 min, sysadmin even gave a wordpress tip #service #
  • @mattking this is first time in a month that i got off the phone with a hosting provider and i had a smile on my face. #dreamhost #service #
  • reading about part numbering systems. #
  • @rebekahgolden i could have sushi lunch with you. umenoki? #
  • @coatesp don’t tease! i know you hate sushi 🙂 #
  • @jkurumot @oregoniansteve hapa unite! (i’m half chinese, but still!) #
  • @oregoniansteve looking forward to the twitter article. still haven’t thought of a good way to describe, but i’ll let you know if i do. #
  • @ahockley yeah, the host is working on it. i’ve got a ticket in to be moved to a VPS sometime soon. #
  • @eggyknap good answers!! 🙂 #
  • comparison of sql server, mysql, and postgresql: (by way of mark schoonover, mysql dba 😉 #
  • resisting urge to offer postgres online journal a makeover! #
  • i’m just tickled that we’re doing this — chris king is offering wheelsets in all colors (through our dealers): #
  • finally! back up #