I recently joined the board of a tech non-profit called Legion of Tech. Our goals are:
- Grow and nurture the local Portland technology community through educational, not-for-profit, community-run events.
- Make it easier for community members to organize technology events.
- Provide resources and assistance for technology community events.
Dawn also just wrote about it. We had a great first board meeting, full of interesting ideas and energetic people.
A few of us at the board meeting talked about event calendaring and keeping in touch with all the user groups in the greater Portland area. Members of the Perl community recently volunteered some time to write some code in support of a better calendaring system. We currently have at least two Google calendars, a PBwiki, dozens of mailing lists and many individual blogs.
Have ideas for how we could all work together and make a better system? Raven suggested the hCal microformat for announcing meetings, I thought it would be cool to have a Planet Portland and someone else mentioned Drupal. What do you think?