- Thought I lost my wallet. Did. Neighbor found it on the ground & brought it to my house. #
- drupal pronounciation hint from lullabot podcast: “Remember, it’s a CMS, not a drag queen.” #
- @ahockley this will do it: s/(\@.*)$// #
- @notbenh thanks for the @powells tip! #
- Reading _Here Comes Everybody_. #
- @ahockley the perlre manpage is pretty good. Also there’s an oreilly book – mastering regex. Just keep asking Qs, we can help! 🙂 #
- @dberkholz really? I am only 1 chapter in. Most interested in how to explain OSS org works to other ppl. #
- Watching lots of videos of Spore with scoots. #
- slide deck draft for ‘people for geeks’ is done! woo! time to do some housework. #
- @grigs @donpdonp has one. i played with one over a year ago, and it has improved since then. they need a lot of help with their UI. #