- Lightning talks mostly uploaded (except the CBC talk that was slightly too large… working on it 🙂 http://chesnok.com/u/2e #
- Just heard from someone planning a 1 million table postgres instance. #pgcon #
- SSI (serializable snapshot isolation) has never been implemented in production in another database. #postgres #pgcon #
- "And therefore transaction one is its own grandfather.. and that just doesn't work." #pgcon #ssi #
- "The people who wrote the SQL standard got this wrong. They got it wrong more than once." #ssi #pgcon #
- pro-tip: a read-only transaction can create a cycle of dependencies that make a transaction sequence not serializable. #pgcon #
- Basic idea: find a cycle in a graph, and break the transaction that caused it to preserve serializability. #ssi #pgcon #hopeigotthatright #
- SSI rule is: don't let a transaction both have a rw-conflict *in* AND a rw-conflict *out* #ssi #pgcon #
- SIREAD locks don't cause blocking (predicate locks are just flags). And they can persist beyond transaction commit. #pgcon #ssi #
- Agenda for tomorrow's Procedural Language summit http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PgCon_2011_PL_Summit #pgcon #
- Almost the end of #pgcon 🙁 #
- "If it was hard to write it should be hard to use." -Jan Wieck #slony #pgcon #
- "I don't want to have anything that says "release it" on the back." #janwieck #pgcon #