I speak at technical conferences regularly. My goal is to only be away from home and family one week per quarter.
- Code4Lib, Keynote, Portland
- Seattle Code Fellows, Postgres invited talk, Seattle
- PyCon, Montreal, Canada – poster session about diagram sketching
- What beginners Teach us, Passion Projects, March 13
- Pycon 2014 – The Python Pipeline: Why you should reach out to K-12 teachers and how to do it and Sane Schema Migrations with Alembic and SQLAlchemy, April 9-17
- Monitorama, May 5-7
- PDXPUG, About Crontabber, May 15
- PSU, Feb 1, 4pm PT- How to get a job like mine: all about open source community
- Restores FTW, February PDXPUG, Portland, OR
- PyCon 2013, What Teachers Really Need From Us March 15-17
- OSDC.tw, Keynote – What Beginners Teach Us , April 2013
- JSConf Family Reunion, Schema Liberation with JSON and PLV8, May 29-31, Florida 2013
- Computer Science Teachers Association, Keynote, July 15-16, 2013
- [ACM Queue Invited Guest], San Francisco, August 16, 2013
- Postgres Open, September 2013
- All Your Base, October 18, 2013
- linux.conf.au Ballarat, Mistakes Were Made video, Stewart Smith and me: Databases in the Cloud, Postgres and Replication in 2012
- SCALE 10x – Keynote
- OSCON (July) Portland, OR
- FrOSCon, August 26-27, Bonn, Germany – Keynote
- Djangocon, September 2-4, Washington, DC – Keynote
- Postgres Open 2012 (September 17-19) Chicago, IL
- RICON about MVCC, PostgreSQL and CTEs, October, San Francisco
- Education vs Training, Plenary, LISA, December, San Diego
- MySQL Users Conference 2011
- PgCon 2011
- Future of Web Apps 2011 – Las Vegas(cancelled due to death in the family)
- OSCON Data 2011
- OSCON 2011
- Postgres Open 2011 – Chicago
- LCA 2010 (New Zealand), January 18-23, 2010
- Libre Planet, Boston, MA: March 19-21, 2010
- LinuxFest Northwest
- PgCon, May 18-21
- Open Source Bridge, June 1-4
- DevNation, July 10
- PDXPUG Day, July 18
- CouchCamp, September 8-10
- Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, September 28-Oct 2
- LinuxFest NW
- PgCon
- PostgreSQL Conference West (Seattle), October 17, 2009
- Japanese PostgreSQL Users Group 10 year anniversary (Tokyo), November 20-21, 2009
- PgCon
Recordings of other presentations:
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