- @BiellaColeman awww :/ ice cream heals many ills. in reply to BiellaColeman #
- @slyall very nice to meet you! in reply to slyall #
- feeling a bit dazed, inspired, happy. wishing my tribe from #lca2010 had come home with me. #
- OH: "database logging is your friend." amen. #
- @eximious please see: Calgary Stampede for counterexample. #
- plotting upcoming @pdxpug meeting topics. apparently, the OBAMA! meeting was a roaring success. #
- goog still thinks i'm in NZ 🙂 #
- current status: fireflies on water http://flic.kr/p/7ykZz3 #
- @christiekoehler thanks! 🙂 in reply to christiekoehler #
- @eximious LOLZ #
- lolz for the morning: social media suicide: http://www.seppukoo.com/ [http://www.seppukoo.com/] #
- @foursixnine the whole thing makes me laugh. in reply to foursixnine #
- @Mettadore also, kind of good marketing for their project 😉 in reply to Mettadore #
- +1 RT @darianapatrick: I love my friends. I'm very happy to have them. #
- shout out to @magnushagander and others who work on auth systems in #postgres, and other good stuff – http://tr.im/LAal #
- @whateverson same strategy should be applied to women in tech, imo. 🙂 in reply to whateverson #
- @al3x whoa. speedy j flashbacks. haven't listened to that record in 6+ years. in reply to al3x #
- little tiny sparkly things making my day. #
- @janl welcome to the US! 🙂 in reply to janl #
- named new laptop after wu zetian: http://www.womeninworldhistory.com/heroine6.html #
- @bkuhn she was apparently not a fan of freedom, but you know. whatever. 😀 #
- @craigfisk don't know about novels, will check it out. <3 the link. thanks! in reply to craigfisk #
- @bkuhn you say that like marketing is a bad thing 😉 #
- @bkuhn "what it is" isn't obvious. mostly teasing & agree w/u. i just see overuse of 'marketing as evil' when marketing can == better docs #
- @tuss thx! 🙂 we/#postgres wish we had more technical marketing folks. research on gaps in docs would be +1 #
- @tuss LOL. i'll just keep believing that you agree. #
- @jenred eeepc. won't be a primary machine, but good for taking around town, on trips. in reply to jenred #
- @vanden that is amazing. now i have some wikipedia-ing to do on those 🙂 my names are women, names that inspire/amuse me. #
- gonna ride my bike today. *squee*! (day 2: no coffee) #
- @markwkm for sure! #
- re-reading http://tr.im/LGeY [http://tr.im/LGeY] and http://tr.im/LGeZ [http://tr.im/LGeZ] for Thursday's @osbridge town hall #
- cc: @BiellaColeman RT @jennydeluxe: 4Chan founder moot speaking at TED in Feb? That is a talk I want to hear. http://bit.ly/5vKNW2 HT @megan #
- hey @schwa, sorry to disappoint, but I'm a K&R kind of gal. #braces #whatchicksdig #
- @schwa let me have a look at that… >clickity< >click< in reply to schwa #
- trying to inject some fun into the -advocacy threads. likely failing. #postgres #
- OH: "let's implement a markov chain algorithm to periodically come up with new slogans" #postgres #
- OH "PostgreSQL: The Database of Entropic Destinies." #postgres #
- hey @LeTwistedMentat, what about sense of humor? does using Postgres tend to say anything about that? 🙂 in reply to LeTwistedMentat #
- sounds cool. RT @codelikeagirl: Code Like A Girl: raising visibility of women programmers thru pair programming http://www.codelikeagirl.org #
- @mjollnir just think of it as an opportunity to be a supermayor 🙂 in reply to mjollnir #
- must be the #lca2010 high still, but this totally made me tear up: "PostgreSQL – Powerful Freedom" #
- @obra hah! in some cruel twist of fate, i've been unsuccessful in doing a usb-install on laptop so far. strong willed, this one. in reply to obra #
- pxe boot from the mac, ftw! thanks, @obra. #
- Why you should go to LCA2011 – http://www.chesnok.com/daily/2010/01/27/why-you-should-go-to-lca-2011/ #
- @dukeleto i think that would be the perfect place for it. in reply to dukeleto #
- iPad? really? Really? #lulz #
- @auxesis anytime! it rules! in reply to auxesis #
- RT @violetblue: I guess I should be glad that someone at Apple finally grew up and became a woman. #
- RT @lyzadanger: OMG you can opt out of phone book delivery in PDX! http://bit.ly/9et9of (via @keswold) #
- @jkuramot question is: does it fit in your pants? in reply to jkuramot #
- @nerdliness lol! i have so many things to say about that that, well, i just can't. in reply to nerdliness #
- 🙁 RT @BiellaColeman: RIP Howard Zinn, a fine, fine historian http://www.boston.com/news/local/breaking_news/2010/01/howard_zinn_his.html #
- @karolcooks break a leg! 🙂 in reply to karolcooks #
- @acdog likely better off using sqlite for something like that. reasonable SQL standards compliance, meant for embedding. in reply to acdog #
- @acdog what kind of problems are you running into? some tricks include using local sockets instead of network, using schemas not dbs, etc. in reply to acdog #
- @acdog if u wanna dig into details can email same nick @ gmail. interested in specifics. prolly would help others to figure it out. in reply to acdog #
- Talent: not a license to be an asshole — @gorthx #q #
- @acdog re: multiple developers if its possible to know who they are, can use schemas named after devs. pretty efficient, no collisions. in reply to acdog #
- @hypatiadotca dude. got my stuff in the mail Monday. totally excited. in reply to hypatiadotca #
- @hypatiadotca haha that sounds… productive 🙂 in reply to hypatiadotca #
- RT @christiekoehler: Open Source Bridge Town Hall is TONIGHT — 7pm @ NedSpace Old Town: http://bit.ly/aX7mbF (via @osbridge) #
- wanna help #Postgres? Do some proofreading! http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Documentation_Proofreading #
- "drizzle emits protobufs." "they should get that checked out." #lolz #
- more slogans: "Postgres: Who stole my QL?" #
- hahaha! RT @olly Stolen QL located: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc3kGyYyqgQ [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc3kGyYyqgQ] #
- @_karora looking forward to your visit to portland!! in reply to _karora #
- working on slides for @osbridge townhall #
- enjoying adding another shout-out to @kartar. so quotable, that fellow. #osbridge #
- @kartar lots of lovely complimentary things about #osbridge 🙂 in reply to kartar #
- At town hall @osbridge #
- Tonight's @pdxhackathon was epic win.
