twittering on 2008-06-20

  • coffee. mmmm. #
  • happy birthday @ovidperl!! #
  • i’ll bet @niczak is happy he bought his french press now –, thx @jkuramot for the link! 😀 #
  • @jkuramot it could only be better if it ran vista. #
  • @verso great. now i’m singing me & bobby mcgee. thx. #
  • @xolotl thx for the link. good article – mentorship is SO key. i think coworking is a partial answer #

twittering on 2008-06-19

  • @ igniteportland! #
  • Still have room @ ignite! C’mon down! #ip3 #
  • Ignite has started! #ip3 #
  • Social intel talk was amazing #ip3 #
  • Nuclear reactions were never so fun #ip3 #
  • MURFs are rollers that sort recycled stuff #
  • @xolotl i missed her! 🙁 #
  • tell us what you thought of ignite portland! #

twittering on 2008-06-18

  • just ate the first delicious cherry off the tree. too bad there’s only like 8 of them. #
  • headed down to the county cork on scooter’s bday. #
  • @AaronThul check out: #
  • excited for ignite 3 tonight! #ip3 #
  • just got approved for 2 weeks off to study spanish in mexico this august!! #
  • @Theory break a leg! #
  • @zrusilla i want details! #
  • @petdance awww. thx. can you just record it?! #
  • @aurynn you’ll be good at it. don’t worry! #
  • @pagecrusher thank you for making me laugh every day. #

twittering on 2008-06-16

  • @linuxpoet I didn’t know that! wow. there’s plenty more where that came from. just the flower/bud? #
  • @reidab way cool! thanks for sharing. #
  • git just recognized that add + rm == rename. good job, git! #
  • @grigs good job bike commuting! i love it. #
  • @notbenh welcome back! #
  • four more days to get your PgDay talk submissions in for July 20th conference — #
  • wondering if i will finally be able to give @xolotl his barcamp t-shirt at #ip3 #
  • @xolotl i think i can! #
  • Retweeting @verso: OK #pdx here’s the deal: I need a few volunteers for #igniteportland on Wednesday. DM @verso! #

twittering on 2008-06-13

  • Done #drunkgeeking. Headed home #
  • @mhalligan i owe a lot to unions. my family wouldn’t have owned a home, my brother wouldn’t be able to support his family, etc. #
  • @mhalligan unions are a defense against exploitation of the working class – people who pick and slaughter our food, and dig our trenches. #
  • @mhalligan they aren’t perfect, but neither is capitalism or management. #
  • @mhalligan i guarantee you that without a union, my father would not have made a mortgage-paying wage digging trenches and laying pipe. #
  • @mhalligan he also would not have had a retirement plan and pension that followed him through 30 years of hard, physical labor in 10 states #
  • @mhalligan i mean, lets give the same level of scruitiny to capitalism and the excesses of *that* as you’re applying to unions. #
  • @mhalligan poverty? homelessness? business-caused environmental disasters that supposedly our gov’t cleans up? inflation? #
  • @mhalligan i don’t mean to pick on you – lots of people say this type of thing about unions. i just want to point out that real people… #
  • @mhalligan benefit in life-changing, but on a $$ scale – very small ways – compared to the insanity of management compensation. #
  • @xolotl probably would not have turned out *exactly* like this 🙂 #
  • @mhalligan it’s a two way street. unions can be bad, but management practices contribute. #
  • @mhalligan 🙂 and i just think that the “cost to others” is far less than the total cost of capitalism on society.. #
  • @mhalligan i don’t know about unions creating world peace, solving israeli/pal. cnfct – just describing some costs of business. 🙂 #
  • @roberte3 good stewards exist! just not rewarded by society in the ways that most people are trained to want/expect. so not as common. #
  • i have to go to bed, or i would now explain why i think ‘opting-out’ is BS 😀 but thx for listening @mhalligan. #
  • oh, and R ROCKS! #
  • signing up for boxing class. #
  • cranking out some work before the downtime. #
  • @ryanwi have you tried skitch? #
  • @garethgreenaway i lost 5 followers yesterday after my union tirade 😀 #
  • @garethgreenaway is was a *pro* union tirade 🙂 #

twittering on 2008-06-12

  • live plurking pdx perlmongers #
  • @petdance @theory – your mission, according to chromatic, is to get allison drunk so that she’ll agree to have a mechanical bull at OSCON. #
  • @notbenh — well, they can also be the actual RESULT of a query. i’m interested in how those stacked queries get optimized — or not. #
  • meeting is adjourning to the bar! #
  • @fuzzychef hah! well, more than 1/2 the meeting happens at the pub. sometimes the pub meeting is twice as long, even. #
  • @Theory: pdxpm thinks that we know what your password is: fuck #
  • watching tons of derren brown this morning #
  • @verso i like blackalicious, don’t like judith owen – although, probably in college, would have listened to her along w/ tori amos. thanks! #
  • @verso and thanks for putting me on a jay-z jag this morning! #
  • @verso oh of course! LOVAGE! #
  • @spinnerin that album rules. i hope lucas knows how LUCKY he is! #
  • @verso your memory is way better than mine. i just have strong feelings of fondness, and a desire to go dig that record out of the basement #
  • not gonna make it to ignite planning today 🙁 #