twittering on 2009-06-02

  • @ddeckelmann couldn’t take me stopping my continuous updates to facebook, eh? #
  • 30 pages of catering agreement. highlights: $3 bottle o’water, lotsa all caps re NO OUTSIDE FOOD. next conference: camping on the beach. #
  • srsly, i can make steak/chicken/tempeh fajitas for 100 people. i got skills! i can train others! #
  • just need satellite hookup, and everyone checkout your repos *before* we get to the beach. #
  • who’s with me? #
  • .@anselm .@morganpdx sweet. i really shouldn’t be doing this, but i’m creating a fucking wiki page right now. #
  • @hal_pomeranz yeah 🙁 I wish they had a better business model. maybe conference centers just need to die. #
  • can’t help self: i’m sure someone else will come up with a better name later 😀 #
  • .@operatic dude – open source bridge water. totally worth it 😉 #
  • .@dropio is a hit for #
  • whew. gonna fix a bug in #hamn and then hit the sack. thanks for the inspiration, tweeties! #
  • @AE3nn hah! #
  • omg. i’m going to nigeria to teach postgres! #
  • .@Crad .@turoczy you jokers. it’s a UN-funded program to gather demographic information & develop voter reg software #
  • @lauracowen just found out today! have lotsa work to do before going, but totally excited! #
  • @ahockley @jshirley thanks! 🙂 i can’t believe how well i set myself up for these jokes. #
  • .@saraford awesome! 😀 can’t wait to meet you. #
  • @pdxyogini probably right after @osbridge #
  • @manimal @operatic @kcomandich thanks! 🙂 #
  • The @osbridge is looking for volunteers! With 8 hours of volunteer time, you can attend for free (via @geekygirldawn) #
  • @russell_h THANK YOU! #
  • @reidab i just counted mine and only saw 55. oh wait, that was just one mailbox. and doesn’t count the ones i deleted. #