http://bit.ly/ctRSUI # - @pjf you are an inspiration! 😀 +1 for superheroes. in reply to pjf #
- @schmichael +1 in reply to schmichael #
- headed out for what I hope isn't a three hour tour. #osbridge #
- oh right – blogged about the town hall last night 🙂 http://opensourcebridge.org/2010/01/town-hall-happened-now-what/ #
- kinda sad I didn't make it to #shesgeeky #
- @lizhenry :'( i might come to SF a day early btw. BOAT HOUSE TOUR! in reply to lizhenry #
- @morganpdx we are so on for coffee third #
- amused by the fact that when i mention arduino people ask me "which one?" and all I want to talk about is what i'm going to do with it. #
- @markgross tee hee. it wasn't just you 😀 in reply to markgross #
- @snaga i'm going to replace the controller for my central air system. no more pressing annoying up and down buttons to program it! in reply to snaga #
- @rssenior FTW! that is inspirational! in reply to rssenior #
- Donuts… 🙂 #
- @auxesis thanks for the link! Hadn't seen it but excited to check it out. in reply to auxesis #
- "Coffeesports!" – @dukeleto #
- @timClicks weather's like Wellington — rainy, with bits of sun 🙂 in reply to timClicks #
- @igalko omg. Love it. in reply to igalko #
- OH: we care about your conference experience, that's why we're making you fill out this survey. #
- had marathon @osbridge planning session. Thanks @pdxyogini, @edaypdx, @reidab and @igalko for brain waves and conversation. AND THE CANNOLI! #
- there's a video of our town hall for @osbridge available now at http://osbridge.blip.tv/ #
Monthly Archives: January 2010
twittering on 2010-01-31
- OH: we care about your conference experience, that's why we're making you fill out this survey. #
- had marathon @osbridge planning session. Thanks @pdxyogini, @edaypdx, @reidab and @igalko for brain waves and conversation. AND THE CANNOLI! #
- there's a video of our town hall for @osbridge available now at http://osbridge.blip.tv/ #
twittering on 2010-01-30
- @rssenior FTW! that is inspirational! in reply to rssenior #
- Donuts… 🙂 #
- @auxesis thanks for the link! Hadn't seen it but excited to check it out. in reply to auxesis #
- "Coffeesports!" – @dukeleto #
- @timClicks weather's like Wellington — rainy, with bits of sun 🙂 in reply to timClicks #
- @igalko omg. Love it. in reply to igalko #
twittering on 2010-01-29
- @pjf you are an inspiration! 😀 +1 for superheroes. in reply to pjf #
- @schmichael +1 in reply to schmichael #
- headed out for what I hope isn't a three hour tour. #osbridge #
- oh right – blogged about the town hall last night 🙂 http://opensourcebridge.org/2010/01/town-hall-happened-now-what/ #
- kinda sad I didn't make it to #shesgeeky #
- @lizhenry :'( i might come to SF a day early btw. BOAT HOUSE TOUR! in reply to lizhenry #
- @morganpdx we are so on for coffee third #
- amused by the fact that when i mention arduino people ask me "which one?" and all I want to talk about is what i'm going to do with it. #
- @markgross tee hee. it wasn't just you 😀 in reply to markgross #
- @snaga i'm going to replace the controller for my central air system. no more pressing annoying up and down buttons to program it! in reply to snaga #
twittering on 2010-01-28
- RT @christiekoehler: Open Source Bridge Town Hall is TONIGHT — 7pm @ NedSpace Old Town: http://bit.ly/aX7mbF (via @osbridge) #
- wanna help #Postgres? Do some proofreading! http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Documentation_Proofreading #
- "drizzle emits protobufs." "they should get that checked out." #lolz #
- more slogans: "Postgres: Who stole my QL?" #
- hahaha! RT @olly Stolen QL located: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc3kGyYyqgQ [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc3kGyYyqgQ] #
- @_karora looking forward to your visit to portland!! in reply to _karora #
- working on slides for @osbridge townhall #
- enjoying adding another shout-out to @kartar. so quotable, that fellow. #osbridge #
- @kartar lots of lovely complimentary things about #osbridge 🙂 in reply to kartar #
- At town hall @osbridge #
- Tonight's @pdxhackathon was epic win.
