- #is6! http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3487209317 #
- Open source everything #is6 http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3488080410 #
- @yawk good luck. If you need field audio let me know and I will record my neighbors chicken for you. in reply to yawk #
- @sarahnovotny sad you had to go! Nice meeting you and hope to hear more about your drizzle-ing 🙂 in reply to sarahnovotny #
- RT @KathySierra: Products that help people be/do something awesome become social *without brand intervention* thru WOM & WOFO #
- also, thank you @brady for the bacon-flavored vodka. i sense a vodka-infused @osbridge meeting in the future. #
- learning about http://tinyurl.com/nqkgl #
- Public transportation fail: watched the train pull away. In Seattle until 5pm #
- @reidab its one of those things that is making me consider just staying here another night 🙂 but, i think i’d rather be home. #