- @sheltren beautiful! 🙂 in reply to sheltren #
- @jenred safe travels! 🙂 in reply to jenred #
- woo! RT @rogoway: At talk w/SAO, @mayorsamadams says OSBridge and OSCON's return were two accomplishments. #
- SUNSHINE! #pdxst #
- OH: "at least it would be quiet in anarctica." #
- @lxt yay! congrats. in reply to lxt #
- @grigs correlation/causation logical flaw there 🙂 in reply to grigs #
- @grigs yeah, that was interesting, and kinda lame. blame the messenger. foursquare/latitudes next? in reply to grigs #
- @schwern what was the alcohol you put into that delicious eggnog? #
- @schwern heck yeah. was making a recommendation to a coworker. in reply to schwern #
- german-speakers: is there a word for "finding a thing right after asking someone for help finding it"? #lazyweb #
- @janl damn. i was so hoping. in reply to janl #
- @janl LOL! now i just need a recording of you pronouncing it! hahaha! in reply to janl #
- twitter is magic 🙂 #
- @StevenWalling and ze frank after elie wiesel? 😉 in reply to StevenWalling #
- @morganpdx i think it was worth it 🙂 in reply to morganpdx #
- @morganpdx how's that bike coming btw? i am eyeing some garage space… #
- @jdub she's got good taste. in reply to jdub #
- @jdub oh wait. Po is a boy name? in reply to jdub #
- today has been full of win. thank you, internet, for new words, a working perl script and sweet music. i <3 you all. #