http://bit.ly/ctRSUI #
twittering on 2010-01-27
- Why you should go to LCA2011 – http://www.chesnok.com/daily/2010/01/27/why-you-should-go-to-lca-2011/ #
- @dukeleto i think that would be the perfect place for it. in reply to dukeleto #
- iPad? really? Really? #lulz #
- @auxesis anytime! it rules! in reply to auxesis #
- RT @violetblue: I guess I should be glad that someone at Apple finally grew up and became a woman. #
- RT @lyzadanger: OMG you can opt out of phone book delivery in PDX! http://bit.ly/9et9of (via @keswold) #
- @jkuramot question is: does it fit in your pants? in reply to jkuramot #
- @nerdliness lol! i have so many things to say about that that, well, i just can't. in reply to nerdliness #
- 🙁 RT @BiellaColeman: RIP Howard Zinn, a fine, fine historian http://www.boston.com/news/local/breaking_news/2010/01/howard_zinn_his.html #
- @karolcooks break a leg! 🙂 in reply to karolcooks #
- @acdog likely better off using sqlite for something like that. reasonable SQL standards compliance, meant for embedding. in reply to acdog #
- @acdog what kind of problems are you running into? some tricks include using local sockets instead of network, using schemas not dbs, etc. in reply to acdog #
- @acdog if u wanna dig into details can email same nick @ gmail. interested in specifics. prolly would help others to figure it out. in reply to acdog #
- Talent: not a license to be an asshole — @gorthx #q #
- @acdog re: multiple developers if its possible to know who they are, can use schemas named after devs. pretty efficient, no collisions. in reply to acdog #
- @hypatiadotca dude. got my stuff in the mail Monday. totally excited. in reply to hypatiadotca #
- @hypatiadotca haha that sounds… productive 🙂 in reply to hypatiadotca #
Why you should go to LCA 2011

I returned from LCA 2010 on Sunday with an ecstatic grin, and tons of projects to work on for the rest of the year. I was lucky enough to have End Point send me to New Zealand! I knew a few of the organizers, and had high expectations. LCA totally surpassed them all.
Next year, LCA will be held in Brisbane, Australia. You should really go.
I’ll break it down for you:
* Content
The talks were really good. People went out of their way to talk about the technical issues they are facing without sugar coating it, dumbing it down, or resorting to lists of features.
Ted Ts’o‘s talk on EXT4 development was amazing in this regard. I came thinking that he’d give a laundry list of features, how it differed from EXT3, when he thought they’d be “production ready”. What I got instead was an incredibly detailed accounting of the failures in testing and systems analysis that filesystems developers had encountered over many, many years. The new development effort had its own fair share of bug creation, but they also found long standing bugs in EXT3. He went so far as to break down effort in terms of new feature creation, bug fixing and two other tasks (i wish I had a copy of the slides already!). Anyway, interesting talk, great advice for those who work with concurrency-sensitive applications (most of us these days) and very interesting case studies in failure.
Paul Gunn, an engineer at Weta Digital, gave a detailed talk on his experiences scaling their data centers. Much of the lessons there were fairly well understood by data center engineers (hot/cold aisles, raise the temperature to save some dollars!, don’t cram stuff under the floor where air is supposed to flow!, use high ceilings to sink heat). It’s always great to see companies sharing their practical experiences with developers.
Another fun project I learned about was Sheepdog – an EBS replacement developed by a team from NTT. The whole project looked fantastic – providing snapshot, cloning and thin provisioning, and a reasonable looking GUI. This could be a fundamental building block of free clouds.
I also was inspired by Cucumber-nagios, a relatively new project from Lindsay Holmwood. He and others have been talking about “behavior driven infrastructure“, a great bit of syntactic sugar on systems automation work that started with cfengine in the early ’90s. I look forward to playing around with these tools. And I really like that he leveraged nagios’ existing interfaces rather than inventing something new. This type of collaboration between projects is a breath of fresh air for sysadmins, who (if they’re anything like me) struggle to make awesome new tools talk to the awesome old ones.
I spent some time in an Arduino intro class, soldering and hacking on a temperature probe for a few hours. I ended up with a working temperature monitor and an appreciation for how easy to use the tools are.
* Hallway Track
There was a fantastic common area filled with people hacking on their talks, having conversation or maybe just hanging out to see what would happen next. IRC was full of hilarious chatter, and people connecting to see new babies (my god, so many people have had babies!).
There were also some couches, and a nice courtyard that often filled up with people. The common spaces in a conference seem to determine how well people can connect once they’re not just sitting in front of a speaker.
Another convenient and wonderful aspect of the location was the food. Excellent restaurants at reasonable prices were within a 5 minute walk of the conference venue. This made impromptu coffee breaks and relaxed but productive lunches very easy and enjoyable. I really, really liked this.
* Inspiration
Three keynotes by Biella Coleman, Benjamin Mako Hill and Glyn Moody were inspirational and subversive. All three were rallying cries for a hacker mentality – the drive to tweak, tinker, create and share. All three spoke to the pleasures and joys of software development.
Biella Coleman brought up the origins of the Free Software Foundation, and even played a video of a very young Richard Stallman talking about his frustration with not being able to modify source code. She also discussed the responsibility leaders in free and open source have to be transparent in their management of their projects (and how we remind ourselves of that in amusing ways).
