- 'PHP automatically converts "9.0" to "9" when it's entered as
a decimal.' ugh. happened in a URL. thx @magnushagander for fixing! # - another reason why portland rules: midday cheesecake delivery. well, that might just be why @gorthx rules. 🙂 #
- OMG DOUBLE RAINBOW http://flic.kr/p/91E9eM #
- I don't think it's fair that I'm flying this far for ice pellets. http://bit.ly/dVbTeS #
- Lander in Nashvegas. #
- Waffle house, @pythonchelle in Nashville http://flic.kr/p/92547q #
- My MySQL Conf talk just went live: http://en.oreilly.com/mysql2011/public/schedule/speaker/6486 #
- Angry after hearing that a woman born in 1978 was told by recruiters that she is too old for a job. #
- New minor version of PostgreSQL available for all supported versions, 8.1 officially end-of-life http://www.postgresql.org/about/news.1270 #
- On vacation! See you January 4. 🙂 #