- @kakariki 🙁 sorry to miss you this year. in reply to kakariki #
- how about: let's get shit done and be ethical self-promoters? work actually does not tend to speak for itself. people do that. #
- and, @amyhoy ftw -> http://www.shirky.com/weblog/2010/01/a-rant-about-women/comment-page-3/#comment-2289 #when_in_doubt_act #
- @dlangille staying downtown! in reply to dlangille #
- @bluesmoon thanks! 🙂 in reply to bluesmoon #
- hrm. woke up way too early. #
- "The goal of community organizing is to get the community to take back the community." http://bit.ly/8SjFOD HT @timoreilly in reply to timoreilly #
- @e_monty re: itunes -> http://mybroadband.co.za/news/Software/11114.html #
- @dogalwayswins yeah, it's gorgeous here. even in the mist! in reply to dogalwayswins #
- headed out for my first day of #lca2010 #
- @jenred agreed! in reply to jenred #
- just done with lunch from a kabab place on the lovely Wellington wharf with @samv. #lca2010 #
- My lab partner http://flic.kr/p/7wx3qm #
- I did it! http://flic.kr/p/7wx3sq #
- Arduino session http://flic.kr/p/7wx855 #
- @br3nda which track are you in? i'm gonna grab a coffee in a minute. in reply to br3nda #
- Adding fahrenheit http://flic.kr/p/7wty8F #
- @br3nda thinking of going to TWEETUP! green man pub? in reply to br3nda #