Benjamin Mako Hill gave a rallying talk about antifeatures, and how their existence is a competitive advantage for free and open source software. Pia Waugh gave a detailed description of the talk, and the categories of antifeatures – protection money, market segmentation, securing monopolies and protecting copyrights. A memorable quote was “I have yet to meet a free software DVD player that respects the unskippable DVD track.” Mako reminds me that humor is the best medicine for something that’s seriously broken.
Glyn Moody went a slightly different route – talking about how sharing and openness are leaking out into the rest of the world. The Human Genome Project and Project Gutenburg were two of several examples he used, and to briefly cast a glance at what was at stake if public ownership had not been achieved – in particular with the Human Genome Project. He managed to convey a sense of urgency and importance that is often missing.
What free software actually gets used for and why are critically important stories. We all need to get better at telling compelling stories.
* Friendship
Free software is built on friendships. Trust, willingness to make mistakes in front of each other, and a desire to build on top of others work to make something better are the traits I see among those who collaborate with each other. Building free software can be a painful process – long nights, tedious bugs, no recognition for the work that went into it all. Conferences like LCA are a tremendous affirmation of the work that we all do.
From the scripted get-togethers, to the spontaneous hackfests and anti-scripted gatherings (the un-professional networking session!), all events are attempts to connect to the other people who know what it’s like to live inside of free software. And we relax around each other, make jokes and enjoy for a few days the knowledge that we’re doing something really cool.
I met so many people for whose time and attention I am incredibly grateful for. And, for those Kiwis who took me out for great food, shopping and long walks along the pier in the sunshine — thank you so much for taking the time. I miss you all.
twittering on 2010-01-26
- gonna ride my bike today. *squee*! (day 2: no coffee) #
- @markwkm for sure! #
- re-reading http://tr.im/LGeY [http://tr.im/LGeY] and http://tr.im/LGeZ [http://tr.im/LGeZ] for Thursday's @osbridge town hall #
- cc: @BiellaColeman RT @jennydeluxe: 4Chan founder moot speaking at TED in Feb? That is a talk I want to hear. http://bit.ly/5vKNW2 HT @megan #
- hey @schwa, sorry to disappoint, but I'm a K&R kind of gal. #braces #whatchicksdig #
- @schwa let me have a look at that… >clickity< >click< in reply to schwa #
- trying to inject some fun into the -advocacy threads. likely failing. #postgres #
- OH: "let's implement a markov chain algorithm to periodically come up with new slogans" #postgres #
- OH "PostgreSQL: The Database of Entropic Destinies." #postgres #
- hey @LeTwistedMentat, what about sense of humor? does using Postgres tend to say anything about that? 🙂 in reply to LeTwistedMentat #
- sounds cool. RT @codelikeagirl: Code Like A Girl: raising visibility of women programmers thru pair programming http://www.codelikeagirl.org #
- @mjollnir just think of it as an opportunity to be a supermayor 🙂 in reply to mjollnir #
- must be the #lca2010 high still, but this totally made me tear up: "PostgreSQL – Powerful Freedom" #
- @obra hah! in some cruel twist of fate, i've been unsuccessful in doing a usb-install on laptop so far. strong willed, this one. in reply to obra #
- pxe boot from the mac, ftw! thanks, @obra. #
twittering on 2010-01-25
- @BiellaColeman awww :/ ice cream heals many ills. in reply to BiellaColeman #
- @slyall very nice to meet you! in reply to slyall #
- feeling a bit dazed, inspired, happy. wishing my tribe from #lca2010 had come home with me. #
- OH: "database logging is your friend." amen. #
- @eximious please see: Calgary Stampede for counterexample. #
- plotting upcoming @pdxpug meeting topics. apparently, the OBAMA! meeting was a roaring success. #
- goog still thinks i'm in NZ 🙂 #
- current status: fireflies on water http://flic.kr/p/7ykZz3 #
- @christiekoehler thanks! 🙂 in reply to christiekoehler #
- @eximious LOLZ #
- lolz for the morning: social media suicide: http://www.seppukoo.com/ [http://www.seppukoo.com/] #
- @foursixnine the whole thing makes me laugh. in reply to foursixnine #
- @Mettadore also, kind of good marketing for their project 😉 in reply to Mettadore #
- +1 RT @darianapatrick: I love my friends. I'm very happy to have them. #
- shout out to @magnushagander and others who work on auth systems in #postgres, and other good stuff – http://tr.im/LAal #
- @whateverson same strategy should be applied to women in tech, imo. 🙂 in reply to whateverson #
- @al3x whoa. speedy j flashbacks. haven't listened to that record in 6+ years. in reply to al3x #
- little tiny sparkly things making my day. #
- @janl welcome to the US! 🙂 in reply to janl #
- named new laptop after wu zetian: http://www.womeninworldhistory.com/heroine6.html #
- @bkuhn she was apparently not a fan of freedom, but you know. whatever. 😀 #
- @craigfisk don't know about novels, will check it out. <3 the link. thanks! in reply to craigfisk #
