- @plasticbagUK i agree. we need to make it amazing/rewarding for women to be involved in tech. can be done anywhere, anytime. in reply to plasticbagUK #
- .@hypatiadotca definitely! i <3 @terriko's writing. (re: http://bit.ly/8n2lnU) in reply to hypatiadotca #
- @robtreat2 they are, although not sure how exactly the packaging will work yet. DBIx::Safe is the main issue. in reply to robtreat2 #
- chores, chores, chores, coffee. no snow! #
- @missrogue @plasticbagUK another issue is connectedness – getting female speakers into local communities to practice, gain confidence #
- @missrogue @plasticbagUK from working on user group advocacy, we've got a directory of groups we can publish. i'll make that our next step. #
- @aprildunford we tried & were successful. got women involved early, helped/encouraged to give talks locally first, asked directly. in reply to aprildunford #