- turning on google calendar for company this morning. goodbye crappy macOS9-era calendar app! #
- @aurynn *hugs* i had to move 12+ hrs away. #
- @linuxpoet yup. #
- @thesethings it was a long time in the making. very happy with it! #
- not liking that twitter is now a way to send me todos. #
- @grigs can’t make it to mobile users meeting because its my anniversary 😀 #
- @grigs i don’t think that’s gonna fly. maybe if i would have thought of that sooner. and if my mom wasn’t in town. #
- @ebeckman dude, hydrangeas are tanks. no worries! reminds me that i have a date with my rose bushes this weekend. #
- @ebeckman my neighbor mows his to the ground every winter 🙂 i don’t recommend that, but the damn thing comes back every time. #
- oh great, one of the swag vendors sent us mugs for an optometrist. #
- portland postgresql users group tomorrow night, a case study and some love for sysadmins: http://pugs.postgresql.org/node/365 #pdxpug #
- @ravenzachary i’m all ears for that report. #
- @mattg losing packets – 31% loss #
- @mattg looks like 4 possible routers at hop 3, maybe one is flapping? #
- @mattg trying from dreamhost in SF area, other is ELI. can’t traceroute ATM from ELI. but the problem is intermittant — it’s working now. #
- @mattg i’ll DM you the routers i’m seeing #
- woo! http://www.postgresql.us drupalified! #
- @mattg that’s lame! #
- @thesethings not much data on the original site. so easy! gotta thank the Italians for making the theme originally. #
- @lelonopo OMG. how about TUIMM a lot. i’m sorry, @karolcooks – scrapbooking? #
- @linuxpoet "beset"? #
- @selenamarie thinks the ghost of benjamin franklin may be visiting @linuxpoet. #
- @lelonopop translation: Throw Up In My Mouth #
- @hmtasks where did the IM client go? :/ #
- @xolotl http://ronmexico.kainalopallo.com/ #
- @linuxpoet visiting portland anytime soon? #