twittering on 2008-08-29

  • – “Thank you… Thank you…” πŸ˜€ #
  • @grigs me too. seems odd for a guy who’s running on his experience. and she’s prepared to take over? #
  • @gchaix thanks for the suggestion! I’ll check it out. #
  • @petdance you are brave! be strong! #
  • @grigs unfortunate that she was chosen now. glad mccain did it, but sad it seems based on a bid for PUMAs, instead of her qualifications #

twittering on 2008-08-28

  • hopping on bike for wherecamp meetup. considering whether to bring rain gear. #
  • Decided to just drive πŸ™ I’m here and on the back deck fellow wherecamp planners #
  • still giggling about twitter-assisted mail delivery ideas from wherecamp planning #
  • sweet! coworker is presenting at UTOSC on our development environment: #
  • @thesethings aww shucks. πŸ™‚ #

twittering on 2008-08-27

  • fedex delivered my laptop to the wrong address πŸ™ and they don’t know what that address is πŸ™ πŸ™ #
  • third fedex csr finally said that they could call the shipping location for me when it opens; 1st/2nd csrs said no way #
  • @rarehero thanks πŸ™‚ i’m gonna stop with the updates or else i’m going to end up on whitewhine. #
  • @markwkm LOLCATS translation? genius! #
  • cautiously optimistic: fedex says they have the package and are redelivering today. still not sure where it got delivered the first time. #
  • @markwkm can haz cat databukkit? #
  • ahhh! the sun! #pdxst #
  • omg. i think my laptop got delivered to @mattking’s office. #
  • @jfoebe thank goodness @mattking is so honest! πŸ˜€ #
  • *happy dance* thanks, instrum3nt and @mattking for keeping my laptop safe overnight. #

twittering on 2008-08-26

  • Hurricane party on Friday at my place. RSVP and I’ll tell u what to bring. #
  • @SarahDavies we will drink hurricanes! #
  • clarification: party on friday. my place. drink provided: hurricanes (see: RSVP pls. kthxbye #
  • @thesethings TOTALLY. reminds me of channel 7 in mexico. don’t make me tell you about the puppets. #
  • @dberkholz i like that i need to “Brace for the Smooth Taste”. still gonna make them from rum and pineapple juice. #
  • this week’s mercury is cracking me up. breakfast, then back to work! #
  • eek, @sharding and @ravenme have convinced me not to upgrade my iphone quite yet. #
  • @markwkm awesome! second day has been made more awesome by training module entitled “Git is awesome and Subversion isn’t” #
  • “Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.” Susan B. Anthony, rmbr the 19th amendment: #
  • just got a bunch of shizzow invites. any pdx’ers still need an invite? #

twittering on 2008-08-25

  • back home, beer in hand. a little more cleaning of the basement before settling in for a movie. #
  • @stewartsmith congrats on house. good luck with the pringles can! #
  • @clonezone me too! (first day at new job) #
  • contemplating vogon poetry. #
  • @PeteForsyth I didn’t say recital! #
  • @Joseph_di_P not yet πŸ™‚ more of an asimov/philip k. dick/orson scott card scifi reader. always looking for suggestions! #
  • @EvaCatHerder it’s all for the new job. πŸ˜€ #
  • @ctronco thanks! have a book order to put in, so adding _seeker_ unless you have a better suggestion… #

twittering on 2008-08-24

  • ok, vodka sauce is a complete winner. fresh tomatoes FTW #
  • @sumwan LOL definitely! #
  • – Instant food coma! #
  • volunteer opportunities to help people/ease/eradicate poverty: #
  • @bobuva get a group of geeks together to volunteer to deliver food to farmworkers, or mentor kids in poor schools. #
  • @bobuva maybe, but “No man can be wise on an empty stomach.” – george elliot; need to feed the belly before the mind – both parents and kids #
  • today was a good food day on twitter πŸ™‚ #
  • coffee. paint. brushes. ready. #

twittering on 2008-08-23

  • OH: this tequila tastes like bacon! #
  • @storming i’m interested in that book – would love a tweeted review! #
  • @mherrick66 break a leg! #
  • coffee’s ready. time for more basement cleanup. #
  • @lacajag and painting! πŸ˜€ picking out colors now… #
  • @mcauliflower belly’s good food then? the last restaurant in that location (terroir?) was horrible. #
  • @branpitoyo i am so there for the salsa festival! #
  • @storming # of hrs for preso prep is same recommendation from damian conway – he said he sometimes takes 90 hrs to prep #
  • home with paint – aquifer and bunch of cloves were the winners #
  • making tarragon ricotta ravioli for dinner. #

twittering on 2008-08-22

  • At PostgreSQL meeting @ freegeek with Lloyd albin. About to hear about pg’s awesome fulltext search and materialized views #
  • considering what pie to enter into the pieoff #mmmpie #
  • @eggyknap yup… just finishing up some email, then i’ll upload & post the link… #
  • @brianaker despite @znmeb’s pitch for peach pie, i’m thinking huckleberry.. although i’m not sure where i’m going to get huckleberries from #
  • @AaronThul i need your help for a sassy talk name. email me? #
  • @petdance CONGRATS ON THE BOOK! πŸ˜€ now, where’s the cover picture? I’m hoping for something like this: #
  • grinning ear-to-ear about the postgresql user group meetings that happened while I was on vacation. YAY! #
  • last night’s pdxpug meeting notes & presentation files: #
  • check out emilie steele giustozzi’s funny intro to rules and brief tutorial on table partitioning: #
  • working on title for pg west session.. ugh. not feeling inspired today. #
  • finished up fresh pasta leftovers from yesterday. feeling like making more pasta today. #
  • submitted code sprint session to postgresql west ’08. hope it gets approved! probably will happen oct 11, 2-5p (sat) mark yr calendars! #

twittering on 2008-08-21

  • @thesethings ‘Gracias! Me gustaria hablar español contigo, pero mi español està muy feo. #
  • @sumwan totally public! we’ll be at freegeek, 7pm – with a trip to the pub after. check it out: #
  • @operatic glad to hear from you! πŸ™‚ #
  • gearing up for some housework. and then i’m making fresh pasta! tell me how jealous you are. #
  • @markwkm you could if you weren’t going to be late for the meeting πŸ˜€ #
  • @garethgreenaway not fixed :/ but mexico was RAD! #
  • @br3nda damn you and your day-aheadness! #
  • done mopping. time to make pasta while the floor dries. #
  • @jkuramot lol! when’s the next lunch 2.0? #
  • @mcauliflower what’s yr bike? considering getting a 150-250cc fixer-upper — if i can clean out enough space in the garage to work on it. #
  • @gorthx no, just pasta at my house! πŸ˜€ i like the idea of a potluck meeting though. i could host! #