- considering @pgsnake's avatar change as proof that he will be doing karaoke at the next pgcon. #
- thanks again to @nedspace & @emmaemail for sponsoring the Winter Coders Social! Great turnout, delish potluck, and matrix algebra. #
- @lhawthorn I hope he feels better soon! in reply to lhawthorn #
- just had sweet lunch at podnah's with @jenred. #
- RT @rogoway Blackbox Republic,out of the box today- 17 employees in SE PDX building social networking site from scratch http://bit.ly/8vDIrf #
- @dukeleto i hear mostly Java on the backend 🙂 in reply to dukeleto #
- @br3nda congrats!!!! 🙂 in reply to br3nda #
- @igalko thanks for sharing the great pics. this totally cracked me up: http://www.flickr.com/photos/igalko/4173163856/ #
- concluded epic crafting session. realized that glue has gotten a lot more awesome in the last few years. #
- ok. this is exciting. #