- @bkuhn you say that like marketing is a bad thing 😉 #
- @bkuhn "what it is" isn't obvious. mostly teasing & agree w/u. i just see overuse of 'marketing as evil' when marketing can == better docs #
- @tuss thx! 🙂 we/#postgres wish we had more technical marketing folks. research on gaps in docs would be +1 #
- @tuss LOL. i'll just keep believing that you agree. #
- @jenred eeepc. won't be a primary machine, but good for taking around town, on trips. in reply to jenred #
- @vanden that is amazing. now i have some wikipedia-ing to do on those 🙂 my names are women, names that inspire/amuse me. #
Weekly tweet digest for 2010-01-24
- can tell that everyone is waking up because my network connection keeps dropping 🙂 #lca2010 #
- current #lca2010 keynote: http://www.lca2010.org.nz/programme/schedule/video/_mfc_128 #
- really enjoying @BiellaColeman's keynote. great storytelling, inspiring. #lca2010 #
- in the scaling the weta datacenter talk #sysadmin #lca2010 #
- RT @newsycombinator: Java, Postgres developer job. Location? The South Pole http://bit.ly/6soLaV (cc: @gorthx, @dlangille) #
- weta datacenters run at 25C (suggested was 20C) #lca2010 #sysadmin #
- considering increasing temp to 28C (82F), using water cooling for storage, using DC power #lca2010 #
- enjoying that i actually learned how to convert C -> F yesterday #arduinorules #
- chris king looked at implementing a large-scale cooling system using water. nice to see data centers using it #lca2010 #
- details: a luke-warm water stream would be created for all hvac systems to use & machines to reject heat into #
- details: giant cooling tower located on top of the building for hot water to go into, and cooled water to flow out of (HVAC chiller-style) #
- in data storage miniconf listening to talk on sheepdog, a distributed storage pool system from NTT #lca2010 #
- now showing a video of the UI, node configuration, data distribution map. sheepdog is an adorable name for an EBS replacement. #lca2010 #
- sheepdog is GPLv2, project page http://www.osrg.net/sheepdog/ #lca2010 #
- watching @FallenPegasus present on memcached #lca2010 #
- why not rely on mysql query cache? "it's a hack." heavy write load? "mysql query cache will fail." #memcached #lca2010 #
- @jdub yeah, this in the context of "why not just use query cache and never memcached" in reply to jdub #
- gonna hang out for @fuzzychef's relational vs non-relational talk (includes some categorization I'll talk about tomorrow) #lca2010 #
- just heard a #redis shout-out from @FallenPegasus #lca2010 #nosql #
- no new database design. but we have lots of new implementations, some of which are better! sez @fuzzychef #lca2010 #nosql #databases #
- RT @stewartsmith: @selenamarie, @jdub: the mysql query cache is also single threaded. giant mutex. fail with > 1 core. #
- re:mysql query cache @joshwaihi this seems like a balanced overview: http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2006/07/27/mysql-query-cache/ in reply to joshwaihi #
- just saw @br3nda walk in! #lca2010 #
- "a lot of people don't want to use SQL." sez @fuzzychef. me: but you know what's worse? SPARQL: http://tr.im/KOZ7 #lca2010 #
- @brainsilopdx might be talking with other hackerspace folks here at #lca2010 – anything in particular I should ask them? wellington has one! in reply to brainsilopdx #
- @brainsilopdx ah great! Thanks. in reply to brainsilopdx #
- Lovely lunch with @br3nda, @jarichaust, @emmajanedotnet, @pjf and james 🙂 #
- Gorgeous day! #lca2010 http://twitgoo.com/bymm9 #
- @pjf maybe more general so that we can include more services 🙂 some ideas: "boredom stream" (ppl yr bored with), "drama" (self explanitory) in reply to pjf #
- @pjf AH. hmmm. then your first option is the best 🙂 in reply to pjf #
- @obra @pjf then: WWW::Facebook::Friends::JSON will be sufficient. 🙂 in reply to obra #
- RT @lhawthorn: case study from World Bank on use of #FOSS in Brazil. Slides & summary available from webinar. http://bit.ly/4ovigk #
- headed to data storage for @devdas' talk on refactoring a large postgresql database #lca2010 #
- PT @sigurdmagnusson: #lca2010 tip: nice evening to attend Wellington's free botanic gardens music. Bus/cable car/walk. http://is.gd/6yCy4 #
- kicking it off with a warning about the foot-gun of rules, but they are also awesome. #postgres #lca2010 #
- (also caught the tail end of Arjen Lentz's OQGRAPH talk: https://launchpad.net/oqgraph) #lca2010 #
- @kartar awww. Are you at lca? in reply to kartar #
- "anyone storing IP addresses in VARCHAR fields?" (no hands) Audience member: "liars!" #lca2010 #
- @pjf I feel like we're some kind of hugs delta force. #
- showing the use of rules to respond with an error to INSERTs to perform maintenance (and acquire locks) #lca2010 #postgres #
- love expressed for transactional DDL inside of #postgres http://tr.im/KPKu #lca2010 #
- RT @jonjensen0: Good notes on self-improvement, lack of self-confidence. Why I Feel Like a Fraud:
http://j.mp/7wniNe via @newsycombinator # - trying that again: @lhawthorn +1 how about we try the malaysian place then? http://www.kayumanis.co.nz/Kayu_Manis/Selamat_Datang.html #
- here for cucumber-nagios "behavior driven infrastructure" #lca2010 #
