- listening to @mildwail sing the intruder song before brunch. #
- meh. #
- headed to airport for #couchcamp hoping for sun. #
- "para cosmic immersion" == imaginary friend -@maxogden #
- on the bus, enjoying wifi from @brianleroux 🙂 #
- gonna give a talk about MVCC in postgresql very soon. woo! http://chesnok.com/talk/mvcc_couchcamp.pdf #couchcamp #
- oops, trying that again: gonna give a talk about MVCC in postgresql very soon. woo! http://chesnok.com/talk/mvcc_couchcamp.pdf #couchcamp #
- from ted leung's talk on community – noah slater's retrospective on couch 1.0 http://bit.ly/9vhxhj #
- just pushed the mess of stuff from our couchcamp profiles app: http://github.com/selenamarie/couchcamp_profiles #couchcamp #
- You can also replicate from selenamarie.couchone.com/profiles #couchcamp 🙂 #
- reading through the new latches code. lower latency walsender, ftw! http://bit.ly/dCKL59 #
- making space for silence http://flic.kr/p/8Ad5uw #