- pg_standby: i <3 u. no really. i like you a lot. seriously. #
- @AE3nn tell your mom that she’s made me feel like a very bad person. #
- @agray glad to hear you’re fencing your chickens in. #
- @ryansnyder are you sure it isn’t @methneighbor? #
- sleepy. #
- RT @muckp: Holy moly, US Gov’t will be required to post RSS feeds! http://tr.im/gHrB (via @radar) AWESOME #
- listening to a mix from @whateverson #
- @gchaix agreed
- Wiki sticker on bike http://flickr.com/photos/selenamarie/3303801389 #
- Three words: wet blanket statement [tm] #
- @SteveWalling hah! i thought of you when i took that picture
- @markwkm very well! i have some email for you
- @depesz_com welcome to twitter
working on getting the slides up. added some things based on feedback from tim bunce & others… #
- @turoczy what’s the opposite of the big bang? that’s when @SyntaxPolice get’s an iPhone. #
- 4 everyone, @depesz_com is responsible for http://www.depesz.com/ best single technical blog on postgres (@planetpostgres is best aggrgt) #
- very curious what ringtones @turnstep has #
- waiting for Bosco to pick me up at the hotel. #
- RT @brampitoyo: @masonwest Event overload FAIL? More like #pdxeventsingularity! (the optimism is catching) #