- "Portland, Oregon: one of the whitest cities in the US." -@NPR #
- For valentines day: I created "♥ VIM" group at work, noted many more bros at Safeway than normal, made mac and cheese for dinner. #
- At the #pdx11 mentoring meetup with @emmaemail peeps #
- Taking collaborative notes here: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/pdx11-mentoring-20110215 #pdx11 #
- Feeling a little sad at how locked down the teambox site is for the #pdx11 mentoring group. Read-only would be nice. #
- typed in the charter: http://etherpad.opensourcebridge.org/pdx11-mentoring-draft-charter #pdx11 #
- #lazytwitter Can y'all forward me some good information on NGO transparency? Primer-ish, with resources; non-lawyery language would be nice. #
- Did you know there are (at least) 20 tech conferences in #PDX this year? http://www.chesnok.com/daily/?p=2556 #zomg #ftw #
- The Open-By-Rule Benchmark http://t.co/hV3VkLK via @maslett #
- Put a Conference On It is the new Put a Bird on It. 20 conferences so far in PDX in 2011 http://bit.ly/fXyFHi (phrase ht @thesethings) #
- In case you're wondering, pricing posted & March 7 is the target start date for Intro to PostgreSQL http://bit.ly/hALpdr #codelesson #
- Listening to lightning talks w @mrthackston at AgilePDX #
- OH: profitable, sustainable and joyful. (World class software development in portland) #fuckyeah #
- I am in love with AgilePDX's mission and visioning process. The work agreement is art. #
- Finished my talk for this evening @pdxpug. Now poking around at a replication tool bug. #
- Looking forward to seeing @mikeal today! #
- And another succeesful @pdxpug / @pdxhackathon comes to a close 🙂 #
- retelling secrets from that _influence_ book. @pjf would be proud. #
- it's "let's go crazy with #pgcon email" day. #
- Current status: http://theoatmeal.com/blog/obama_meeting #