- talking about Mechanize and Webrat (ruby) in relation to http://cukes.info/ #lca2010 #
- @kartar yes! maybe livecasts as well? http://www.lca2010.org.nz/programme/schedule/video/ video probably not up for a few weeks i hear. in reply to kartar #
- showing email from martin england about using cucumber in relation to puppet. Puppet == build, cucumber == testing. #lca2010 #
- (talk is by @auxesis btw #cucumber #nagios #lca2010) #
- shout out for those still "hand rolling" (vs cfengine, chef, puppet) 🙂 it's ok. #lca2010 #
- why do we need these complex tests? traditional monitors (ping/tcp) don't verify the right things. ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS! AMEN. #lca2010 #
- @Ycros heh. context: you can still start using better tools to test your stuff 🙂 in reply to Ycros #
- nice prequel of this talk from @kartar: http://bit.ly/5ODKf2 #lca2010 #cucumber-nagios #cucumber #ci #monitoring #
- @Mettadore aww #blush in reply to Mettadore #
- last link: behavior driven systems monitoring for telephony: http://tr.im/KPZ5 #lca2010 #cucumber-nagios #
- cc: @e_monty RT @emmajanedotnet: Monty srsly looks like Steve Buscemi. I keep looking around wondering if I'm in a Tarantino movie. #lca2010 #
- devdas bhagat talking about the theory of constraints (where's the bottleneck?) in relation to statistics #lca2010 #
- @justindhunter the cucumber-nagios.org site actually has tons of good info. in reply to justindhunter #
- getting ready to give a #bucardo replication lighting talk in the data storage track #lca2010 #
- Make your own dropbox #lca2010 http://twitgoo.com/bzcck #
- project is http://github.com/benbalbo/iiz #lca2010 #dropbox-replacement #
- @TulayFe had to present without slides 😀 in reply to TulayFe #
- oops -> correct link! RT @dukeleto: @selenamarie broken link! did you mean http://github.com/benbalbo/iizip ? #lca2010 #
- DRDB + mysql on the whiteboard! #lca2010 #
- Drbd architecture in progress http://twitgoo.com/bzcxd #
- Guess who thinks we should just have the conference ouside? 🙂 #lca2010 #
- @gnat so, by exactly how many do sheep outnumber people in your fair county? Ps I have a question about a billboard. #
- yeah. guess what rules? flying foxes. #
- @nigelmcnie awwww. 🙂 i did enjoy the weather today. in reply to nigelmcnie #
- getting ready for my talk (11:30 NZ time). but breakfast first! #lca2010 #
- @dukeleto FTW 🙂 in reply to dukeleto #
- OH: "are you insane?" "yes! he works in government" #lca2010 #
- benjamin mako hill on the stage for keynote livestream: http://www.lca2010.org.nz/programme/schedule/video/mfc #lca2010 #
- think about empowerment + autonomy, who controls the technology mediating our experiences? via @mako #lca2010 #
- "open source" created to distance from the principles of "free software", focus on the practical benefits of the dev methodology #lca2010 #
- freedom itself (apart from dev methodology) has inherent practical benefits sez @mako #lca2010 #
- median # of contrib to sourceforge projects is ONE, median # of commits: ZERO. can't really have mass collaboration with yourself #lca2010 #
- antifeatures: a world where user rights & desires come after developers'. result: software with features users hate. #lca2010 #
- antifeatures are an inextricable part of proprietary software development. key advantage of open source software. via @mako #lca2010 #
- Market Segmentation – NT Workstation vs. Server: only difference: one bit in the registry (tcp connection limit switch) #lca2010 #
- "that was 1996, things are much better now, right?" (shows list of Vista products. arbitrary limits on memory/disk this time.) #lca2010 #
- @dukeleto pics will be in the livestream 😉 in reply to dukeleto #
- "there are no dongle facebook fanclubs." #lca2010 #
- "I have yet to meet a free software DVD player that respects the unskippable DVD track." #lca2010 #
- freedom to modify software is the freedom to remove features we don't want. #lca2010 #
- @sabik heh.OF COURSE! in reply to sabik #
- Q: "if we live in a utopia, is there any room for antifeatures?" A: there's room (and people like perverse things). #lca2010 #
- "if a company murders a baby & the worst thing they did was violate trademark law, we have a bigger problem." sez @mako #lca2010 #
- Q: "How do we test manufacturing promises?" A: already have lots of laws that cover this, don't need new ones #lca2010 #
- last minute cramming for #lca2010 talk (t-minus 27 minutes) #
- most of ext4 work has been cleanup and bugfix 😀 -ted ts'o #lca2010 #
- my preferred term for dbench is "random number generator" #lca2010 #tedtso-troll #
- handling running out of disk space is hard. -ted ts'o (2.6.28-29 era had panic-if-out-of-disk issues) #lca2010 #
- on-line defrag had a security issue (could as a regular user write root-owned files). but fixed now! #lca2010 #ext4 #
- had great lunch with Oracle DBAs about how we can use PostgreSQL as a front end, other ways to link OS DBs together #licensecost #lca2010 #
- samba writes in parallel, so found a parallelization bug when early adopter ran backups. testers, FTW! #lca2010 #ext4 #
- @lin_nah thanks so much! I picked it up after lunch. <3 efficient lost and found 🙂 in reply to lin_nah #
