- home sweet home. #
- enjoying coffee from my kiwifoo mug, waiting for the bus. have an idea! #
- alright, who's going to @nopoconi tonight? 🙂 #
- oh awesome! @igniteGov has appeared… #
- OH: Not gnuTwitter? (:D) #
- feeling a bit overwhelmed. but also, full of win. status: http://flic.kr/p/8AhuGT #
- current status: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Corna_01_(RaBoe).jpg #
- woo postgresql 9.0 release will be translated into 11 languages! #
- getting ready for @pdxpug #
- watching @eknuth show layers from http://oregonexplorer.info/imagery/ inside of Quantum GIS 🙂 #
- Now, @eknuth demoing ogrinfo on the commandline (from gdal.org) @pdxpug #
- OH: "ESRI throws very expensive parties and produces expensive tools that governments buy." #realtalk @pdxpug #
- Current status: http://hungoverowls.tumblr.com/photo/1280/1098971655/1/tumblr_l8jxh49fSA1qclcx7 #
- Feeling slightly guilty for having cream in my coffee while volunteering at #vegfest but flier sez we're all on a continuum #
- The rain's not going to stop, is it? #hrmph #