- Black history month talk about destruction of Albina in '70s #pdx http://t.co/bTNsklV #
- Places to have events in Portland, OR: http://www.chesnok.com/daily/?p=2490 #pdx #
- Slides from @oregonstateuniv lecture yesterday: http://www.chesnok.com/daily/?p=2499 #postgres #foss #
- "Top Secret Rosies": http://bit.ly/gy2sJy WWII women who were the first "computers" documentary #
- I'm an advisor! Join us. 🙂 RT @vaurora @AdaInitiative launches today! Promoting women in open technology & culture http://bit.ly/eTgPbG #
- The #pdx11 Finance group is running survey to establish priorities: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2CR86MZ #