Quick start on Hot Standby


We could have some better end-user documentation around creating a warm or hot standby system for basic postgresql replication.

To this end, I created a Quick Start doc on the wiki, but it could use more help. Maybe we should create some setup recipes for common situations?

Also – I wrote the following script during a hot standby bugbash PDXPUG had today:



sudo mkdir -p /var/tmp/archive
sudo chown ${USER} /var/tmp/archive

${INITDB} hotstandby1

echo 'wal_level = hot_standby' >> hotstandby1/postgresql.conf
echo 'archive_mode = on' >> hotstandby1/postgresql.conf
echo "archive_command = 'cp %p /var/tmp/archive/%f'" >> hotstandby1/postgresql.conf
echo "archive_timeout = 60" >> hotstandby1/postgresql.conf
echo "port = 6543" >> hotstandby1/postgresql.conf

${PGCTL} -D hotstandby1 start -l hotstandby1.log
sleep 5

${PSQL} -p 6543 postgres -c "select pg_start_backup('backup')"
${CP} -pR hotstandby1/ hotstandby2
${PSQL} -p 6543 postgres -c "select pg_stop_backup()"
rm hotstandby2/postmaster.pid
rm hotstandby2/pg_xlog/*

echo 'hot_standby = on' >> hotstandby2/postgresql.conf
echo 'port = 6544' >> hotstandby2/postgresql.conf
echo "standby_mode = 'on'" >> hotstandby2/recovery.conf
echo "restore_command = 'cp -i /var/tmp/archive/%f %p'" >> hotstandby2/recovery.conf

${PGCTL} -D hotstandby2 start -l hotstandby2.log

* Added port specification in case you’ve already got postgres running. Added a BINPATH for custom install directories.

2 thoughts on Quick start on Hot Standby

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  1. Does the hot standby stuff deal well with schema changes? Are they automatically replicated to the standby database?

  2. Maria –
    Yes, all changes to the database cluster are replicated to the standby. Thanks for asking! I’ll add that to the FAQ!
