- dangerously fun night with @po8, @WardCunningham, @mildwail and @kquetzl. looking forward to today's #pdx11 unconference and hackathon! #
- on my way to PSU #
- First #pdx11 unconf discussion: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/who-wants-fiber-pdx11-unconference #
- Starting up the #pdx11 conversation about data.gov #
- etherpad for convo: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/datagov-shutdown-pdx11-unconference #
- So, I registered a domain. Notes that lead to it here: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/datagov-shutdown-pdx11-unconference #pdx11 #
- #pdx11 lunch is served! #
- Here's video from this morning's #pdx11 civic unconference kickoff: http://blip.tv/file/4967795 #
- Reminder about happy hour "suds and spirits" reception with the PDC April 6: http://pdx11.org/node/4017 #
- Great photos from Sam Churchill from today's #pdx11 event http://www.flickr.com/photos/samchurchill/sets/72157626415775186/ #