- @gnat hah. "advanced banter" looks interesting. in reply to gnat #
- hard to justify business expense for creating a new production-ready general purpose file system #lca2010 #ext4 #
- estimate 100 engineer years have been put into ZFS. did they get a return on that investment for shareholders? -ted ts'o #lca2010 #
- posted slides for #lca2010 talk: a survey of open source databases -> http://tr.im/KWMn #
- Q: where is linux going irt solid-state drive? A: using flash translation layer? probably just have to turn off optimizations. #lca2010 #
- in matthew garrett's "social success" talk #lca2010 #
- linux communities: "it's like the Koreas." -matthew garrett #lca2010 #
- linux community is those who care, and bother to turn up. -matthew garrett #lca2010 #
- "In summary: ***** on my ****" #lca2010 #
- @HybridDBA ideas included stored procs or middleware to have Postgres pass queries it doesn't understand to Oracle (or others…) in reply to HybridDBA #
- slippery slope of eliminating all behavior that might alienate any community members. no consensus on this yet. #lca2010 #
- #protip: search for orson wells outtakes for entertainment -ted ts'o #
- AMEN: "A code of conduct is nothing without enforcement." -matthew garrett #lca2010 #
- fun & code of conducts are not mutually exclusive. the goal is to point out opportunities for positive change (my interpretation) #lca2010 #
- Q: what practical things can we do? A: Point out behavior that's antisocial. Leaders need to do this. #lca2010 #
- OH: 'We /could/ get into an argument about cultural relativism…' #lca2010 #
- @FallenPegasus omg, pls take good notes 🙂 in reply to FallenPegasus #
- inspired by @pjf's talk, sharing the jibba jabber toy with @mjollnir http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jibba_Jabber #
- In search of food #lca2010 #
- awake! debating going to yoga. #lca2010 #
- @BoscoWoo my mind is so not in reality – thought you meant a plane ride at first 🙂 in reply to BoscoWoo #
- @jchris & @amysue: +1 🙂 #
- most thought-provoking talk yesterday was matthew garrett's – 'hostility' is a good word for what we should not want to do. #lca2010 #
- @hdp heh. Made me do a double take on my screen. #
- wandering out of the ustay for breakfast. #lca2010 #
- glynn moody about to take the stage at #lca2010 http://www.lca2010.org.nz/programme/schedule/video/mfc #
- Puzzle from the badges http://flic.kr/p/7xdG27 #
- hackers do recursive sharing – @glynmoody #lca2010 #
- aw. forgot advanced trolling supply. gonna have to stop by ustay before social activities #lca2010 #
- RT @br3nda: This year's lca keynotes have a definite theme of Freedom, rather than high tech. A sign of the state of our world. #lca2010 #
- (inspired by keynote) OH: I need to know a bit more history of projects I really like, clearly. (cc: @glynmoody) #lca2010 #
- "michael hart [accidentally] invented spam." (project gutenburg) – @glynmoody #lca2010 #
- twitter/identi.ca: release early, release often applied to sharing – @glynmoody (applause) #lca2010 #
- we don't have open government, we have "shared source" government a la microsoft: look but don't touch – @glynmoody #lca2010 #
- AMEN! "convey the sense of fun" "you're joyful people" – @glynmoody #lca2010 #
- RT @br3nda: looking fwd 2 #sahana talk by @timclicks, incl the work him & project have done for Haiti this week. http://ur1.ca/kbf6 #lca2010 #
- had fun playing chess with @slyall and @mako at ustay giant chess board last night. #
- live stream about Sahana, Haiti-relief and open source by @timClicks http://www.lca2010.org.nz/programme/schedule/video/illott #lca2010 #
- sms person in haiti sent, asking for help while trapped under a building: http://tr.im/L3JZ #sahana #haiti #lca2010 #
- other humanitarian apps: ubuntu-ngo, openmrs, H_FOSS, inSTEDD, Ushahidi (lots based on cell phone interaction) #sahana #lca2010 #
- #foss is really helpful for disaster mgmt because free as in beer, probably & don't have to worry about licenses #sahana #lca2010 #
- "we can have humanitarian sleeper cells." #sahana #lca2010 #
- yes, @samv #sahana could use olpc machines and they have worked on making the app run on them. #
- had lunch with 10+ hackers from AU and NZ who participate in hackerspaces. making mailing list and will blog soon. #lca2010 #
- meh. twitter <-> identi.ca is failing for me today. #
- watching @fuzzychef announcing NINE POINT OH version of #postgres #lca2010 #
- @emmajanedotnet lolz. it's better than GPS coords in a crowded room! in reply to emmajanedotnet #
- lolz picture of me, tom lane and suzanne in slide deck deck, drinking. #postgres #lca2010 #
- so @fuzzychef is going over the #postgres commitfest: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/CommitFest #
- had mind blown by scriptable window manager stuff for fvwm from @samv: http://insitu.lri.fr/metisse/docs/using.html #
- @timClicks great talk! 🙂 in reply to timClicks #
- Watching @fuzzychef give hot standby demo #postgres http://twitgoo.com/c239h #
- @jenred there is a module for it, but not full support. in reply to jenred #
- Shout outs to @robertmhaas and @turnstep coming up #postgres #lca2010 #
- Feature is EXPLAIN ANALYZE machine readable. May 1000 analysis tools bloom! #postgres #lca2010 #
