- RT @alleyinsider Amazon launching "Library Lending" allowing Kindle users to borrow books from 11,000 librarie… (cont) http://deck.ly/~Wufxh #
- wtf Michigan? http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/34/3458.asp #
- and why you might not want Michigan police copying fancy iPhone data: they get to see everywhere you've been http://oreil.ly/eDOsmS #
- oh neat. there's a barometer in the Xoom. #
- re NSF blocking Global Voices site RT @amandabee: "Is there a Federal irony department where I can lodge a complaint?" http://bit.ly/f46lGT #
- Confronted by a wall of unread email full of discussion of process rather than substance, considering whether or not this is worth my time. #
- Guess what's awesome? FOIA requests. Thanks, internet! And Sunlight Foundation! http://www.muckrock.com/ #
- muy importante RT @planetpostgres: David E. Wheeler (@pgxn): Extension Makefiles for PostgreSQL 9.1 http://postgr.es/p/11J #
- high IRC complement: "This channel has been comedy gold today." #