- listening to carla gomes talk about computational sustainability – aim to apply tech from compsci to sustainability research. #ghc10 #
- Big challenge: establish interdisciplinary relationships and collaborate across fields (computational sustainability) #ghc10 #
- loving carla gomes' use of smilie and frownie faces on slides about "diffusion process as local stochastic activation rules" #ghc10 #
- Referencing this paper: http://bit.ly/aF5BbH in solving problem of land buying to increase population of endangered birds #ghc10 #
- Building poverty maps is similar to species maps, and modeling process of migration – influencing cascades, picking best strategy #ghc10 #
- Leadership: always think about how to generalize what you are doing. -Carla Gomes #ghc10 #
- Imposter syndrome thought to be esp common wih women, but found to occur equally with men. #ghc10 #
- "'You have just processed a petabyte of data.' Oops." #ghc10 #mapreduce #
- PSA: biotch-wings http://www.flickr.com/photos/gailcarmichael/5041609463/in/set-72157624932418433/ #ghc10 #
- In a talk on mentoring challenges and they are acting out a skit. Awesome!! #ghc10 #
- OH: you should focus on the lack of spatial awareness as a commonality #ghc10 #
- Enjoying the #ghc10 afterparty #