- congrats to @Simon_Riggs,@robertmhass,Greg Stark & ITAGAKI Takahiro for becoming committers for #PostgreSQL http://tr.im/GV6G #
- uh.. getting 'BRB' when trying to access http://www.dreamhoststatus.com/ #
- @ahockley yeah, this is motivating me to set up that distributed failover i've been meaning to for a while. le sigh. in reply to ahockley #
- first word on the complete dreamhost network outage? OSPF issue. yuck. #
- @qhartman happened about two hours ago, lasted for an hour or so. see: http://www.dreamhoststatus.com in reply to qhartman #
- PostgreSQL Conference 2009 Japan slides and video recordings available! http://www.postgresql.jp/events/pgcon09j/e/program_2 (HT @suzuki) #
- wow! 30 people joining the Winter Coders Social potluck. Gonna be awesome. http://calagator.org/events/1250457765 #
- RT @GEOpdx: Interesting Example of Selection Bias: Mapping SAT Scores http://bit.ly/7MM9I0 #
- it's that time of the year when the tiny hose for getting rid of condensation from the furnace freezes shut. #