- @timClicks postgres is written in C. in reply to timClicks #
- RT @sigurdmagnusson with postgres 9 all abuzz at #lca2010, any takers to take SilverStripe on a test drive on it and raise bugs over at open #
- Attending an unexpected and awesome advanced trolling analysis session given by @BiellaColeman #
- Listening to the history of alt.religion.scientology from @BiellaColeman's research. Just had a CotDC reference. #
- Sad I'm missing @pdxpug tomorrow (although its already thurs here) #
- Lulz vs. Moral certitude. Lulz are more effective from a practical perspective. #trolling-research #
- 4chan explanation http://flic.kr/p/7xfvfi #
- Definition of trolls http://flic.kr/p/7xjixQ #
- The politics of spectacle. Stephen duncombe. #trolling-research #
- @joshwaihi sorry i missed your tweet! will be out and about tomorrow night. i'll DM you where we end up tomorrow eve. in reply to joshwaihi #
- On my way to #lca2010 #
- @BiellaColeman sorta sad we won't be having an all-nighter in reply to BiellaColeman #
- @BiellaColeman mid-afternoon would be a good idea… I may require a restorative nap for lunch. in reply to BiellaColeman #
- About to get on stage for a lightning talk about how to fix rigged elections #lca2010 #
- @joshwaihi likely! Will consult sched after my talk in reply to joshwaihi #
- @joshwaihi @webchick awesome! I'm down.. in reply to joshwaihi #
- Sept 13, 2010 pacinet conf in port, vanuatu http://www.picisoc.org, no fee, very close to AU, NZ. #lca2010 #
- RT @sarahsharp I'm up against Tridge, who's a very popular speaker. If you come to my usb3 talk instead, there will be a live demo! #lca2010 #
- Flossmanuals.net in lightning talk. Awesome software and people doing this. #lca2010 #
- @lizhenry he was a bit nervous 🙂 in reply to lizhenry #
- Emergency substitution on origami talk complete with stunt microphone #lca2010 #
- Notmuch email client. It doesn't send or receive email. Inspired by Sup. #lca2010 #
- Mark osbourne, principal. Open source school, 450 students. Can't be free with proprietary software. #lca2010 #
- Now? @pjf and antisocial networking!! #lca2010 #
- "Even though it was gratis we chose to be libre." #lca2010 #
- A small note about that last photo http://flic.kr/p/7xrSbo #
- @BiellaColeman ill try to find u to pick a good time. in reply to BiellaColeman #
- @kattekrab yay! Chess++ in reply to kattekrab #
- Watching sarah sharp take questions about link power management and usb3 #lca2010 #
- Basking in the database trolling from rails guy. 🙂 postgres users DO use rails. #lca2010 #
- 'I'll use your software iff…' can be legit. interested more in how the critical mass was achieved. #lca2010 #
- @sabik indeed. With pointers to docs or psudocode, yeah! in reply to sabik #
- @Mettadore heh ;)RT @justinsheehy Basho is now hiring a developer advocate. Love using Riak & love helping other developers? You know how to in reply to Mettadore #
- RT @justinsheehy Basho is now hiring a developer advocate. Love using Riak & love helping other developers? You know how to get in touch. #
- RT @BiellaColeman: prosthetic arm w/ plastic bottle and blow torch, complex hack. Brilliant part, the screw on at the top of bottle #lca2010 #
- created http://groups.google.com/group/hackerspace-discuss to talk about hacker spaces. pre-populated with #lca2010 lunch attendees #
- recent news about poll fraud discovery in Osun, and one of the IT people I met in Ondo State: http://tr.im/Lawr #nigeria #
- now hearing about accessibility antifeatures from @lizhenry #lca2010 #
- Facebook url http://flic.kr/p/7xrRVD #
- did you know? "the australian government plans to impose a secret censorship blacklist on every Aussie inet connection" -jdub #lca2010 #
- sad to be missing patch review. RT @pdxpug: OH at the PRP: "This is the octothorpe of power." #
- RT @timClicks: #sahana's response to #haiti in the news http://su.pr/1KZXMk – thanks to our volunteers for being so fantastic! #
- woo! @jamey_sharp won the ray gun! #lca2010 #
- rewarding both entertaining poetic email about vegetarianism and excessively exact corrections about power #lca2010 #
- where will LCA2011 be? now we will watch a video. IT WILL BE IN BRISBANE. 🙂 #lca2010 #
- see http://followtheflow.org for #lca2011 #
- decided to chill on couches on the 1st floor of ustay. refactoring pg_standby to have nicer logging. #
- just got trolled by fsf dude. #
- @timClicks its cool. 🙂 maybe i'll kick his ass at chess in a bit. in reply to timClicks #
- @timClicks hah. yeah c'mon over. they have a giant chess board. i don't know how to finish games, but can start them. in reply to timClicks #
- At the postgres booth at open day for #lca2010 #
- @stewartsmith hey! I'm going over there in 15 min! in reply to stewartsmith #
- @lizhenry is he around ? Would love a booklet in reply to lizhenry #
- had a great time at the PostgreSQL booth today for open day. #lca2010 #
- hey @jdub, check out this search for a great list of new version 9 features: http://tr.im/Lhq5 #
- +1000 RT @glynnfoster: What a wonderful week. Wonderful conference. Wonderful people and most of all, wonderful team. #LCA2010! #
- hey @BiellaColeman, check out @lulasweet for some delish ice cream. in reply to lulasweet #